Disclaimer: Anything that's familiar, doesn't belong to me. Except for Edmund. Edmund is my Edmund and not the one from Narnia. Although, if my Ed was that Ed, I would be a very happy girl.

I sat on my window sill rubbing furiously at my face, trying in vain to make the tears stop. The window was open and the night was cold, but I didn't notice. I barely noticed anything anymore. There was a light knocking at my door. Trying my hardest to calm down I asked, "Who's there?"

"It's me, Wynter."

"What is it Ed?"

Edmund, or Ed as I like to call him, is my older brother by 3 years. Or at least he was my older brother.

"Haru and I were wondering if you wanted to still go see the meteor shower tonight."

I turned towards the door, "Should I go?" I thought. Considering the fact that I've been moping around since sunset, and the moon is currently high in the sky, I should probably go out.

"Yeah, I'm still going. Let me get changed first though."

"Alright. We'll meet you down stairs."

I got up from my seat by the window and closed it silently. Hiccuping a little bit, with my eyes burning, I went over to my closet and took out a pair of black skinny jeans. I stripped myself of my shorts and put on the pants, leaving my black tank top on. Pulling on a dark brown jacket, I grabbed my mocha backpack with these pretty aqua designs. I remember Ed got mad at me when I bought it because I didn't even bother to see if it would come in handy. Laughing, I replied, "It'll carry stuff, what else would it do?"

I remember his exasperated sigh when he said, "I meant it being water-proof or having a hidden pocket or something."

I stashed my I-pod into it so I would have something to keep me busy while waiting for the meteor-shower to start. Looking around my room, I turned towards the door and started down the stairs. When I got to the bottom step, I saw that Haru was leaning on the wall by the stairs.

"Hey Kia."

Now you might be confused. My full name is Wynter Kia Rose. My brother is Edmund Jacob Rose. People usually call me Kia, except for Ed or when I get in trouble. Now that you've met Haru, I should explain how he came about, I guess. When my brother was in Kindergarten he had some trouble in class. He was bullied a lot because he was a bit heavier than the other kids and had a baby face. Haru helped him out and they became the best of friends, even now when they are just starting community college.

Haru is about 5"11 with shoulder length black hair. His mom was Japanese and his dad is American, so he inherited his skin tone and hair from his mom, but he got blue eyes form his dad. He is very lean, but is slightly muscular on his chest and legs. While he was in high school, he and my brother did track, so they both toned out during the long four years.

My brother is 5"10 with short, light-brown hair and brown eyes that look almost amber depending on the light. Remember how I said he was teased about his weight when he was younger? Well, when he reached the 5th grade he started slimming out. Now he is almost as lean as Haru, but he's more muscular. He takes after our dad more than our mom.

I'm only 5"6 with long brown hair. I have green eyes, but they always seem to be constantly changing color. One minute they're green, and then they turn blue, then to brown, and back again. I'm skinny, but I don't have twigs for legs. Also, I have really white skin. Every time I've tried to tan, I always end up burning. So, you can guess why I hate living in a desert.

"Are you guys ready to go," I asked as I looked toward Ed.

"I am if you are."

"Hell yeah!"

I looked at Haru, "Well then, let's get going."

We hurried out the door. Edmund got into the driver's seat while Haru took shotgun. I sat in the back. We were on the road for only a couple minutes, then Ed looked up into the rear-view mirror and asked, "What did you and mom talk about that made you so upset?"

I stared coldly out the window, looking at the desert scenery. It was only September, but the night was freezing.

"Alright, I see how it is. I won't push you to talk about it if you don't want to."

A little bit later Haru started a different conversation with my brother.

"So, you're still coming with me to the movie premiere for the second Hobbit movie, right?"

"You bet!"

"The night before, do you want to have a Lord of the Rings marathon?"


I looked at them, slightly confused, "What's Lord of the Rings?"

They stared at me as if I had grown three heads. I furrowed my eyebrows, "What?"

"You seriously don't know what Lord of the Rings is?"

"Not at all."

"Well," Edmund started, "It is an epic trilogy about a hobbit named Frodo. He and his fellow companions travel through a world called Middle Earth. The first movie is about the Fellowship and how it started. The second movie consists of three separate story lines, which they all inter-connect in a sense. It's also the darkest movie of the three-"

"But all of these movies are essentially dark," Haru interrupted.

"Yes," continued Ed, "The last movie pretty much consists of a somewhat happy ending. Except for maybe Frodo."

I nodded my head and asked, "So who is the best character?"

Haru had an evil glint in his eye, "The best character is obviously Aragorn! He becomes a king in the end and ends up with a totally fine elf. I wouldn't mind having that life."

"No way," my brother started, "The best is obviously Gandalf, I mean, come on! Who else can play Magneto AND the Grey-slash-white wizard in one lifetime perfectly? "

"Sooo who is the worst character? Out of the good guys and the bad guys," I asked.

Haru glanced at my brother. Ed quickly met his gaze and they both said at the same time, "Legolas."


"Because," Haru started, "He's a pretty elf boy who doesn't know how to get dirty. Or even really speak. Sure he's cool with a bow and arrow and all, but really, he's like a sissy."

"Well, I'm sure he can't be that bad, right," I countered.

"Trust me he is."

Edmund turned left and slowly came to a stop by a clearing that had a cactus or two every now and then. I took my backpack and we walked a few yards from the car and laid down a blanket. Haru laid down on his back, staring up at the sky. Ed laid down on the other side of the blanket, so I sat in the space in the middle of the two, with my bag still on my back.

"So who is the worst in the bad guys," I asked again.

Both of the boys looked up in thought. We stayed in this silence for a couple more minutes until Haru said, "I'd say Saruman is the worst out of the bad guys. Betraying your own kind and friends, that's not right."

"Well, I personally think Grima Wormtounge is the worst. Going after Eowyn like that, waiting till she's vulnerable. A guy just shouldn't do that you know?"

As my brother finished his sentence he sat up and shared a look with Haru that I almost missed. I was about to ask them what that look was for, but then a flash caught my eyes. Staring up into the sky, I saw that the meteor shower was starting. I leaned back to look at the piles of rock burning and falling through Earth's atmosphere. Then I heard a whisper that seemed to be in my head.

"Wish for your heart's desire, my child."

I shrugged. 'I guess it's worth a shot,' I thought, replaying what happened with my parents earlier today. They told me I was adopted and I blew up. I was hurt and I was distraught.

'I wish that I could find out who my birth parents are.'

My stomach lurched and I felt like I was being yanked around or was thrown into a blender. I tried to scream, but it felt like my vocal chords were ripped out. Then, the next thing I realized was that it was cold, I was wet, my head was being forced under the frigid water, and my precious I-pod was probably now water damaged.

AN: Alright, so I'm not going to lie, I already have chapter 2 finished, but the reason why I won't post it until later is so that I have more time to work further. I really hope that makes sense xD Anyway, I know I've been really... really... REALLY bad about my previous multi-chapter fics. I'm hoping that since most of this is already scripted out, I'll be able to work more proficiently. Also, before I get any hate about calling Legolas a sissy, I did it only because I can see my two characters complaining about it (although never admitting it's because of Elf Envy. They're positively GREEN with it).

If you guys like it, Review. If you think it needs work, Review. If you absolutely hate it and wish to never see it again, press the back button.