
What Desperation Does


Sorry Doesn't Do Anything


Oliver has been ignoring her.

Mai supposed it was a result of her embarrassing confession. For now, she had too much to deal with anyways.

Hikaru would walk in; Mai would walk out. If Hikaru came into the room, Mai would go to the next. If Hikaru needed to eat, Mai would suddenly be full. It was like playing a psychotic version of hide and seek. The flash of predatory humor in his eyes didn't make sense- she wasn't trying to be funny. She was trying to avoid an aneurysm.

Mai admitted what she was doing was pointless; the man had enough supernatural prowesses to create a typhoon in the next city, but it made her feel a little better and he seemed to be allowing it for now. The brunette had gotten through helping set up cameras in the small castle the case was situated in, thermo's and other equipment placed, rooms assigned and unpacked for every member with this evasive strategy.

Now there was nothing to do but lazily watch Oliver and Lin work in the base like she used to, leaning against a fogged windowsill with her legs curled under her. It rained a lot in England.

"Ne, Naru?" She sleepily questioned and there was a long pause in which she supposed Oliver was waiting for her to continue, and where she tried to force him to answer by staying completely silent and trying to hide a grin.

He stood up to walk up to his bookshelf.

"Naru." She waited. Please, please let me in again.

Oliver sighed, snapped the book he was holding closed. "What is it, Mai."

Oh how she loved pushing his buttons. "Do you and your father work together? In your para-psychological research I mean?"

"I used to work under Martin but as I grew older he gave me free reign to study what I want. Though I occasionally do work with him still." Obviously he meant not many people he worked with were smart enough for him.

"So.. How do you do research on people who say they have supernatural powers?" Maybe what the agency put her through was normal..

He finally raised his eyes to meet hers and saw interest quietly gleaming in them. Mai felt so much pride for him; this was his work they were discussing after all. "In most cases we investigate their family history then observe them in a sealed environment and monitor every bodily state; blood count, somatic cell count, nerve activity by Electromyographies, EEG's and CT's-"

"So you never touch them?" She swallowed, becoming nervous.

"No." He took in her lowered eyelashes for a moment. "Why?"

She tried to look casual but her hands were grasping her skirt too hard. She badly wanted to ask this question but didn't want to know the answer. "Just wondering, I'm thinking of getting the same degree after I graduate. Also um.." She ran a hand through her hair and flicked the TV on to avoid looking at his face.


"Say their power temporarily doesn't work or you think it isn't progressed enough, or you want to try to add powers- do you ever force it? Say.. with pills or.. injections? " TV, TV, focus on the TV. "I read about someone doing something like that." She added.

"Never. I'm not even sure if that's possible." His rustling had stopped but she didn't turn to him.

"Thank you, Naru."

"..Mm." Not possible, huh? Well damn her &^%$# luck.

Ayako and Takigawa loudly walked in, laughing over something and for once not arguing. "Naru-bou, have you spoken to the owners yet? I didn't see anyone throughout the entire place!"

"And Masako and her bratty partner hadn't felt anything yet." Ayako helpfully added.

"What's the story for the case?" Takigawa smiled fondly at Mai and came to take a seat beside her.

"I'm waiting for the reports back from everyone, then I will fill you all in." Masako walked in then, and informed Oliver-kun that her partner still wanted to double check a few rooms and would be with them soon.

"Still didn't feel anything, Masako?" Ayako gave the medium a smug look that Lin sighed in silent suffering at.

"I wouldn't have told you that I didn't if I did." Ayako's smug look dropped. "What about you, Mai?"

The said girl blinked back confusedly to the group that was starring at her expectantly. Well, all but Oliver of course. 'Sigh..'

"Do you still get those dreams, Jou-chan? Or do you sense anything?" Takigawa rephrased, squeezing one of her small hands in his own.

"It's understandable if you don't. Sometimes latent psychics experience a burst of power which can fade after a while to something smaller." Oliver said without turning to her, reminding her of the conversation they had shared. This time, she was left feeling a little offended though.

They obviously weren't expecting her to be able to do anything note worthy, and the irony of their pitying looks made her want to face palm a thousand times. 'Do I even still dream? Are they kidding me?' They could at least expect that of her.

"I still do, but I can control them better now." She said, and left it at that. 'Jerks.'

However, Oliver was now looking at her like a science fare project. "What do you mean by control?"

Mai curled into herself a little- that had been the exact question the agency had asked her when she first went to them.

