Disclaimer – I don't own Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Homura's bi-polar, Madoka's dominating girls, and this story is on more cocaine than Charlie Sheen. OOC shit going down ftw. Either which way, I am back with another update; because so help me, I WILL finish a multi-chapter story for once in my life o_e Enjoy the read, and have a few giggles!

Chapter 8
Two's company

Okay, I haven't got this.

Madoka made a mental note to throttle her bestfriend when the girl actually turned up. Assuming she did turn up; considering homeroom was supposed to start in less than five minutes. Of all the times where she needed the company of the other girl, comedic taunts and all, this would be one of the top ranking.

Problem was, she had made tracks outside the second things might have turned nasty, leaving Sayaka and the delinquent in each other's company – who got reacted together like water and electricity.

The day didn't feel real. Everything was out of sorts, and the last thing she felt like doing was going to class and taking her chances with being approached by Homura; who – if not wasn't already wound up – really was now thanks to Kyoko bellowing out suggestive jokes. To be completely truthful, the dirty look she got was one of the reasons she ran. For someone who seemed so polite and passive; the dark-haired girl could really give some bone chilling glares.

Hardly even walking at this point, she grinded to a halt at the top of the stairs. She had two choices: to go to class and calm down, or cut class and take the next flight of stairs to the roof to hide out – hoping Sayaka would turn up for the sake of support.

She started towards class, the idea of bunking off seeming too outlandish to commit.

But Homura was there, who blatantly wanted to rip her apart verbally.

Before she knew it, her feet were thudding up the stairs.


She's still not here.

Homura glanced to the empty desk at the back of the room, and then went back to watching the door. Shaking her head, she instead focused on the bland surface her desk.

What do you care?

She didn't know what to expect when she saw Madoka again. Some answers, preferably. Well, in a not so pleasant way, she had gotten them. It was too good to be true, and she should have guessed it in the first place. Smirking bitterly, the transfer student chipped at her desk with her nail.

What she thought was done for a real reason was actually just for the purpose of having something to joke about when the pink-haired girl got to see her friends again. At least it served its purpose – and earned plenty of snickering and jeering from the group of them when they saw her walking in the gates. Kyoko was in stitches, Sayaka was clearly biting back a laugh, probably because she didn't want the redhead to know that her jokes were good.

It's your own fault. You came here to finish middle school, not to make friends. So why…

She sniffed, shoulders jerking.

Why does it hurt?

Horrified, she knuckled her eyes when tears welled in them. When was the last time she cried?

Standing abruptly, she left the class; needing time to calm down. Not even caring where she was walking to, she ignored the bell announcing the beginning of lessons and kept going.

She's already got me suspended, not like missing class will make a difference.

Thoughts taking on an attitude of apathy to match the pessimism she was feeling, she swung open the door in front of her. Stepping onto the roof and took a deep breath of fresh air, and then looked dead ahead and almost choked on it.


Madoka's stomach dropped when she heard someone move behind her. She didn't think anyone would look for her, much less check up here. Untangling her fingers from the chain link fence surrounding the roof, she turned to see who it was; and instantly wished that it was a teacher instead of the girl staring back at her with equal disdain.

The silence made her hackles rise, only shattering when the heavy metal door slammed shut with a clang.

"This is ironic," Homura stated flatly. "I came here to avoid you."

"I came here because I was scared you'd kill me," she admitted in turn, smiling weakly when she heard how stupid it sounded out loud. Madoka braced herself for whatever was going to be said when the girl stepped forward, expression set in aggravation.

But at the last second, her scowl fell away, features portraying something crossed between upset and lost. "Kaname-san…why did you lead me on like that? I can understand just wanting to screw with me and telling your friends for the sake of a joke, but did you really have to act like you cared?"

It took a second for the words to sink in, where her face filled with disbelief. "You think that I was just messing with you?" Exasperation made her forget that she was nothing short of cowering on the roof a few minutes ago, and she paced forward to clap her hands on the dark-haired girl's shoulders, somehow resisting the urge to shake her while she was at it. "How many times do I have to tell you, I wanna be friends with you, and I'm not joking!"

"Then why did you just run off, and then earlier? You were all in hysterics about it," Homura picked at the holes in the argument as she backed up, but hit against the door behind her. Not the first time she had found herself cornered by the pink-haired girl who was, once again, questionably close.

"Because Sayaka-chan can't take anything seriously, and Sakura-san has a crummy sense of humour!" She made sure to look up to the lilac eyes that regarded her uncertainly, hoping that would portray her as more honest, and her heart gave a thud of protest at the scrutiny. "I was freaking out, I thought you hated me," she paused. "You don't, do you?"

"I couldn't if I wanted to," Homura responded quietly, appearing to be understanding, though was still trying to get loose by squirming.

