Yes I know, it's been a while since I've updated… I'm not even going to make an excuse; I've just been lazy. I'm so very sorry to the followers of this story, please forgive me.

The Sandman wasn't normally one to spy, but he wasn't normally one to plot either. Ever since Jack's mysterious and unexplained transformation, the Sandman had been trying to figure out what the best way was to get the two Pookas together. Sandy sent a trail of dreamsand toward the two sleeping Pookas and began to monitor their dreams.

Ok, now I want you to get this image in your head; a little golden man with the ability to control your dreams, crouched behind a rock in the Warren, with a bewildered look on his face because he can't even begin to imagine how the two guardians managed to get together without any of his help. Hilarious right? Well, Sandy wouldn't agree. He couldn't remember a time when Bunny actually had a pleasant dream on his own accord, nor could he ever remember him being so happy. It seemed that Jack brought out the best side of him and gave his true happiness; something none of the other guardians could have helped him with.

With that final thought, Sandy decided to the let the two sleep in peace because tomorrow was going to be a very long day.


The next morning found Jack waking up to an empty nest and an even more empty heart. Where was Bunny? Jack wondered. He sat up in the nest and looked around while trying to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"Oi mate, you lookin' fer somethin'"

Jack turned toward the voice in shock before smiling cheekily.

"Just wondering where my favorite kangaroo was," he said with a smirk and stood as Bunny began to walk closer to him. Bunny encircled him in a hug and buried his face in Jack's neck.

"You just love callin' me that, don't ya snowflake?"

"More than life itself," he responded. Bunny simply chuckled before pulling Jack in for a kiss. No sooner than the moment their lips met, did a bright light envelope the white Pooka. Bunny shielded his eyes from the light and when it faded, Jack collapsed back into his arms. Bunny opened his emerald eyes to meet sapphire ones, open wide in shock. Jack was back to his older self, mostly. He still had his bunny ears 2but all the fur was gone and he had his human body back.

"Jack, you're back to… normal?" Jack ran outside to the nearest body of water and looked at his reflection.

"Not quite cottontail, but close enough." He said in his usual joking manner.

"We should getcha ta' North's, Frosty"

"No objections there Fluffy."

Two thumps and an underground slide later found the two at the North Pole being crushed in a hug by a very jolly Russian.

"Jack! You have regained your original form!" shouted the Russian. Jack looked at him with an amused expression on his face.

"Minus the ears that is." Bunnymund added.

"Sit my friends, and explain how dis' happened. It may help us determine what has happened."

"Sure North but there isn't really much to-EEK!" Jack was in the middle of taking a seat when he suddenly jumped up with a yelp. He turned his head to see his backside and admired his still present, furry tail.

"Well, I guess I kept a little more than just the ears then." He laughed at his outburst and quickly sat down to avoid prying eyes from examining his underside. When he opened his mouth to finish his story he was once again interrupted, this time by the moon shining his brilliant beams on the boy.

"MiM! You are aware of the situation I assume?"

The moon flickered a response. Yes.

"Do you know what has happened to the boy?"

This time the moon displayed pictures to form a message that only North seemed to understand. When the message was finished, the jolly old man burst into hearty laughter.

"What'd 'e say mate?"

"He says that Jack now has the ability to change between a Pooka and a human. Right now he is in an in between state while the magic finishes taking hold."

"Do we know who did this to 'im?"



"Why, who else could perform such magic? The MiM of course!"

"Why would he do that?"

"He wished to push you and Jack together. It seems that he could also seethe attraction between you two," The Russian gave another full laugh before clapping Bunny and Jack on the back, "Never in a million years would I have thought you two would find happiness in each other but it seems you guys have done just that. Now. If you don't mind, I must get back to work. Jack, you must work to control this new…. ability of yours. I'm sure Bunny would be very happy to show you how your new body works." He said that last part with a twinkle in his eyes and then he was gone, leaving the two alone once again.

Jack looked down at his shoes, his ears erect and attentive, listening for any noise Bunny might make.

"Jack I-"


"Aster" he said, "you can call me Aster. Its my given name."

"Aster, I don't know what to say about all of this." Bunny just laughed.

"Well that's a first," he said jokingly, trying to ease my nerves.

"Bun-Aster, I'm being serious. The MiM basically told us that he wants us to be together, and I want us to be together but I don't know how you feel about all of this." Again Jack's gaze returned to the floor as he tried to emotionally shy away from Aster.

"Snowflake," he cupped his chin with his paw and guided his face up to look at him, "I will commit myself to you if that's what it takes to assure you that I love you and you only. This gift that the MiM has given you is just another reassurance that we belong together. Jack, I love you." At this point Jack was tearing up and he threw his arms around the older guardian, burying his face into his neck.

"I love you too." He mumbled into his neck. Aster hummed in approval.

"That's good to hear Jackie because now that I've got ya', im not ever lettin' ya' go."

Ok that's it, im done with this story. I hope this was satisfying enough because it was hell to write. Leave me a review with your thoughts. Love you guys ;)