-"I need help to.. control everything. I can't sleep, I can't go to school. I can't stop seeing bodies."

"Please expand, Taniyama-san. What do you mean by control?"-

"I'll tell you if I do see something." She cut both the conversation and the thought off with a smile, but it was a lie. She hadn't dropped her control on the block she always forced for the day-visions because her 'animal instinct' was screaming at her about this case; she didn't expose herself to anything until she knew more about it.

"So then she lost them." Masako and Ayako teased haughtily while Takigawa gave them the evil eye for bothering his kitten.

Oliver studied her for a few seconds longer, before Aoi and Hikaru sauntered in and caused everyone to look at the flirty French woman and emotionless blond. "Report?" Oliver leaned back in his seat and Mai suddenly felt like she could breathe after his eyes left her.

Once everyone settled, Oliver told everyone what was going on at the castle- common things; poltergeisting, shadows, dead animals, and pranks, the largest importance was that the tiny castle was a summer home for the current Queen of England.

Mai was slightly taken aback. Her gut reaction was that something was terribly wrong, but if that was all then perhaps her animal instinct had picked up on something that wasn't related to that case. It made sense- she had been on overdrive since seeing Hikaru, and with him starring at her the way he was now she could barely stop herself from jumping out the 5 story high window. It was probably him she had been sensing.

It was a miracle that he had decided to choose the seat furthest from her; perhaps he also felt the dark power she was struggling with, pulsing savagely just under the confines of her restraints.

"ai-? Mai?"

The brunette snapped up and subtly tried to hide a little behind Takigawa's arm connected to his hand that was still comfortingly squeezing her own. "Ah, sorry Bou-san! What were you saying?"

"Well, Naru-bou and I were wondering if you could go to sleep now!" She deadpanned but it just made his toothy grin wider.

"And why would I need to do that?"

"For information gathering obviously! Maybe working with SPR again can give another burst to your powers to make them work again.."

Face palm. Face palm. In her head of course. "I meant that I don't need to be asleep to see them anymore! Look." She bristled, feeling very much like a hissing kitten and dropped her shield over the day-visions to watch the scenery blend and change-

Mai paled and shifted to hesitantly stand onto small, slippered feet. "Um, Na-Naru.. Did the owner mention anything about any deaths?" She asked breathlessly, unseeingly looking past her surprised coworkers to the groups of children holding candles and sipping from cups of black water, emotionlessly watching a hooded figure behead them one by one.

When she stepped closer to Oliver, she was stepping in puddles of blood.

"No." He said, and it was the most surprised she'd ever heard him. It made her shy. "What do you see?" He said slowly, and she caught Hikaru's smug look in the back of the group; he had been her teacher of course.

"A lot of children.. About 26." Another young head was sliced off and the number suddenly became 25. "There's someone um.. killing them over there." She pointed right next to Ayako who immediately shuffled over to Lin, which was so silly she couldn't help giggling.

Ayako looked at her like she had gone completely insane and perhaps she had. "You find me being afraid funny?"

Mai felt momentarily horrible, like she'd done something very wrong. "I'm sorry Ayako! It's just that- I guess I got used to- well, it took a long time for me to be able to shut them off."

"Zees is impossible. Hara-san and I don't see anysing!" Aoi huffed, disgruntled in how Oliver was paying such attention to the brunette and their growing proximity as he slowly walked towards her.

"I don't see spirits." She fidgeted uncomfortably, "Just the past. Like in my dreams, but I'm awake."

"What's happening?" Oliver sent a glance to Lin who began typing. She wasn't sure if she wanted his attention now though. She felt slightly like a freak.

"Th-the children aren't afraid.. They look sort of hypnotized actually. They're holding candles and a black liquid they drink right before he…" Another head was slashed off. "Um.. You're getting some blood on you Masako." The girl simply gave her a look like she didn't even believe Mai was telling the truth. "It looks like some cult ritual. Also, there was a suicide beside you Mizu-san, their clothes look like they were alive in the 1800's though, the group of children look more mid-evil period? I think? So they're older."

Oliver immediately directed almost all the members to groups of two for different tasks who seemed upset to be leaving without questioning Mai, and then when it was just them, he turned to her with a very predatory look that sent shivers up her spine and flutters to her stomach. "You and I are going for a little walk, Mai. Around the whole place."

She sighed. 'Way to ruin the mood Naru.' But hey, at least they were alone.

