Lost and Found

A/N: Hey guys. I'll be updating FwtP soon but this plot bunny wouldn't leave me alone so I started writing and writing and I have almost 3 chapters done. I'll post the next one if this one gets good feedback so review please! Lemme know what you think!


Chapter 1

"Mr. Stark, you have a phone call from Director Fury, he says it's urgent." Percy sighed when his boss simply shook his head, not even looking up from the work he and Dr. Banner were doing. "He's currently occupied, Director, could I take a message?" Percy nodded and "mmm-hmm"-ed to the Director's rant. "Right away, sir." Percy pressed the 'End Call' button and turned to his boss, "Mr. Stark, since you will not answer his phone calls, I have been instructed to tell you that he will be arriving here shortly."

"Mm-hmm, that's great, Perce," Stark still didn't look up from the notes that were sprawled across his desk.

Percy heaved a sigh and ran a hand through his messy black hair. Alright, it was time to bring out the big guns, "Mr. Stark, since you refuse to pay attention to me, I must turn to drastic measures and reveal a large secret I've been keeping," Percy prepared himself to bolt out of the lab's open door, "Miss Potts and I have been having an affair for about two months and were planning on running away and eloping." Tony nodded until what his assistant said actually registered in his mind, he whipped his head up to find an empty doorway. Standing and sprinting out of the door after him, Tony seethed with rage and hurt. After ten minutes of chasing and eluding, he was able to tackle the 19-year-old down in the penthouse living room. He pulled back his fist to give the kid a black eye or a broken nose when he disappeared and his fist connected with the floor. He ignored his stinging knuckles and jumped up, charging the young man who had fled to the opposite side of the room. He froze in place when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. He spun around and came face to face with Nick Fury in all of his one-eyed glory. "Thank you, Mr. Jackson." He nodded to Stark's assistant.

"No problem, sir. Mr. Stark, I apologize for lying to you but I was told to distract you long enough for Fury to arrive at the Tower then lead you out here by any means necessary." Percy straightened his white dress shirt and navy tie.

"Seriously?" Tony said, exasperation and maybe a little relief filled his voice, "I was played? You played me, Perce? I thought you loved me more than this." Tony's wounded face no longer had any effect on the demigod, after the first few times that Percy thought he'd actually upset his boss, he'd ignored it.

Percy rolled his eyes at his immature boss, "Think again, Mr. Stark. As much as I love you, Director Fury is much more intimidating."

"Stark, this is important, we believe HYDRA is planning an attack and we're gonna need the Avengers."

"Cap's old enemies?" Stark strolled to the desk near the windows and pulled up the holographic files on Captain America and HYDRA.

Percy glanced at the clock and saw it was 5 o'clock, "As interesting as this is, I have somewhere to be, so I'll be leaving now. Call if you need anything, Mr. Stark." Percy grabbed his black leather jacket from the back of the couch and left. He walked towards the diner he'd been eating breakfast and dinner at since he began working for Stark. He checked the back pocket of his black skinny jeans to make sure that he had his wallet. He knew that he'd pay for dinner like he always does but it's nice to know that if he stood him up, he'd be able to pay. Percy remembered the first time he'd met him.


The diner was overcrowded and the heat was beginning to creep its way towards Percy, all of the seats were taken except for the one across him in his secluded booth in the back corner of the restaurant. Percy continued looking over his menu even though he was going to order a double cheeseburger and a blue slushie, the same thing as every other day he'd had dinner here. He looked up from his menu when he heard someone clear their throat. His eyes ran up a well-built and very muscular body. He locked eyes with the most gorgeous man he'd ever seen. His dark blonde hair was plastered to his forehead and the thick long eyelashes that framed sky blue eyes held drops of water from the pouring rain outside. Water trickled down the sides of the strong jaw and rolled down a creamy neck that just begged to be kissed. "Hello, can I help you?"

"Would you mind if I sat here? It seems to be the only free seat." He had a deep smooth voice that just matched the gorgeous physique perfectly. The man was wearing a soaked leather jacket and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans that clung to the man's legs and gave Percy an idea of what was hiding beneath the pants. Percy's mouth went dry and he inconspicuously pinched himself under the table to make sure this wasn't some cruel dream his subconscious had created to torture him. When he didn't wake up in his apartment he nodded to the stranger.

"Of course," Percy motioned to the seat across form him. When the man was settled, Percy spoke again, "I'm Percy, by the way, Percy Jackson." He stretched his hand across the table for a handshake.

The blonde grasped his hand and Percy reveled in the warm, firm and callous hand that engulfed his. "Thanks for sharing your booth, I'm Steve Rogers."


Percy had gone back to the diner and sat in the exact same booth every day for the next week at breakfast and dinner. Steve had joined him in his booth each meal and it had become a tradition, Percy pays for breakfast and Steve pays for dinner.

