Hey Guys. I know I havent updated in a a long time, and i mean loooooooong time, and i'm sorry that this sin't an update but that's because i have an announcement. I have been reading my stories and all your reviews and as I was going through them... something felt off to me. Not any of the reviews, I LOVE those, but with my stories. I fet like a lot of things were rushed and that there were a lot of inconsistencies, and I really don't like that. So I'm re writing the chapters. Don't worry, It will still be the same story, and i'm still keeping the funny moments in the story and the dialogue is gonna be mostly the same, I'm just giving it a bit of a slower pace. I feel like this isn't my best work and you guys deserve better..

For example: In "The Pharaohs Return and a Soulmates story" I'm splitting the stories. What I mean is instead of one story, it's going to be "The Pharaohs Return" and then another Story "A Soulmates Story". This gives me the opportunity to get more into what happened to Jono and Set in Egypt, and to go a bit more into what happens with Yamis and Hikaris before the Yamis came back and after they did. I feel like this set up will work better.

I hope you understand and please read the updated versions of the chapters when they come out.