Lin joined them with a recorder. 'Ok, well, almost alone.' She grabbed her jacket from a pool of vision blood and smiled exasperatedly.


A couple hours later, Mai stumbled behind the two Englishmen back into the base with throbbing legs and a throbbing brain- being (almost) alone with Oliver would be more satisfying if he wasn't even more aggravating then she remembered him to be.

On one hand, at least he wasn't ignoring her anymore..

But honestly, it's like he was trying to rile her up! No one could get her that angry that many times in 5 minutes flat. He had to be trying.

Just thinking about it was turning Mai into a fire breathing dragon, so after a last pout in Oliver's direction, to which he simply raised his eyebrow and let his eyes trail down her face and across her body in a way that left her completely red, she sputtered and retreated to Takigawa's arms.

"Kitten!" He greeted, giving her a hug. Which slowly became a squeeze. Which slowly became murderous and cut off her air supply. "Why didn't you tell me about this secret amazing, super cool power update?!"

"B-Bou-san! I'm sorry!" She tried not to laugh incase it made him more angry but she couldn't remember a time she was more happy in the last half a year. "I didn't think it was that important!"

"Hm. And by the way what was that with Naru-bou over there." His eyebrows were wiggling faster than a laundry machine and she stopped herself from telling him not to hurt himself. His hint was more than obvious without the distracting wiggling.

"He was telling me how disgustingly messy my clothes are in his own way."

"Right, that's exactly what it looked like from over here." Ah, sarcasm.

"What else would it be though?" She asked, her doe eyes genuinely confused.

He looked at her for a few moments, and then she suddenly found herself back into his arms and being squeezed to death. "My innocent angel! Don't worry, Bou-san's here to protect you from the world's perverts!"

"B-Bou-san! Stop!" The laugh actually bubbled out of her this time; Takigawa was so weird.

"Ahem." Oliver interrupted with that velvet smooth voice.

"Pervert." Ayako smacked Takigawa's arm.

The only thing Mai had noticed was that there were an extremely high number of suicides directly around the room she had seen all the children slaughtered- the room which just happened to be their base.

Oddly enough, the rooms in the rest of the castle were empty of any memories of deaths and Mai had found that very disconcerting; that had never happened before. Death was part of life; she usually saw it in almost every room. It was almost too quiet, and she had told Oliver as much.

Sitting among them and discussing these things with them, and the random arguments- it all made Mai feel like she was coming out of her self-imposed shell and she quietly sat back to happily watch them all try to speak at the same time as they argued over an idea.

That is- before Hikaru walked in the room looking extremely angry and his anger had her snapping out of her seat and out the door like the room had caught on fire, already scared.

His blue-violet ice shards had a menacing gleam under the blank look he was trying to pull over them, but she knew him too well.

"I'm getting tea!" She shut the door and basically ran to the kitchen, not able to stop shaking until she had the door to the room shut and locked as well, and her aura expanded the thinnest it could possibly be to track everyone's movement in the house.

The darker power she was afraid of bubbled under her skin and reminded her how much destruction it could cause before she shoved it back roughly.

For a moment she looked aimlessly at all the buttons on the high tech stove. 'What is he doing here? What's he waiting for? Why was he playing with her?' She stopped in realization; feeling like a target was pinned on her vulnerable back while she waited blindly in the dark. '..Is he waiting for more people to arrive?'

She shoved everything in her mind aside, concentrated on her breathing and rummaged the shelves to find a gorgeous and very expensive looking tea pot, along with some obviously pricey tea leaves that were apparently shipped from Africa if the label was telling the truth.

'Ouwa! Arigato, England-Queen-sama!'

Her gloves got in the way of her work, so deciding that her wounds had healed enough she slipped them off for the first time in weeks and hid the bandages under tissues in the trashcan with relish before continuing her work.

'Oliver's going to love this.' She smiled contentedly, finally calm again as the soothing smell curled around her.

The door behind her swished open and her hair stood up on end. Technically there shouldn't be anyone else here- her aura wasn't sensing anyone else behind her. Yet there were footsteps.

And- and hadn't she locked the door?

"Oliver?" She quietly asked, although she already knew who it was. Her eyes were fixed on the tea pot to avoid turning around.

"Usagi was it?" Hikaru emotionlessly mocked and Mai squeezed her eyes shut as tightly as she could. "Do you even understand how much trouble you're in?"

She didn't reply and that suited him fine too- he didn't bother with threats, just a wave of supernatural energy that slammed her into the table, breaking one of its legs and smashing a chair into pieces.