Percy liked to think of himself as an honest person but he knew he was lying to himself when he said his feelings for Steve were strictly platonic. Sure he'd admit there was a slight attraction (who wouldn't be attracted to that?) but it didn't go beyond that... did it? He gave Misty a smile before sitting in the booth where a blue slushie was waiting for him with a Coke sitting across from him. He was lost in the musings of his feelings for Steve and missed the very person he was thinking about sit across from him. "Pe-"What was that? "-ercy?" Percy shook his head. "Percy? Are you alright?" Percy locked eyes with Steve. When the hell did he get here?

"Yeah, Steve, I'm fine. Just thinking."

"You had me worried there, Perce." He gave a small chuckle and a blinding smile to the 19-year-old.

Percy chuckled as well and blushed slightly. Damn Steve and his deep voice straight to Hades. "How's your day been, Steve? You look a little out of it." Percy took a sip of his slushie through the bendy straw that was stuck in it. Steve had made fun of how childish it was which caused Percy to blush in embarrassment and flick him off.

"Yeah, my boss says he may need some extra help, so I may be gone for a few days." This would happen periodically, Steve would be away at work for days and Tony would be on a mission for SHEILD and the Avengers so Percy just lazed around at his apartment that overlooked Central Park. They never asked each other asked each other about their jobs so Percy never knew why Steve was gone so long.

"I'll miss you, Steviekins." He laughed at the middle finger sent across the table and didn't notice the blush on the man's face and the hopeful glint in the bright blue orbs. When he had first met Steve, he was very stiff and polite and it was difficult, but Percy managed to get Steve to finally loosen up and joke around with him. "I hope you have fun." Percy gave a smirk.

"Yeah, it's gonna be so much fun," Steve rolled his eyes at the thought. Misty arrived with their food just then. Misty was a woman of 35 with dyed-blonde curls, deep brown eyes and a Southern drawl. The sky blue dress matched the 50s diner theme Derek's Diner strived for. Derek was the 60-year-old chef and owner of the restaurant.

"Y'all gonna be around tomorrow mornin'?" She asked as she sat down their respective meals in front of them.

"I'll be here, Mist," Percy looked to the muscular blonde seated across form him.

"I may have to leave a little early, but I'll definitely stay long enough for Derek's delicious cooking."

"Alright, well I'll see ya then, darlins." Misty set the check down next to Steve, knowing that they wouldn't order anything else.

The two soldiers dug into their dinner and sat in comfortable silence, allowing clanking, chewing, scraping and slurping noises to fill the air between them. After they had all but licked their plates clean (which they would've done if it wasn't frowned upon by society because Derek's cooking was just that damn good) Misty picked up the check and they exited the small building into the crowded sidewalks of New York City. They walked around to the parking lot behind Derek's to Steve's motorcycle. When Steve had slung his leg over the bike and settled into the leather seat, Percy placed a hand on his friend's shoulder and stepped slightly closer so Steve could hear him over the traffic. He felt Steve freeze underneath his hand. Steve had always acted old-fashioned, so it didn't really surprise Percy that Steve was homophobic. He noticed the strange looks that Steve gave gay couples when they entered the diner and it only reinforced Percy's thoughts that screamed he never had a chance with Steve. He removed the hand from Steve's shoulder and looked down, missing the disappointment that flashed across the blonde's face and the longing look in his beautiful blue eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow, Steve. Be careful." Percy waved to his friend.

"You too, Perce." Steve slipped his black helmet over his head and started the bike. He sped out of the parking lot, leaving a moping Son of Poseidon in the dark to walk to the subway station then to his apartment. Not that Steve knew that, he believed Percy had a car, otherwise he would never let Percy walk home. He began the trek and managed to get off of the subway station at 5th Avenue and 59th Street, a block or two away from his apartment building on Fifth. He noticed the group of men following him back at the station. Can't catch a break. He turned down a dark alley and melted into the shadows, waiting for the muggers to turn down the alley after him. They were obviously drunk, tripping over their own feet and slurring curses afterward. He was a blur when he grabbed the closest man and knocked him out, throwing him behind the dumpster he had taken refuge next to. He continued to do this until only one drunk remained but before Percy could grab him, he was stumbling out of the alley. Percy nonchalantly resumed his walk to his apartment. When he entered his dark living room, he toed off his all black Vans and threw his jacket and tie onto the couch. He slipped into his bedroom and collapsed on the bed, passing out immediately.


"Mr. Stark, Miss Potts needs these signed as soon as possible, meaning now," Percy walked into the meeting room where JARVIS said Tony was. He pulled the stack of forms away from his sea green shirt that matched his eyes and threw them onto the table in front of Tony. His face was shoved in his phone where he was engaged in a heated game of Temple Run. However, not even Temple Run could stop him from nearly dropping his phone and whipping his head up at the very familiar voice question, "Percy?!"

Bright blue eyes met sea green, "Steve!?"