You know I never
I never seen you look so good
You never act the way you should
But I like it
And I know you like it too
The way that I want you
I gotta have you
Oh yes, I do

Jade placed a slight kiss onto Tori's mouth, nipping at her bottom lip before pulling back and getting off of the bed. The latina watched her every mood, absolutely in awe of her girlfriends bare, exposed body. Jade retrieved her iPod from her duffle bag, before placing it onto Tori's dock. Music blared through the room, causing Tori to jump slightly. "My Mom is home you know?" Jade smirked before turning to face her girlfriend. "Actually.. she offered to make sure we were alone tonight." The latina sat up and frowned. "What do you mean?" Jade returned to the bed, pushing Tori back down with her hands, straddling over her waist. "It means.. we have the whole night to ourselves. And I can make you scream." Playfully, she winked, causing the latina to laugh. Jade pressed her lips to Tori's softly, deepening the kiss slowly before pulling back. She linked eyes with the latina for second before giving a slight warm smile. "Just wait here." She placed a quick kiss onto Tori's forehead before getting off of the bed, making her way down stairs.

No one was home, except Tori and Jade, so she wasn't concerned about anyone seeing her naked. Even then, almost everyone in the Vega household had at least seen Jade's boobs. She had this habit of sleeping naked, especially when she was in bed with Tori. Anyway – Tori's family often forgets that Jade stays over (majority of the time), so occasionally they'll walk into Tori's room of a morning and catch an eyeful of bountiful breasts. Jade walked into the kitchen, heading to the fridge. There was a note on the bench.

Dessert for you girls is in the fridge. Please behave. Will be back tomorrow morning. - x Holly

Jade smirked, a slight laugh coming from her mouth. Tori's mom was good in the sense that she understood the typical teenage relationship behaviour. She wasn't dumb like other Mom's, who wanted to believe their children would be staying 'pure' until some knight (or princess) on a white horse swept their child off their feet. She opened up the refrigerator, revealing two slices of chocolate cake. Jade grabbed the plates along with a can of whipped cream. When she returned to the room, Tori was laying on her side whilst scrolling through her phone. "I come bearing dessert." Tori laughed, knowing that her Mom would always stick to her word (especially when it came to food because everyone knew how restless Tori could get without it.) Jade sat opposite her girlfriend, legs crossed. She handed Tori a plate and her face lit up. "Yes, chocolate! My favourite." Tori beamed, and Jade rolled her eyes. "Now you know why I like you so much." The girl winked and Tori let out a laugh at the half attempted dig at her latina heritage. They mostly ate in silence, with a few pictures being taken and posted onto The Slap. Some of them Tori didn't want put up (such as Jade putting cream on her nipples), but Jade insisted she lighten up.

Tori was on her back now, full from demolishing both her cake and half of Jade's. The girl could eat a horse if anyone gave her the opportunity to. Jade on the other hand, lay on her side, rubbing Tori through her panties. This rewarded Jade with a light, throaty moan from Tori. "I'm ready for seconds, how about you?" Tori groaned, rolling over to face Jade. "If I eat anything else, I might just explode." Her fingers trailed up and down Tori's sides, to finally resting on the latinas hips. "Who said you were going to be eating anything?" Jade winked playfully at the girl, who just about attacked her lips. She laughed between kisses, begging Tori to slow down. Finally Jade managed to pull away. Tori pouted, her hands snaked around Jade's neck. "Now my turn to please you." Jade murmured, grinning slightly at her girlfriend. She leant in to place a kiss onto Tori's lips, a hungry and passionate one. Jade was always in complete awe of the fact that she'd landed herself someone as beautiful as Tori. And even though Tori didn't always agree that she was as fantastic as Jade thought she was, she wanted to prove to Tori just how deep her love was.

Her hands moved from her hip to snaking her fingers under the fabric of her panties. Tori rolled over onto her back, not breaking the kiss but every so often pulling away for some air. Jade pulled away from the kiss slightly, to pull Tori's panties down. She leaned down to place a light kiss between Tori's folds, causing the latina a moan lightly. Jade positioned herself comfortably, straddling over Tori's hips. Now the two were both naked. All the girls could do was stare in admiration of each other. Jade leant down, placing a soft kiss onto Tori's lips. She rested her forehead against the latinas for a moment before exhaling sharply. "You're so beautiful." Jade pulled back to take a moment to look at her girlfriends face properly. Crimson red was the colour of Tori's cheeks. "You're beautiful, too." Jade couldn't help but feel heat flush her face, too. With Tori, she felt a lot more emotions than she'd ever experienced before. And cheesy embarrassment was one of them. "You make me so sappy, Vega. I want the polar opposite of sappy right now." Tori rolled her eyes, a grin breaking out on her face. "And what is the polar opposite of sappy?" Jade bit her lip, smirking. "I'll show you."

