AN: The idea came to me after reading a drabble on tumblr and I just went with it. Review and tell me what you think.
The mission was over. Jaime was taken off mode and the Reach vanquished. Bart knew what was going to happen next. But not before he saw Jaime one more time."
Bart ran as fast as he could to El Paso. Not even bothering to use the front door, he just ran up the wall to Jaime's room.
Jaime was fast asleep looking so at peace. Bart couldn't help but stare at the sixteen year old Hispanic boy.
The scene brought unwelcomed tears to his eyes.
He could feel himself disappearing, little by little. All the emotions that were bottled up in him from day one just sprang out.
"I can't believe this is happening. Well I have been expecting it but never expected it to hurt this bad."
Saying it aloud just made him cry harder.
"When I came back I hoped you would as vicious as Blue Beetle from my past. Except you were sweet and nice, a little weird too. I just hoped it was all an act so when you did betray us it would make it you."
Bart's tears somehow lessened and his mind got cloudier the more he was disappearing from this time line.
"When I heard you where put in mode I thought that I would have lost you and have to carry out my original mission."
Bart lowered his hand slowly so not to wake Jaime up. Moved his bangs from his face, Jaime was going through a faze deciding to grow out his hair and it looked amazing. Bart was totally surprised that he could pull it off.
Bart realized his mind wandering and snapped out of it before he couldn't finish what he was saying.
Bart moved his hand to Jaime's cheek cupping it, using his thumb to whip off a tear that rolled off his and landed on Jaime.
"As time pasted I grew to love you. More than I could have ever imagined."
Bart leaned over close to Jaime's head, his lips ghosted over his love's and whisper so no one could ever hear the sadness in his voice, "Please don't forget"
Bart closed in the gap leaving his lips on the sleeping boy's as he disappeared, as everything about him was erased from this world. Leaving Bart to the darkness where he would never return.