Mai woozily made it to a wall but her legs weren't working and she slid down the wall instead of running for it. 'Get up!' She hazily watched a pair of feet walk into her vision and a familiar pair of hands wrapped around her throat tightly before slamming her head again into the wall. And again. And again.

"St-op!" She mewled feebly, and latched onto the first thing her mind made up. "Th-there are cameras everywhere!"

He didn't even blink at that and fisted her hair to yank her head viciously back. "We're in the blind spot." He murmured, making Mai's blood run cold. "And I have a message." He whispered, brushing against an ear lobe and pulling her turtleneck down to trace her rope burns with cold lips.

In defiance she allowed some of the dark, destructive power out and shocked him away from her but had to pull it back before it grew out of control. His blank look finally dropped and he furiously stepped closer back to her limp body.

"Wait-s-stop!" She held up a hand, trying to reason past the dizzy spell and possible concussion. "You can't take me back there; you don't know what he wants us to do!"

"He's my adoptive father. I know exactly what he wants. It's the reason he adopted me." His supernatural energy wrapped around her like air and she couldn't move. "And he wants to adopt you too, imouto-chan."

"I would rather die." Her voice wavered and her heart pounded ruthlessly, but she focused on the anger like an angry goddess on a war path. Anger was good, anger made the fear go away.

"Oh, don't worry." Though he had just proclaimed her as his 'imouto', his lips were tracing the lines of her neck again, and a hand had slid her shirt higher to possessively latch onto her breast and squeeze so jealously- "You are going to be beaten to an inch of your life."

"Kajimaru, stop!" She thrashed with her mind and soul against his supernatural restraints, and then came up with an idea. "Ok, ok.. I'll go back with you." Mai panted.

Hikaru bit her lip, not sexually; he aimed to really hurt her, and blood slid down both their chins.

"Just tell me what you want." Her defensive nature finally left her, just like he wanted, although her cat shaped eyes glared at him unforgivably, exhaustedly.

"I. Want. You. When I see you with that Davis I just get so-" Mai cowered as his tone became more and more menacing, more homicidal. He kissed her again; though she kept her mouth stubbornly closed off and tried turning away. Her heart twisted and died and cried since she wouldn't allow herself to do so outwardly.

She would rather his lips make her bleed, for the hand caressing her stomach to be scratching her skin away. She never felt more like a used, useless girl.

"I have orders to take you back to my father tonight. Oh. And this is a message from my father for destroying his building." A palm clasped over her mouth and before she could comprehend what he was doing the tip of a dagger was slowly stabbed into her torso-

Her scream was muffled by his fingers and she literally wasn't able to take another breath as the knife dragged across her stomach unhurriedly.

"I was like you too Mai- my gift was growing too fast too, that's how the agency found me. We never find them unless they want us to you see. And you have so much power Mai," He nuzzled her neck while he did this. "Everything just draws to you because of it. But you're mine, aren't you?"

"I'll- go- b-back. But not y-yet- my power is too out of c-cont-rol. Even more than b-before." The brunette choked out through mind numbing pain. "Teach me again, then I'll willingly go back after I g-gasp-graduate."

The dagger was finally pulled out. "Deal." She was shaking too hard, and even he worried if she had lost too much blood. "But you will be living with me so I can keep tabs on you, and I will home school you as well. You will not need to go back to classes."

She stayed silent, not daring to look at him for fear that he would read the plan in her eyes; of how she was just buying time until she could take down the whole agency to hell with her if she had to.

"Now, now. Be nice. There are others I can go play with in the next room if you don't mind your manners." He smiled for the first real time since she met him, really smiled at her helpless tears, and she kept the defiant glare on the floor just to spite him. "This is going to be fun. Like old times." She never hated someone so much in her life.

The tea pot finally whistled, and she couldn't believe all that had just happened had only been a couple minutes, long enough for tea to boil.

She felt as tired as if she had been running for hours. The Mai that had been laughing with her coworkers a little while ago seemed like a different person she had passed by months ago.

Hikaru sighed, as if he was being averted from playing with his favorite bloody, trembling toy and left her to walk to the stove and finish preparing the tea.

"What are you doing?" She quietly and angrily shuddered out.

It was becoming cold..

"I'll finish this and tell them you.. fell ill. You have to clean yourself." He turned to pierce her with the violet-blue ice shards of his eyes and walked back to wipe the blood on his dagger off onto her shirt. "Last thing-"A package he slipped out of his coat was dropped carelessly in front of her. "-Take this as a warning. Don't try anything funny."

