It was Tuesday when it all happened.

Two new people entered this world. Both in very different ways, but with one thing in common.

Tony Stark.

He was the one who was looking down at Steve Rogers when he opened his eyes for the first time in 70 years.

We will come to the other person later.

They became the two most important components in his life. And this is how...

"Heart beat has increased. He's ever breathing for himself again, not bad for a senior citizen." He heard the smooth voice of a woman as he slowly regained consciousness.

"He's a fighter alright, right capsicle?" he felt a hand land on his shoulder.

Howard? Was that Howard? The liquid voice, full of charisma and was no mistaking it.

Steve tried to open his eyes, finding it much more difficult than he remembered. But he managed it, somehow. The blinding white light above didn't help, making coulors flash in his vision. He grunted, trying to raise his hand to shield his eyes.

The two people in the room gasped, and the unmistakable sound of heels clacking against tiled flooring, growing nearer to him.

"Mr. Rogers?" she said, a shocked sound echoing in her tone. "Mr. Rogers, can you hear me?"

The shade from her standing over him allowed him to finally open his eyes fully.

He attempted to prop himself up on his elbows, but receives quick encuoragment from the nurse to lie still.

"You're still very weak, Mr. Rogers" she laid her hands on his shoulders until he was flat against the bed again.

"Whe-" he tried to speak, but wheezed a little. Why was everything so difficult? Things that have always come naturally to him had become challenging.

"Take it easy, Capsicle" there was that voice again. "You've been out of action for a while"

"Where am I?" he maneged to force out, adjusting to life again.

"You're in a treatment facility, near the outskirts of Brooklyn"

He tried again to prop himself up on his elbows, but received the same treatment, being gentle pushed back against the bed until he was flat.

"Why can't I sit up?" he tried his best to sound demanding. If he had been captured, he needed to sound strong, even if he didn't feel it.

"Yeah, why not nurse? Go on, prop his bed up a bit" the man spoke, and you could hear his grin in his voice.

She nodded obidentally, grabbing a remote and pressing something. The bed began rising on its own, adding yet another question to Steves list. But there were plenty above it.

Finally he was able to view the room he was in. White. All white. From the ceiling to the walls to the tiled floor, everything was white. He looked around, finally getting a good look at the people in the room with him. The nurse, a petite woman with blonde hair tied back into a neat bun, was checking some things on the small screens around his bed.

"Hey Steve. Tony, Tony Stark" he held his hand out to the man.

Steve slowly raised his own hand, flinching when it was pulled back. He looked down, realising there was something in the back of his hand attached to a plastic pipe. He trailed the pipe up, realising it was attached to a bag of fluid on a stand. He had seen this once before, well, a make shift version in the barracks.

Tony fliched slightly when the pipe jolted his hand. "My bad" he muttered.

"You know Howard" he said, making it sound like an accusation. "Howard Stark"

"Yeah" he ran a hand through his hair. "My father, if thats what you call it" he muttered the last part. Steve shrugged it off, it was important at this very second.

"Nice to meet you" he tried to raise his other hand, but realised that too had been restrained. Instead he gave a brief nod in his direction.

"Nurse can we get a doctor in here, see if we can get the all clear and move him to Stark mansion via helicopter" he turned to see her staring at him, a little stunned. "Stat" he added.

She nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. They listened briefly to the soud of her heels against the tiles until it faded. Tony turned to face Steve a grin covering his face.

"So, how're you feeling?" he asked, somewhat sincere as he pulled a chair up to the bed and sat on it.

"Tell me whats going on" he demanded. There was something cold in his eyes, something Tony couldn't quite put his finger on.

"Well, you're in hospital" he started.

"I'm aware. Why am I in a hospital?" his stern expression continued as Tony sighed.

"You've been asleep Cap. Asleep for a very long time"

"What, like a few weeks?"

Tony looked up, a serious expression gracing his face for the first time.

"Try 70 years"

A/N: hey guys I've started a new story, I'm sorry. Please let me know what you think so I know whether or not to continue.

Reason to review this chapter:

Did you have an OTP before you even knew what an OTP was? I really loved Mariah x Ray from Beyblade, I think they may have been my first ever ship! /but before I knew, you get me? :P Anyways I'd like to know if any of you had this experience, and if you did, what pairing was it?