A/N: Thanks for all the reviews guys!

Sorry for not updating in a while, my internet has been playing up, should get updates regular (about 3 days apart maybe?), or when my internet actually works.

Disclaimer: Don't own it...*cries*


Carlisle had to get his head clear, clear from all his thoughts on this beautiful caramel-haired woman, he needed to get rid of the scent before his children – especially Alice – caught it. She had been trying to set him up with someone for the past 2 years once everyone else found their mates, claiming that he needs to find one or he could soon be depressed in the near future. 'I can cope on my own though, I have my job – saving lives and my family,' he told himself through his mind.

He pulled up in his drive way soon though and noticed that Alice's Porsche was missing, so all he had to really focus on now was Edward not finding his thoughts. He tried thinking out the words to a few of his favorite songs but all that was coming through was the lady he met, this was pathetic, he couldn't even remember her name. He can't get to know this girl and fall in love even more. He was a vampire for goodness sake!

He made his way through the front door only to be almost knocked over by Alice. 'Great so she hasn't disappeared…wait, who has her Porsche?' For all they were vampires and were as strong as each other - well, all apart from Emmett, but that wasn't the point – and could take each other's strength Alice was the most energetic one and could simply knock you off your feet.

"I can't believe it, I'm so happy for you!" She bounced up and down clapping her hands like a small child excited at getting a toy from the shops or at Christmas.

"Happy about what?" He was acting confused, by the way she was acting she either got a vision of his outing with that lady, or she had a vision of the future including him and her or someone else or possibly even both.

"About you and… the caramel haired lady, I didn't quite get her name, oh Carlisle you're going to be so happy together, I've had visions!"

"Yeah right, she's a human and I'm…well…dead, I'm a monster, if she finds out what we are she's in danger and so are we and what about Rosalie, you saw how she reacted with Bella when Edward found her."

"Well it's taking chances look, she's doing a little work at the hospital helping out, when you start your job tomorrow you'll see her again, all I'm saying is get to know her a little and just start out as friends, you'll fall in love and boom she may become one of us…"

"Why are you so determined to get me a mate?"

"Because you deserve one Carlisle, you've done everything for us, you saved Edward, Rosalie and Emmett, took me and Jasper in and finally you accepted Bella into the family when Edward found his mate, now it's your turn, you deserve a mate, a wife, someone to love you like we love our mates," she stated taking a long un-needed breath.

"Alright, I'll try"

"Great! I knew you would!"


"Yes! Now I'm going to find you a nice new suit for your new day at your new job tomorrow! Go and have a shower or something you're starting to smell a little."


She walked through the halls of the small hospital of Forks as she checked various bits and bobs for the special event planned she stopped by reception picking up papers when Dr. Stone stalked up to her a little nervously.

"Hey, I was wondering if you were busy during the weekend?"

"Erm…not that I know of why?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to come out with me, Dr. Bradshaw and Nurse Hunter?"

"I'll see what I'm doing and I'll get back to you, is that alright?" she finished collecting papers as that blonde dream boy walked through the doors from the beach, he must be the new doctor they were talking about, before turning her attention back to Dr. Stone as he replied.

"Yes that's fine, here's my number" he handed her a piece of paper before walking off, and she was soon met by that familiar face once again.


He walked through the doors of the hospital which seemed awfully tiny compared to the others he has recently moved from in the past 30 years, but just like 80 years previously it was just a small town consisting of over 2,000 of the world's population.

The first thing he noticed as he walked through the double French doors was not only the size of the hospital but also the people it had at reception, her. The woman from the beach, I really have to find out her name again, 'I can't keep referring to her as the woman from the beach I should have paid more attention, so much for a brilliant clear memory.'

She has an ID badge on if that man just moved he could walk up to her and find out.

This is just what happened…