He picked up the tea tray and left as the broken table and chair reconstructed itself and aligned back under the chandelier, locking the door behind him.

As soon as he left his power let go of the tight restraint it had around her and she limply collapsed into the puddle of blood she had made, weakly taking her shirt off to stuff it against the wound though it quickly turned red.

Mai felt panic flare at the quick amount of blood she was losing and tried to get up but slammed back down onto her elbow, breathing roughly. As she landed, her hand rested onto the envelope he had left for her, and with trembling fingers opened the flap to take out the first picture.

Test subjects 6432 to 6440. All failed.

It was a picture of some friends in her high school in Tokyo; Usagi, Michiru, Keiko- along with some reluctant friends she had made in her work place in Hokkaido huddling together in the same white scrubs.

'What.. What the hell is this?' The sudden adrenalin rush forced her to sit up and she emptied the contents of the package all over the red-smudged floor. The next pictures were worse then the one before- one injection with black liquid being forced into their veins, their dead bodies as a result, her-

Her apartment in Hokkaido- with dead bodies strewn everywhere and being set on fire-

She recognized it; she had watched this while it happened, seen it when she astral projected and thought it wasn't real though she had cried not even knowing why she was crying.

'Oh God!' She scrambled up and vomited into the sink until her stomach heaved emptily.

Mai hugged her head in her arms and sobbed from her heart and soul, shaking with every cry she tried to muffle into her bruised arms.

They had families, and futures, and people who loved them and-

She twisted back to the sink and her stomach heaved even harder though it was empty.

- they died because of ME!

Mai tugged at her brunette locks but couldn't stop crying.

Trembling disbelievingly, she cleaned the sink and floor and had to stop many times when her sobs shook her frame too harshly and she lapsed back into coughs.

This was the breaking point- this was too much. They had to pay. They could do whatever they wanted to Mai, but bringing innocent people into this-

Killing them because of her mistakes; she would never forget this.

Her destructive power swirled around her, pulsing in patient furious anger, and it was all she could do to keep it down. As she distantly washed her trembling hands she caught a reflection of her face in the shiny surfaces and saw a flash of the black alien eyes instead of her own features and shied back in surprise.

The door rattled, surprising as well, "Mai, are you still here?" Ayako called, "Are you feeling well sweetie?"

Her power lashed once again at her restraints and she crumpled to the floor, desperately bunching the pictures together and stuffing them back into the envelope, barely listening to Ayako ask if she were there once again.

'I have to get out of here.' She stumbled, holding back the hurricane of power but phased through the wall.. Then phased her head back in to concentrate on the kitchen lock and heard it click open before she disappeared once again to reach her room.

Tears were slipping silently down the curve of her face as she clutched the envelope harder to her one last time and shoved it under her covers along with the bloody shirt, grabbed a stray new sweater and phased completely out of the house.

Her power was starting to leak out of her control, and with her mind distracted, her hold was even worse than usual- the second the sun hit her skin trees cracked in half, pebbles and large rocks near her catapulted into the sky and the world tornado'd around her.

Mai took a deep breath, clutched the knife wound on her stomach, and ran as fast as she could into the forest.

More and more of her power leaked out from her hold and destroyed anything it touched or in her way, but she forced the burning miasma back as best as she could until, yards away from Hikaru, the envelope and her family, she found a part in the forest where the ground deepened and gave way to something like a chasm, which she stumbled into without another thought and completely dropped the block on her emotions and mind and just finally let go of everything.

"I'm sorry!" She screamed helplessly, tears streaming and clinging to the thick lashes around the black monstrosities. 'I'm so sorry!'

The sobs that shook her to the core spurred her power on, and even the clouds bent to their will and covered the sky ominously.

Drops of water suspended around her from a nearby trickling stream along with the tears that fell off her face, rocks and trees exploded or where pulled into the tornado, and Mai..

Mai sat uncaring of it all in the center, her pitch black eyes murderous and hopeless all at once, unable to believe how many people had died because of her.

They were going to pay.

They were going to pay.


Hours later, Mai walked down the hall silently towards the base, her hair still dripping wet and curling from a shower, adorned in new clothes and bandages to join her growing collection.

'Where is everyone?' She sighed, hoping no one was angry at her and rubbed her tired eyes.

"Mai!" She turned to see Takigawa and John peeking out at her from a room she passed earlier.