"Stay still," Madoka admonished softly, pressing the dark-haired girl back with a bit more force. "You're blushing, by the way," she murmured, cotton-mouthed.

"Am I?"

She was painfully aware of how the transfer student was biting her lower lip meekly, teeth sinking into the soft flesh. Her mind flashed back to the last time they were like this, in the dark-haired girl's bed, until they were interrupted by a more than irritating cell phone.

"Yup…" Madoka swallowed, trying to get the moisture back in her mouth. "…Am I forgiven?"

"Yes," the girl muttered vaguely, eyes half-closed.

"Good." Shutting her eyes, she moved in.

The door spontaneously slammed open, sending the both of them sprawling.

"Ya gotta be faster than that, Miki!" Calling over her shoulder, Kyoko burst onto the roof; and apparently didn't see the other two girls. With a startled grunt, she tripped over a leg and smashed down atop the pair.

"You're going to class, you hyper ginger bit-woaahhh!" Skidding to a halt at the scene, a panting Sayaka tried to regain her balance via wind-milling her arms, but with no grip and too-much speed, she fell flat as well.

Sayaka, totally dazed by either chasing a sugar high redhead across campus or having the air knocked out of her by landing on top of the latter.

Kyoko used her arms to push herself to sit halfway up, finding herself to be on someone's back – by the hair, she guessed that it belonged to the transfer student she was mocking earlier in the day –who shifted uncomfortably. Turning her head, she found her pursuer lying half on her, half on the ground. She caught sight of a pink mop of hair as well, somewhere under there.

"For the love of God, whoever that is, move your freaking knee!" Kyoko regretted saying it the second whoever it was shifted the limb, making her squawk and turn the same colour as her hair. "Don't move, don't move!" Exhaling heavily, she went limp. "Oh man, I think I'm going to need a cigarette after that…" Touched up while in a pile of girls; defiantly not something she was expecting when she woke up today.

"Homura-chan, you're crushing my lungs…" Croaking from the lost depths of the doggy-pile, Madoka wasn't sure if she wanted to cry from being used as a public bench or be forlorn at having yet another moment ruined.

"Madoka? How the hell did you get in there?" Rolling off them, Sayaka lay on the concrete and was amazed to find her bestfriend lying under the others. "Akemi as well? Why are you two not in-" Cutting herself off, the blue-haired girl grinned lecherously. "Ohhh…."

"Nothing happened," Madoka wheezed, sucking in a chest load of air when her classmates clambered off her after what seemed like an eternity. "Thanks to you two," she grumbled, not as quiet as she would have liked. It wasn't until she took the hand that Homura was holding out to her with a smile and was pulled to her feet that her words made an impact.

"…So you two were doing it up here?"

The ones in question paled.

"You have such a way with words, you'd be a wonderful poet," Sayaka cut in as she stood and dusted herself off, shooting a sarcastic look at Kyoko.

"Nobody was doing anybody!" Madoka insisted, a bit shriller than she had intended.

"Sounds like a guilty conscience to me." The delinquent leaned back against the door, which had closed itself once again.

"For once, I agree with Cinnamon Challenge over there."

"Enough already! Yes, I have red hair, it's not funny anymore! It wasn't even funny to begin with." Begrudgingly sliding a candy bar out of her pocket and unwrapping it, she took a bite.

The blue-haired girl stuck out her tongue in reply. "It actually gets to you, so no. They'll always be funny," she snorted, noticing the smear of caramel stretching from the redhead's mouth to her chin.

Continuing on with their bickering, it left room for the original two occupants of the roof to converse normally.

Homura ran a hand through her hair, shaking her head. "This is all completely insane."

"What part?" Dejectedly, the pink-haired girl squeezed the hand that had helped her up from the ground, which she still hadn't let go off.

"I don't know where to begin," the dark-haired girl said honestly.

"Give me an idea," she suggested, anxiety growing as she had to wait for an answer.

"We're both girls, and we keep almost…You know. Not to mention we keep getting in trouble," the transfer student continued. "Our first day back after being suspended; and all four of us are out of class – we're just asking for it now. On top of that, my parents are already mad beyond all description, and if they find out what I've been doing with you, they'd kill me."

Madoka dropped the hand in her own, feeling like she'd been slapped. Of all the things to not take into consideration, she didn't know how she'd missed worrying about that. The problem being that she was so caught up in having her first serious crush to realize that it was on a girl, and now she could understand why Sayaka was being so merciless in her teasing. Looking at it from an outside perspective, it was just weird.

And she had run into it, headfirst, all guns blazing. Oh god, she was so stupid.

This was all said just after the snarky insults wore down to nothing, the delinquent and blue-haired girl pausing mid-scuffle over the remainder of the candy bar to listen in. Kyoko looked over to the one facing her, ignoring that they had a vice-like grip on either end of the confectionary in an elaborate game of tug-of-war .

