Chapt 22 The Beginning

Death chuckled for a moment as they watched the Lady of the Light approach after everyone left. "It's really up to her at the end. She is the Veil you know, and you are privileged not to see the flapping curtain drawn across an arch of stone , but the True Veil."

DEATH bowed before moving aside, hearing the White Lady speak. "Severus and Hermione Snape, what shall I do with you?"

The White Lady sighed. "I have never had any trouble sorting in the Veil to you two came along. Oh yes Severus, you with my Destiny is mine to manipulate and at the end you could not, could you?"

Severus hung his head low. "No My Lady. Hermione held my destiny in her hands alone. I had no control of it."

"Very wise of you to realize it Severus. Was it because you died t you realized it now?"

"Now you both stand, here at your DEATH while he awaits direction. Witch of Light and Wizard of Dark, mingled together and saving the day, so to speak."

The White Lady placed her hand on the Alter. "Your essence is in this Alter, making the Majiks stronger for those who wed her under my watch. Very powerful Majiks indeed as never had I one so immersed in Darkness and one so in tuned with the Light."

"Time is placed at a point as it should be. There are no do overs. You both understand this?" She gently asked.

"Yes." Both responded at once.

The DarK Man appeared next to her and Severus shuddered knowing what that meant with the true Dark Lord standing next to the Lady of White.

Turning to Hermione, he took his wife's hand. "I'm sorry Hermione. Nothing can redeem me of what I was in the past. The True Lord of Darkness is before us and I know he is here for me."

DEATH spoke. "An honor Severus Snape that he come for you instead of me bringing you to him."

"I do not feel honored for some reason. I changed! I made penance with myself and I helped defeat the Dark Lord twice! All for the Greater Good! Does that make a difference? Does it mean anything here at the end?" Severus snarled out, wrapping his arm around Hermione.

The Dark Lord chuckled. "You had a good witch, one of Light at the beginning and what happened to her? Big deal that you defeated Voldemort a second time. Did you do it for yourself this time as that was exactly what happened the first time with Lily Potter? You are a selfish wizard after all."

"Severus!" Hermione cried out when he felt him pull away from her.

Severus walked a few steps away and fell on his knees, and sobbed, translucent tears falling down across his large nose.

The Dark Lord laughed while the White Lady was looking quite remorseful. Hermione noticed that and ran to where Severus was and placed her hand upon his shoulder, looking to the White Lady defiantly. "I go with my husband. Be it Hell or Heaven I will accompany him!"

The Dark Lord grabbed up the White Lady's hand and held it tightly for a moment before releasing it. "Those two will make more trouble for me in my realm than what their souls are worth. I'll leave it up to you Wife." Disappearing in a blend of fire and smoke.

The White Lady sighed when her husband left her to deal with the anomaly. "One who is worthy of entering my Veil and one shunned by his Master to leave me to deal with. Hermione Snape, will you come with me?"

"No Lady, I will not. I go where Severus will go."

"That will leave you both in the land of the in between. You will be Ghosts if this is what you decide Hermione. Come with me and it will only be him. Take your rightful place in the Veil and join your friends."

Severus stood up and pushed Hermione toward the Lady. "Do it Hermione. Join your friends and feel love in the afterlife. One that I am not allowed to enjoy. Forget me as all I always wanted was to have you safe. Everyone safe despite the time meddling. You do not need to share my punishment."

Hermione turned to him. "And what about you? Left as a Ghost and no one that loves you. I think not." Turning to the White Lady. "I will always love him and if I have to be a Ghost beside him, then so be it!"

Hermione grabbed Severus's hand. "You know what I want so judge us!"

"Very Well Severus and Hermione Snape!" Holding her hand out and a whit light pushed forth and enveloped them.

DEATH watched the two disappear. "You've never done that before Lady." He reproached her.

The White Lady remained silent for a moment. "No but they did not deserve the Hell of being a ghost for eternity. I think Severus Snape deserves a second chance."


Sebastion Snape looked at the empty hall getting ready for the return of students to Hogwarts. He turned to his wife who stood beside him. "Thinking of your Mum and da?"

"Always. I hate it that when everything came back and the Dark Lord dead that they would want me to fill my Father's shoes. I only did it because I was sure I would find them here." Sebastion sighed out. "I was sure that they would be made ghosts and stuck here. Eleven years I have waited and our own son William will be joining us here. I think that I will resign after this term has ended. I spent enough time waiting for them here." Leading his wife to the Head table and sat down next to her as his fellow professors began to sit at their place.

Hagrid led in the First Years, carrying and stool and placed a hat on the stool and stood waiting.

The battered brown hat began to sing.

"Another year for most of you."

"Repeat some years for two of you."

"Houses are what they are and you know my tune so let's Sort those two and begin anew!"

Hagrid picked up the still hat and began to sort the first years.

Sebastion paid no particular attention to it until he felt his majics tingle and watched a taller boy sat on the chair. He had long black hair and he seemed very familiar to him. He leaned forward, suddenly interested in what the boy would be sorted in.

"Gryffindor!" The hat shouted out.

Sebastion made note of the name of the boy. Severus Jennings.

Sebastion felt excitement recognizing the majics exuding from the boy and he turned his attention to the rest of the Sorting, waiting for a certain witch.

Ah there she was at the end, watching the hat fall down on the young girls head, the hat twitching for a few moments.

"Slytherin!" That hat shouted out.

Sebastion watched young Hermione Zana walk to the Slytherin table, warmly greeted by the students at the table.

Oh gods, he was sure by the majiks that those two was his Mum and Dad. He grabbed his wifes hand under the table. "I'll think I will remain here for a few more years."

His wife whispered back. "You recognized them?"

Sebastion smiled. "I think this year will be interesting."


First year Severus Jennings knew who the witch was as soon as he was sorted and rushed to her as she was walking away with the older students of Slytherin House.

"Do you remember me Hermione?" The young boy asked.

Severurs's heart lifted when the young girl with brushy hair turned to him. "I do and don't mess it up like the last time you were here as a student. We'll tell the Headmaster in a few years in case he has not figured it out already."

The both looked to where Headmaster Sebastion Snape looked to the two First years and waved his hand and winked.

Severus waved back and turned his attention to Hermione. "No need to. I think he already knows."

That's it and wrap. I hope you enjoyed the series.