"John-san! It's good to see you!" She smiled, or at least miserably twitched her lips. "Is everything ok?"

"Mai, it's my pleasure!" The priest reddened happily. "I'm glad to see that you're feeling better. Kajimaru-san told us you went to rest."

"Jou-chan, you better go back to base, Naru-bou sent everyone to do exorcisms in every room- a couple hours ago every single thing that wasn't tied to the floor went wild; your love and Lin are still in there straightening things since everything finally calmed down now."

"..Did you just call Naru my-"

"See you, Jou-chan!"

Mai shook her head and huffed amusedly, continuing onto the base in apprehension as she knew exactly what had happened while she was gone. It seemed she hadn't been far enough for her meltdown to wreak havoc for her friends as well.

'Oh dear.' She mine as well come clean with the truth to Oliver and tell him that he had sent the exorcists in their group on a wild goose chase.

Tell him that she was completely useless and had no control over something so dangerous- like a baby with a ticking bomb.

"Mai. You're feeling better?" Oliver said before she even spotted him in the base; she had been looking with a grimace at every screen which showed nothing but static.

'All that work…' She smiled and joined to help pick up his fallen books, feeling guilty. "I'll be fine."

"Good. Then you have a lot of work to catch up on."

She grimaced again, peaking at the still static-y monitors. "Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about.. Um.. You err.. Might have just told everyone to do exorcisms on something that wasn't caused by ghosts.."

She thanked God he didn't turn to her with those blue orbs as it would have just unnerved her completely, instead he seemed more worried in organizing his bookshelf. "So you're saying it's not a poltergeist. Did you have a dream?"

"…Actually…" Just say it, Mai. "It was me."

That made him stop and give her an odd look, she must have created a record for amounts of times someone was able to surprise Oliver in a day. "It-It was an accident!" She added. "I didn't even know it happened until I ran into Bou-san a couple minutes ago or I would have.."

She stopped; would have done what? There was nothing she could do about anything lately.

"So you have PK."

"Something like it.."

Oliver completely turned to her. "What else haven't you told me..?" He quietly breathed.

She ignored that specific question and fidgeting, changed the subject. "I don't have very good control-"


She ignored that too, "-But you do. You've had teachers and you know how to deal with this- and since I'm staying in England I-I was wondering if-"

"Fine, I'll teach you."

Mai bit her lip at his desolate, troubled tone. "Don't worry martyr-sama, I'll find a way to thank you."

Oliver's lip twitched before he uncrossed his nicely muscled arms and went back to organizing the bookshelf.

Hm.. Maybe she could get Oliver to tutor her in English as well. Would that be too much to ask for, though? Would he go back to ignoring her if it seemed that she wanted his help for shallow reasons?

"The first lesson is tomorrow before work at 6 am sharp. You seem too worn out to listen to me lecture you for hours today." That made her self-consciously rub her eyes again, but it didn't stop her from watching his delicious arms straining against his dark blue shirt as they worked. "You want to thank me? Don't be late."

"Hai, hai." She smiled lightly.

"Lin, tell everyone to stop the exorcisms and start cleaning. Mai stop checking me out and get to work."

"You-you- Augh, did I forget to call you a narcissist today?" The brunette left, completely red for the rest of the hour, but considerably happier.

She was going to work her hardest- her revenge wasn't her own anymore, and being sorry didn't do anything to help her. Mai chose being angry instead.

Once the door clicked shut Oliver for once was unable to return to working. That ridiculous girl.. He tries to distance himself from her and she has to go and be just as interesting as he remembered..

Running an exasperated hand through his hair, he chanced a look at Lin. "Can you meet us at 6 tomorrow as well? I'm planning.. Something like the lessons you used to give me."


Ok, so I thought I wasn't an Otaku.. then I passed by an Otaku store with my sister and found myself basically shaking and restraining myself with everything I had not to run into there and maniacally grab every adorable thing on display. What a tragedy not having money is.

Hope you all liked it and thank you, thank you for such amazing reviews that made me laugh- I'm glad a lot of people saw the resemblance to Ouran HSHC with Masako and the plane and everything lol, it's my utmost favorite manga and if you haven't read it I RECOMMEND IT TIMES A BILLION! GO! NOW! I've already read it 3 times (Ok fine, laugh at me, but you don't understand how good it is if you haven't read it).

I promise I'll cut Mai some slack now teehee. No more blood… Unless it's requested…