"I'm confused. Who's gay for who?"


"It's past eleven," Sayaka reported, snapping her cell phone shut and replacing it in her pocket.

"All of us missing is shady enough. If we go trundling in altogether in the middle of the day, we may as well just save time and hike straight to the principal's office." Kyoko slid down the fence, crumpling to the ground and stretching her legs out. "I say we just forget school."

"Another inspiring speech," the blue-haired girl applauded dryly.

"She has a point though," Madoka chimed in distantly. "We'd probably end up in more trouble if we all went back now."

"Exactly; so I say we just hang around until school's out." Somewhat smug to have someone backing up her argument, Kyoko nodded firmly in rationalization.

"Madoka, since when so you listen to stupid reasoning like that?"

"She's friends with you, so I think that speaks for itself." That bit of wit earned a sharp look, which was responded to by a wicked grin.

"Kaname-san, you're not talking very much."

The previously-silent but familiar voice made her give a start. But she didn't turn away from her place of looking out over the landscape stretched in front of her. It was too embarrassing; she couldn't face the dark-haired girl.

"Mhm," she answered blandly.

"This is making me feel uncomfortable," Kyoko mumbled with raised eye brows from her place a few feet away.

"It's painful to watch. I don't actually understand what's going on anymore, I thought they made up." Sayaka submitted to the fact that nobody was moving for the time being, so education was put on stand-by and she sat nearby the other girl.

"Didn't ya hear before? Akemi slammed her, saying that they were both girls and it was creeping her out." Barely paying attention, she patted herself down, devil-may-care expression faltering. "Dammit, I'm outta candy."

"My heart bleeds for you." Sayaka frowned, staring past the glowering redhead to her bestfriend who was unfittingly looking the closest she had ever been to genuinely depressed. "I thought Akemi liked her back, though. The way she always let Madoka hang onto her, and I've caught her looking a few times as well."

"What's it matter anyway?"

Sayaka rolled her eyes. "Because, idiot, she's my bestfriend. She's not one to get crushes on people, so this is pretty big."

"I can't have sappy conversation like this without something to tide me over," Kyoko pouted, hugging her knees to her chest. Something bonked her on the head, which she found to be a pack of gum courtesy of the one next to her. Perking up, she emptied several tabs from the box and shoved them in her mouth hungrily.

"You eat like a horse," Sayaka muttered. "Let's hope that sticks your teeth together and gives me a moment to wonder how I ended up stuck with you as company."

"The endless downward spiral of life," was her surprisingly morbid reply, spoke with a pop of gum. "But you should count yourself lucky though, I'm too fun not to love."

The blue-haired girl reclined against the fence, staring up at the sky. "…I hate transfer students."


"Kaname-san, did what I say really get to you that much?" Reaching out, Homura placed her hand on the girl's forearm, the contact earning a flinch.

"I just realized how crazy I've been acting," Madoka sighed, not looking at her.

"I think it was more…enthusiastic," she offered awkwardly, not very good with this sort of thing.

"If you want to be nice about it. I'm really sorry, by the way."

Not knowing how else to break the tension, she took a leaf out of the pink-haired girl's book and - acting on impulse – placed her arms around Madoka's neck, gingerly pulling her back against her.

"You don't need to apologize." It didn't feel as odd as she thought it would to be holding onto her from behind like this. If anything, she quite liked it. Her chin rested neatly on the top of the shorter girl's head, and she was close enough that she could smell the scent of fruity conditioners coming from her hair.


The way her name was spoke, a surprised squeak that she couldn't deny as adorable made her smile. "I didn't mean it to come out sounding bad. I just meant that things were so hectic compared to what I'm used to, but in a refreshing way. So please, stop being upset." She nuzzled her nose against the pink-locks affectionately.

"So you don't mind this sort of thing?"

"It surprised me a bit at first, but not anymore…" Her calm resolve faltered when the one she was holding turned to face her. Ignoring the catch of her breath, she continued on. "If it's with you, I don't mind."


Kyoko was bored and having nothing else to do that watch the two girls talking things through to her right, snapped her gum in irritation. Staring at the ground, she began to blow a bubble. Sensing the boredom, the one next to her spoke up in an haughty way.

"You see what happens now when you run away from class?"

The bubble burst, sticking to the tip of her nose and making her eye twitch.

"Cram it, Miki."

Right, awkwardness out of the way. It'll get together next update .-. This story doesn't know what it wants, it's wonderful. Anything goes 8D At this point I could probably weave a yuri-apocalypse with space-panthers in here and it'd still make sense. Either way, it's nice to be writing something happy for once…I always end up adding lemons to stories like this, blame my sluttiness. But for once, I shall just indulge in fluff! Thanks to all of you guys for the reviews, I appreciate the support a lot :D