Hello, I'm Shirley Holmes. The world's youngest detective.
I'm 5'5, I have short black hair, barely above my shoulders and wavy like my dad's, Sherlock. Yes, my father's the great Sherlock Holmes. Investigating crimes with his loyal sidekick, John Watson, the blogger. Well, I guess I certainly do take after my dad. Randomly while we're out he tells me to deduce things about random people, to 'test my skills'. I honestly think that if I don't end up as brilliant as him, he will be completely and utterly ashamed of me.
But, I love him anyway. He IS my father after all...
I'm homeschooled because dad doesn't think that the public schools will be 'challenging enough'. But I like it. Staying at home, burying my head in books.
Well, I'm sure that's enough to go on for now. Now, I can begin writing about my journey as a budding detective.