
Morgan awoke with the sun shining through the blinds. He looked next to him and couldn't stop smiling. Spencer wore a smile despite being in a deep sleep. He rolled out of bed without disturbing the younger man and went downstairs to make breakfast.

It had been two months since Spencer walked into his life and he was not about to let him go. He opened the cabinets as the girls were coming downstairs.

"You're up early." Emily stated.

"Yeah, couldn't sleep because of the damn sun." Morgan laughed.

JJ started helping Morgan with breakfast until Spencer came down, she looked up and asked, "How are you this morning?"

"Perfect." Spencer said stretching.

He walked over to Morgan and kissed him on the cheek. JJ and Emily smiled at each other just as the doorbell rang.

"That must be Will." JJ smiled, running towards the door.

Morgan started thinking about how his life ended up like this, just two months ago he was lonely and now he had three people that he never wanted to lose. JJ was working with him closely at the center and helping him with all the paperwork and she had also agreed to going on a few dates with Will. Emily was currently working on going back to school and helping around the house. He was getting use to their help and support. He enjoyed being around all of them especially Spencer.

Spencer had really taken a liking to Morgan and he enjoyed being with him. Although everything seemed to be going well he had some concerns that were driving him crazy. Spencer was worried, it had been two months and the police still hadn't caught the man who attacked him and JJ. He tried to leave that in the back of his mind, but it was still bugging him.

"Penny for your thoughts…" Morgan sighed.

"It's nothing I'm just worried they will never catch that guy," Spencer looked down but continued, "How much longer do you think it will be? You say we aren't intruding but I feel like we are."

"Hey...come on Pretty boy, you know that you and the girls are welcome here as long as you want. They will catch him, I promise. Hotch is good at his job, so you shouldn't worry. Besides, I love having you here with me." Morgan smiled.

Spencer knew he was right and he decided not to think about it too much, which was hard for him but seeing Derek calm always made him calm. He decided that maybe things wouldn't be so bad if he and the girls stayed with Derek. Spencer knew that Emily and JJ enjoyed being there and if they were safe that was all that mattered. He smiled at Derek and gave him a kiss.

Hey guys…I know it's been a while. I have recently hit some hard times and I have decided that finishing some of these stories and giving you guys some new ones might actually be what I need to get through such a difficult time. So, please read and review! I always love to hear what you guys have to say! I am also going to branch out and try some From Dusk Till Dawn fanfics since that is a new obsession of mine, but I promise to wrap up some of these first. So, this story to me is very special and even though I am wrapping this story up with this chapter I will probably make up another story where the unsub goes after him or the girls again, but until then I just wanted to say thanks!