Roughly, Jade's lips met Tori's, in a whirlwind of emotions and heat (mostly heat). Her lips quickly moved down the latinas jaw line and neck, leaving a trail of slight nips. She kissed down Tori's chest, trailing her tongue around each nipple, then further down to the region between the latinas legs. She spread her legs open before Jade reached to the other side of the bed to crap the canned cream. Without warning, Jade squirted some of the cream on the location of Tori's clit. A slight squeal exited the latina's mouth. "Jade, what're you doing!" The girl shh'd her girlfriend before answering. "Preparing my desert. You know I can't have my cake without cream." Jade winked before getting to business. Her mouth dived into the cream filled goodness, just like how an olympic diver would dive into a swimming pool. She slurped up the cream before getting to the core – Tori's clit. Slowly and teasingly, the tip of her tongue flicked over the now erect bud. Tori moaned, one hand digging into her bed sheets, the other resting atop Jade's head. The girl continued flicking, occasionally sucking and moaning, on the girls clit. "Jade.. fuck.." Her breathing became more rapid, so Jade slowed down. She really wanted to see Tori squirm. Jade added more cream to the throbbing area, slowly licking each bit of dessert condiment off. Now, Tori's eyes were closed and her fingers were grasping tightly onto Jade's locks of hair. She pulled away from the girls groin, a finger lightly playing with Tori's clit as she spoke. "Like that, baby?" Tori could only answer with a moan, her head slightly nodding.

Jade returned her tongue to Tori's clit, whilst she slowly entered two fingers into the girl. A loud moan came from Tori, whose breath was now back to rapid speed, and whose hips were slightly grinding against Jade's fingers. She increased the speed of her finger fucking, looking up to see the pleasure flush over her girlfriends face. Seeing Tori like this was a major turn on. The latinas eyes opened slightly, her hips still grinding with Jade's fingers She bit her lip, moving her hands up to squeeze gently onto Jade's upright nipples. The girl moaned, loving the feel of her girlfriends tight grasp. She sped up her fingers even more, causing her girlfriend to squeeze down harder as she rode out another moan. Pain during sex was another turn on for Jade. And pain initiated from Tori.. well, that was just the cherry on the pie. "Make me cum, Jade.." Her voice was hoarse, but was audible. Jade smirked, leaning down to place a hungry kiss onto the girls mouth. She pulled back, biting down hard on the bottom lip before answering. "My pleasure, Vega." Her mouth returned to the clit, pressing down, flicking and biting it occasionally. Her fingers still paced – in and out – a rhythm that seemed to be working for Tori. But Jade wanted to turn it up a notch. She added a third finger into the mix, as well as pushing her tongue in. "Fuck.." Tori moaned, arching her back slightly as total euphoria spread through her body. To push her over the edge, Jade moved her mouth back up to Tori's clit, where she moaned against it. That on it's own was enough to cause Tori to derail. Jade continued her rhythm, even as she felt Tori tighten around her fingers. As the latina rode her orgasm out, Jade finally removed her fingers to lick the juices off. She returned to laying on her back, as Tori came down from her high. As Jade listened to the latinas breath settling, she let out a slight chuckle. "What's so funny?" Her laugh was contagious, so Tori couldn't help but laugh too. "Nothing. I just can't believe we've basically spent a good one hour fucking on Christmas." Tori rolled over to her side. "Wanna make it two?" Jade pursed her lips. "As much as I love tasting you, I really would just like to kinda.. just lay here, with you." Tori couldn't help but smile. "Aww, have I softened the infamous Jade West?" Her jaw dropped open before she turned onto her side to face the latina who was now wearing a huge grin. "No you have not. I just want to lay here and think about how lucky I am to have you." Blush crept up Tori's neck. She leant in to place a delicate kiss onto Jade's mouth. "I love you, Jade. And of course we can just lay and enjoy each others company.." Jade smiled, pulling herself closer to Tori and nuzzling her head under the latina's chin. "I love you, too."

A:N Anddddddd this is complete :-) Hope you enjoyed! Was thinking of doing an epilogue to this. Any ideas? :P