Chloe was considered 'popular' at Barden University. She knew almost everybody there, and all of the teachers loved her. She was beautiful and smart and sweet. She was nearly perfect. She was very excited for her senior year at Barden. Being the co-captain of the Barden Bellas was something that she looked forward to ever since she was a freshman, even though it made her anxious that her other half was Aubrey. She worried about her friend's nerves. If there was one thing that Aubrey wanted more than anything, it was to recover after the incident from last year and make her father proud of her. At the booth that they had set up in the activities fair, nobody who knew the group's occurrence of the previous year seemed to be interested in joining them. The only girls who talked to them were freshman.
Beca, on the other hand, was not as excited to begin at college. She was a freshman who honestly just wanted to go to L.A. to become a music producer. Beca was what most people would identify as 'anti-social.' She wasn't a people person, mainly because she's had trust issues ever since her dad walked out on her and her mom when she was fourteen. After that, Beca never believed that relationships were a good thing. Her mom didn't take it as well either, because she turned to the bottle after the divorce was finalized. Life motto: Everyone will disappoint you. Don't even try. It seemed pretty pathetic, in fact Beca knew that it was pathetic, but she had no experiences contrasting it. Everyone that she got close to in her life ended up turning on her, so she eventually shut everyone out.
So when she moved in to her dorm room at Barden, she was pretty glad that her roommate, Kimmy Jin, didn't like associating with her. She seemed like a bitch anyways, so she didn't even bother having a conversation with her after asserting 'Just tell me where you're at with English' and getting nothing in response. She just continued to set up her equipment before her dad entered her room. He made some kind of lame joke, and then went on about how she needed to find something to do. Whatever.
"I'm going to the activities fair." Kimmy Jin deadpanned as she stood up and walked out. Beca found this as an opportunity to escape her father's lecture.
"Yeah. I'm going down to the activities fair with my super good friend Kimmy Jin." She clapped her hands together and left her room. Luckily Kimmy Jin was long gone and she walked slowly outside. Making close friends wasn't something she wanted to, because as soon as this year was over, she was getting on the first plane to Los Angeles. She looked around at all of the booths that were set up, took a deep breath and started walking. This was going to be a long year.