A sudden creak outside her bedroom door was woke her up. Katherine Beckett's eyes shot up towards the ceiling not daring to move. If it's one thing she learned during her time at the police force is that you should not be the move alarming the intruder—especially if he/she has a gun. She waited patiently lying at her bed straining to hear if the intruder had gone elsewhere. Then, she heard it. The sound of a fridge door opening was enough for her. She threw herself off her bed making sure to be silent and grabbed the gun that was in the drawer of her bed side table. She tipe toed out of her room and made a sharp turn to the right in the direction of her kitchen. Surely it wasn't a mistake that someone had walked up three flights of stairs and broke in to her apartment at two in the morning. The sun gave a smallest reflection of light through the windows, but even then, it was hard to see. She steadied her gun with both her hands and crept up behind the man.

"NYPD! Put your hands up!" she shouted.

The man slowly put his hands up to his ear with the muzzle of the gun pointed towards the ceiling. Beckett walked over to the light switch and turned it on, not leaving her eyes off the man.

"Eyes where I can see you," Beckett said.

The man turned around. "So we meet again Kate Beckett," he said giving her a wink.

Beckett lowered her gun and her eyes widened in disbelief. "TaShawn?"

TaShawn took a seat on the nearest couch and placed his legs on the coffee table.

"Get your legs off," Beckett said sternly.

He gave her a tiny smile, "I see you still keeping in shape. For me?"

Beckett rustled her hair and sighed. "What are you doing here?"

TaShawn's face got serious and he fell silent for a minute. "One of my men. He's been missing for over a month."

"Why don't you go to the police then, instead of breaking in? I could charge you for trespassing you know."

"You know exactly why I can't go to the police And I also know you won't arrest me."

"And why is that?"

"Because we've known each other for a long time and I wouldn't have come to you if I really didn't need your help."

Beckett nodded. "You got a name?"

"Tyrone White."

"What do you think happened to him?"

"I don't know man. Last time I saw him was a month ago. Look, he was fine then. He told me he had to run an errand. I figured he was going to get high off something. You know, like he always does."

"So I have nothing to go on? I find it hard to believe that nobody wanted to harm him."

"Well we do have a lot of enemies."

"What makes you think somebody from another gang didn't just kill him for revenge?

"Even if somebody wanted us killed, they wouldn't go for him. They'll go for him. It would violate the code. Anybody with beef from another gang can only go for the leader, me."

'Why should I help you? I'm a cop. "

TaShawn got up and tucked the gun in his pocket. He walked over to the window and cracked it open. "Because you owe me," he said turning around. With that, he jumped off.