I know it's been ages since I updated this story. I'm sorry! I've been so busy with school and family stuff, so I kinda forgot about this story. I still want to continue this story, so I'll try to update more. Right now, I'm sick as hell, and I've been sleeping all day, it's night time now, and I can't sleep because of the amount of sleep I had today. Well, I hope you still enjoy this story.

It's been 4 months since my first time with Sebastian. And things have been going amazing between us! It took a while, but I finally got accepted back in glee club. So yeah, things are going pretty great in my life. Although graduation is only like 2 weeks away, and I have no clue what I want with my life. Sebastian is graduating next year, so I'm considering staying in Lima for one more year, since college is a big no for me. But then again, I want to leave Lima as soon as I can. But the idea of being without Sebastian is breaking me! So here I am, in my bedroom, sitting on my bed, while Sebastian is playing with my hair, feeling kinda lost.

"Sebastian, can I ask something?"

"Always! What's wrong babe?"

"Graduation is only three weeks away, what am I going to do after graduation? I want to leave Lima, but the thought of being a whole year without you is breaking me, so I'm considering staying here for you one more year. I feel kinda lost you know."

"You have to do whatever you want to do. If you want to leave Lima, then leave! A year goes fast you know, and since you won't attend college, you can always visit me. Also, there's Skype, Facetime, and the phone, so really you are still with me, only it's not me in person. Go to New York for a year, go live with Berry and Hummel, or just hire your own apartment. But please, don't stay here for me, when you really want to leave Lima. I would feel guilty, because you won't be able to leave because of me."

"Go live with Berry and Hummel? Seriously?" I said laughing.

"Yeah, that way you won't be alone in a big city."

"You're forgetting that I hate them, and so do you. And I'm sure they don't like me either."

"Just talk about it with them. Maybe you'll get along. I mean, I've seen you changing since you're with me, you're sweeter. You changed in a good way."

"You're the best boyfriend ever. I love you."

"And you're the best girlfriend ever. I love you so much more." He said. After that, our lips locked in a passionate kiss.

I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Having such a smart, handsome, loving boyfriend.

I got up and walked towards my door.

"Santana what are you doing?"

"I'm going to Berry, to talk about New York. Wanna come with me?"

"No, you have to do this alone. Call me when you're done talking, I have to go back to Dalton."

"Will do!" Together we walked outside, we gave each other a goodbye hug and kiss, and then I drove off to Berry.

Well this could be interesting.

I finally got at Rachel's house, and got a little bit nervous. What was I going to say? 'hi Rachel, I know you hate me, and I hate you, but hey, let's hire an apartment in New York, you, me and Hummel.' That would be weird. I kept thinking about what to say, while knocking on the door.

"Santana? What are you doing here?"

"Hi Berry! I want to talk to you about something, can I come in please?"

"Uhm yeah sure, come in."

Think about what to say San, NOW. I thought while sitting down.

"So uhm yeah. I know we haven't been the best of friends during high school. But lately I've been thinking, about what I want to do after graduation. I don't want to attend a college, like you and Hummel. But I do want to leave Lima. And yeah, it'll probably only for a year, but New York is awesome. And I'm thinking about maybe wanting to go there. But, it's a big city and stuff, and I don't want to be alone. So yeah I, uhm I mean Sebastian, had this idea about maybe you, me and Hummel living together in an apartment. And I wanted to know what you thought about it." Okay, that little speech went okay I guess.

"Santana, but what about Sebastian? He's graduating next year right?"

"Yeah I know, but he told me that I should move away from Lima. I had this idea about staying in Lima on more year, for him. But he doesn't want that. And it's not like we would have to break up. There's always the phone, and all these other stuff. Sebastian said that himself."

"I-I do have to talk about this with Kurt. But personally, I wouldn't mind you coming to live with us. I've seen some changes in you San, good changes. And I truly believe that the three of us, would make an amazing trio in New York. We still have 3 weeks to build a proper friendship right?"

"I understand you have to talk to Kurt. But I'm so thankful you want me to come with you. And honestly, I think our friendship has started right now at this moment."

Wait, Santana what? What am I doing. Oh well, it's for the best and Berry isn't that bad! Santana stop thinking.

"Oh god this is amazing. For years you've made my life a living hell, and here we are, building a friendship. Kinda weird don't you think? "

"It's weird, but that's how life is. Life is weird, and surprises you with the weirdest things, on the most random moments."

"That so true. I'm going to hug you now."

So here I am, in the middle of Berry's living room, hugging her. Yup, I have definitely changed, and to be honest, I like it.

"Thank you for giving me a second chance Rach."

"Everyone deserves a second chance. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to call Kurt, to talk about all this."

"Okay! Let me know what he thinks about it. I have to go home now."

"I'll let you know! Bye San."

"Bye Berry." I said, while stepping into my car. Feeling proud of myself that I talked about this whole New York stuff, and for starting a friendship with the midget.

When I get home, the first thing I so is grabbing my phone and calling Sebastian.

"Hi honey, how did your talk go?"

"Hi handsome, it went amazing!"

"I'm so happy to hear that. Tell me about it."

"Well, I got at Berry's house, and explained everything. Then she told me, she wants me to come live with her and Hummel, but she had to talk about it with him of course. She'll call as soon as she's done talking with Hummel. We talked about friendship stuff, and decided that today was the day that our friendship was born. I'm happy about how things went. And it's all thanks to you that I went there to talk. So thank you so much."

"I'm so damn proud of you! I'm pretty sure Hummel will say yes. And I'm happy you and Berry decided to become friends. Told ya you've been changing!"

"The whole changing thing is all because of you. You bring the good out of me."

"And you bring the good out of me."

"Well, that makes us a perfect couple."

"Oh yes it does. I'm so lucky to have you San. You have no idea."

"And I'm so, so damn lucky to have you. I honestly can't wait to start living our lives together. Our perfect little life."

"One more year."

"One more year." I repeat his words.

"You better go now San. You don't want to miss Berry calling you!"

"True. I love you so, so much. Handsome boyfriend of mine."

"I love you so much more, beautiful girlfriend of mine."


"Bye!" He said.

3 hours later, I started to panic. No phone call from Rachel yet. I started to lose hope, when the phone rang.

"Hi Berry!"

"Hi San, guess which trio is going to live in New York together?!"

Oh my god. Such an awful chapter. I'm so sorry. Y'all probably hate me because I suck at writing.

I'll try to make better chapters. I promise.