I wasn't sure if you guys liked the last chapter or not, but I hope this one will be better. I've been having major writer's block lately. Reviews are highly appreciated. :)

Spitfire: Thanks for the review! I'll think of some way to include TaShawn in the murder.

Also I'm forcing myself on a schedule. New updates every Saturday/Sunday.

Note: Part of the flashback scene in this chapter is in Castle 3x24 "Knockout." I take no credit for writing any of the scenes nor do I own those characters.

Kate felt so much better after telling Castle everything. She sat down facing the evidence and began to reread through everything once more to find out who Tyrone could have possibly killed for money. She remembered TaShawn's words about how Tyrone would never hurt anyone and in some way, Kate trusted him.

After studying the files for hours, her eyes started to feel sore. She still didn't have any leads. She reached for phone wanting to call TaShawn, but realized that he didn't have a phone. She groaned. Where the hell is TaShawn? The only way that she was going to solve this case was to bring Maury in for questioning, but she knew it was going to be hard. She glanced at the clock; it was already two in the afternoon. She laid everything out in order before grabbing her coat and heading out for lunch.

She came back an hour and a half later having gone eating and done a little bit of shopping. She set the bag next to the closed door. As she took off her coat, her nose scrunched at the smell of fried food and oils lingering on her body. She sped through her living room and into the bathroom for another shower. She came out feeling fresh and smelling like cherries. She was dressed and had blow-dried her hair. She stepped into her bedroom and rested on the bed.

"Who killed her?" Kate said. "Give me a name. You owe me that Roy."

"If I gave you a name you will run straight at him. I might as well shot you right now," Montgomery said shaking his head.

"Isn't that why you brought me here? To kill me?" Kate said stepping up to him.

"No, I brought you here to lure them," Montgomery said.

"You baited them?" Beckett said confused.

Montgomery looked out to see a pair of flashlights beaming close to them. "And now they're coming. I need you to leave. They're coming to kill you, but I'm going to let them. I'm going to end this," Montgomery said shifting his gun in his hand.

"I not going anywhere sir," Kate said softly.

"Yes, you are," Montgomery said. "TaShawn, get her out of her now!"

Kate turned around to see TaShawn approaching her. She looked at him in disbelief.

"Capt-," TaShawn said.

"No. I brought you here for a reason. You're going to listen to me," Montgomery said cutting TaShawn off.

"Captain please. Just listen to me. You don't have to do this. SIR, I forgive you. I forgive you," Kate whispered, facing him.

"This is my spot. This is where I stand," Montgomery said.

TaShawn tugged at Kate's sleeve. "C'mon."

Kate pulled away. "No," she shouted at TaShawn.

She looked at the group of people who were now coming in on them. "Sir, listen to me. You don't have to do this," she said again, looking desperately into Montgomery's eyes.

Montgomery and TaShawn glanced at the black car that was coming near them. They were, for a split second, blinded by the brightness of the headlights.

"TaShawn, GET HER OUT OF HERE NOW!"Montgomery said glaring at TaShawn.

"You don't have to do this! Sir, listen to me. You don't have to do this," Kate said.

TaShawn lifted Kate up and carried her out.

"Please! NO! God TaShawn LET GO!" Kate said, frantically kicking her legs. "PLEASE! NO!" She scratched at the arm that held her waist. Her cries echoed through the open air.

TaShawn pulled open a door hiding in the back of the room. He held Kate down while the sounds of guns went off. Kate struggled to push TaShawn off. As the last two shots were fired, she shoved him away. She ran towards the sound only to find Montgomery and Hal Lockwood laying there next to each other.

"No," Kate whispered, letting the tears flow out of her eyes. She kneeled besides Montgomery and held his face.

Kate woke up with tears on her cheeks and sweat forming on her forehead. She breathed in heavily, trying to catch her breath. She felt as if this had all happened just yesterday. The case was bringing back the memories she had wanted to forget. She shook her hair out of her face that was now sticking to the sweat. Having this flashback somehow made her more eager to solve the case.

She walked into the living room looking at the table where she had laid out all the files. The sun was starting to set and only a dim light hit the floor. It was gone. It was all gone. Everything. She ran to hit the light switch. Words were scratched on the table that read "Stop looking. M" She reached for her phone to call Castle.

"Hello?" Castle said through the phone.

"Someone broke in. They took all the files. Everything is gone Castle. All the proof that links Maury to the murder is gone," Kate said.

"Oh my god. Are you alright?" Castle said.

"It's not me Castle! It's the files!" Kate said frustrated.

"When and how did they steal it?"

"I'm not sure. I went outside to grab lunch, took a shower, and then fell asleep afterwards. He could have stolen it any time in between. I should have checked it when I came back home. Damn it!"

"Do you want to call the precinct?"

"And what do I tell them?"

"Just say Maury Gunns, the man that Ryan warned you about, wanted you to stop digging around so he sent a message to you."

"Castle. That's not going to work." Kate said sighing loudly. "How are we going to get the evidence now? I don't know where the hell TaShawn is."

It took Kate a second to realize what was going on. "Shit!" she said.

"What happened?" Castle said through the phone. She could hear him moving around in his house.

"If Maury knew about the files, then he must know about TaShawn. Why the hell didn't I notice this before? Look Castle, I'm going out to find TaShawn. I'll call you later if I find anything," Beckett said.

"Wait. I'll come with you," Castle said.

"No. I'll see you tomorrow." Kate grabbed her coat and headed out the door. She remembered he told her that he was hiding out in some apartment in Bedford, Brooklyn, but she wasn't sure if he still lived there. She grabbed a taxi to get to his apartment, 9F.

Afraid of raising suspicion, she opted to pick the lock careful that no one was in the hallways. She opened the door to the surprise that the whole apartment was trashed. She stepped over piles of garbage. Tables were turned over and she was pretty sure anything made of glass was broken. She walked over the apartment checking for and fresh blood or bullet holes on the floor- there were none. She found an article that he printed out last week. It was the article on Tyrone's case.

She went back to her apartment and by that time, the sky had already gone dark. So many things happened today and she was looking forward to getting back to the precinct. As was going to open her front door, she realized that the door had been busted open. She reached for her gun in her coat pocket and carefully stepped in.

It was TaShawn. He was sitting down with his hands pressed against his mouth.

"TaShawn? Where the hell were you?" Kate said, lowering her gun.

TaShawn jumped up from his seat and sighed in relief when he saw Kate. "I should be asking you that. I've been waiting for you for two hours!"

Kate went right into point. "Look. The package you left me this morning is gone. Maury must have hired someone to take it. I thought you were in trouble so I went to your apartment in Brooklyn to warn you."

"Wait, you went to my apartment? Fuck Kate! That's where I did all my research. Everyone that hates me has eyes on that apartment," TaShawn said frustrated.

"And now they know that I'm with you," Kate said, finishing his sentence.

"That's not the problem right now. I can fix that. Maury is on to us. If I try to dig up those pervious files again, he'll kill me for sure," TaShawn said.

"I know. I'll figure something out with Castle," Kate said, before she could stop herself.

"Who's Castle?" TaShawn said, raising his eyebrows.

"He's not a cop, he's a writer. I told him everything when I found your package. He's going to help me catch Maury and the person who killed Tyrone."

TaShawn gave her a disapproving look.

"I trust him," she said.

"I don't even know why I gave you those file. If I had handled it myself, Maury would have already been dead and I would have already dealt with the guy that killed Tyrone," TaShawn said.

Kate searched for words that would somehow make him feel better, but she couldn't. "We'll find him, I promise."

"I know," he said, giving her a smile.