Disclaimer: No claim to ownership of any of the original Glee material or characters.

A/N: Just a little one off, a possibility for Season 3 - with a twist.

"Let me be more clear," Quinn said quietly. "If you come over on Friday, you get to have sex with me," she whispered into his ear.

Puck shivered just slightly, the feel of her breath on his ear a remembered pleasure. No way did he want to get sucked into that rabbit hole again. He came up with some garbage, insulting her just a little before leaving her with his parting shot. "I'd rather raw dog a beehive," he said, fairly proud of that line, then turned and walked away leaving Quinn frowning, pouting by his locker.

"You know why she's doing this, don't you?" Finn asked as Puck laid back on the bench in the locker room, his hands over his eyes. "It's because she knows you're the only one who can give her what she wants. She can't have the original so she'll have a duplicate. Go do it, you know you want to," Finn advised, "just make sure you double wrap it and don't rely on the withdrawal method. It didn't work so well for you before, did it?"

Puck's hands slowly slipped down his face. He gave Finn a knowing smirk. "Dude, that's sick," he grinned, then his face fell. "Fuck. I'll have to go buy condoms. Blah, I hate those things. Makes you feel like you're fucking through a plastic bag," he grumbled. "Skin to skin is so much better," he nodded to himself.

"Here," Finn took a package from his locker and tossed it to Puck. "Take these, Rachel's allergic to latex," he shrugged. "We didn't find that out till after. That was fun, explaining to her dads why she couldn't walk and was swollen up like you wouldn't believe. And it's one of the reasons we've only ever done it once," he finished softly, almost to himself.

"Cool," Puck smiled, "not about Rachel's swollen ermm….but for these, thanks dude," he nodded at Finn.

Finn smiled back. If Puck had looked closely, he might have noticed that the smile didn't exactly reach Finn's eyes. That might have made him wonder. But he didn't, he was too busy examining the box, checking the expiry date and the failure rate.

On Friday night, Puck found himself in a familiar position, poised above Quinn, bodies ripe for joining together, but still fully clothed.

"Wait," Quinn said, biting her lip, her eyes closed. "I can't do this, I was going to trick you, tell you I'm on the pill so that you could get me pregnant again. I'm sorry," she whispered, opening her eyes. "I'm not using any form of birth control and I'm at the most fertile part of my cycle, that's why it had to be tonight. I'm so sorry," she whispered again, her eyes brimming with tears.

"I got it, trust me," Puck advised, leaning in for another long kiss. "I came prepared," he growled into her throat feeling his body throb with need. No way was he going home in this condition. The very least he was getting was a hand job. He rather fuck her brains out but if she didn't want to, she didn't want to. No is no and all that.

"You have condoms?" Quinn asked, her voice breathy, excited. "Really? You're not just saying that?" she wanted desperately to believe him, needed him to ease the ache deep inside her.

"You can put it on for me if you want," he offered, kneeling up between her wide spread thighs and pulling off his shirt, unfastening his jeans. "Just to be sure," he smiled, his eyebrow arched up.

Quinn did as he suggested. Several times. They used almost all the pack during the weekend that Judy Fabray cruised up and down the Ohio River tasting wine, believing her daughter was alone and taking care of herself.

Four weeks later Puck was emptying the contents of his bag into his locker, his version of filing his homework. He looked to the side out of the corner of his eye, recognising from the sudden hush in the hallway that something interesting was about to blow up. He felt rather than heard someone with high heels stop at the back of him. Fair enough, he thought back over the last week or two. Which girl had he pissed off now? Nope, he couldn't think of any, except maybe those twins from Dayton but he hadn't told them he was still in high school so they probably wouldn't think to look for him here. Plus, he'd only heard one pair of feet now that he thought about it. He carried on 'filing' his schoolbooks, hearing the whispers of everyone in the hallway. He heard a foot tapping. There was only one person in the whole of Lima who could do that and make it look cool at the same time as sounding pissed off.

"What have I done now, Fabray?" he sighed as he turned round to meet a pair of incredibly angry green eyes. No, they weren't just angry, they weren't just pissed, they were furious.

"'I got it'?" she asked through gritted teeth. "'Trust me'?" she flung at him followed by a small white stick that bounced off his chest and landed at his feet. "Do you actually know what birth control is?" she asked, her voice getting louder and louder. "Is it just a game to you?" she said as she stepped right up to him, her finger poking his chest where the stick had hit. "Did you just have a brilliant idea, like, I don't know, ooh, it's Friday night, I haven't knocked Quinn up in a couple of years, that's what I'll do tonight," she mocked, her voice low, gruff. "Is that it? Is that the reason?"

"What are you talking about?" he said loudly, talking over the top of her. "I used condoms this time, you were the one who didn't want to use anything till you came to your senses, remember? I was the one who was prepared. And you were the one who was putting them on. Every time. 'I know what I'm doing'," he mimicked Quinn saying the last part. "So if you're knocked up again, don't look at me, pin it on someone else," he spat at her before turning back to his locker.

Every eye in the hallway was on them, every ear listening to their none too quiet argument.

"Interesting use of word there, Puckerman," Quinn said, nodding, lips pursed. "Where did you get them from, the condoms?" she asked. "Did you actually check them?" she demanded.

"I checked the date on them, the failure rate, what else is there to check?" he asked, still rearranging things in his locker, just so he wouldn't have to stand facing the crowd of students that Quinn was conveniently ignoring.

"So you didn't notice the pin holes in them?" she asked, calming down just a touch, finally noticing the audience. "I'm just asking because the two that you left in my drawer had pin holes in," she muttered, leaning nearer to Puck.

"They had what?" Puck asked, spinning back around to face Quinn.

"Pin holes," Quinn repeated. "Rendering them useless as a barrier method of birth control, hence…" she indicated the white stick on the floor with a wave of her hand.

Puck bent and picked up the stick, reading it as he straightened up. He looked at Quinn over it as he swallowed hard. "Fuck," he whispered, his mouth dry.

"Ooops, we did it again," Quinn tried to joke although she had never felt so far from laughing before in her entire life. "So where did you buy them, the stockist needs to check that none of the other packs have been tampered with," she said, her arms crossing over her chest, one hand stroking the other arm, comforting herself, the anger at Puck draining out of her. He was as much a victim of this sabotage as she was.

"I didn't buy them," Puck replied. "Finn gave them to me," he admitted quietly.

"Finn?" Quinn screeched. "Finn gave them to you? Why?" she demanded, getting angry all over again.

"Because he knew what you were up to when you asked me to have sex with you," Puck shouted. "And maybe he thought it was payback, I don't know," he said, his body sagging a little as the enormity of it hit him.

"Payback for what?" Quinn asked, incredulously.

"I don't know, maybe for being the one who got you pregnant before? For being the one you cheated on him with in sophomore year and in junior year?" he shrugged.

"Finn never knew about junior year," Quinn insisted. "And anyway, he broke up with me both times," she reasoned.

"I only broke up with you because you couldn't stay away from my best friend," Finn's slightly bored voice broke into their argument as he stepped out from the crowd to stand behind Quinn. "And yes I did know about junior year, I followed you every time. Seems you always ran to Puck when you needed something more, didn't you?" he asked. "Perfect opportunity here for you Quinn, tie him down, trap him, it's what you've been planning for years," Finn's eyes rose from the back of Quinn's head to meet Puck's questioning stare before he dropped the bombshell. "And if I can't have him, I'd rather he was with you."