Hi everybody! :D

This is my second Bakugan fanfic! YAY! So excited!

I REALLY hope you all like this. I wrote it a different way and I am thinking about writing all my stories this way from now on.

Crush (I might change the title) – Pairings- Shun&Alice, Dan&Runo, Billy&Julie, Ace&Mira and Ren&Fabia (They will come into it eventually). I might even add Marucho and Barron in with an OC.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bakugan, it would be AWESOME if I did! XD

Enjoy! ^_^

Rays of sunlight burst through a set of purple curtains, causing a curly orange haired girl to stir from her sleep. Putting her pillow over her head trying to fall back asleep, until…

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

… Her loud alarm clock that was set for 7:00am. Lifting her head from under the pillow, she slams her hand on the button to turn the annoying noise off. Two wake up calls, not really the way she wanted to wake up on her first day of school for the year.

Pulling the covers off her, she gradually makes her way to the bathroom, opening up a draw and taking out a toothbrush and some toothpaste.

After getting dressed, she rushes down stairs knowing that she is going to be late if she wanted to walk to school with a light blue haired friend of hers. She normally isn't like this, normally she's organized and ready for what the day brings, but it was the first day of school and she couldn't even be her usual self.

"Good morning, Alice." Her grandfather said as she rushes into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Grandfather.' Alice replies cheerfully as a smile grows onto her face. Gabbing a piece of toast that was already prepared, she heads for the door.

"Have a good day Alice." Her grandfather said.

"You too." She replies with a wave, after she is out the door and walking to her friend's house.

Runo was already out the front of her family's restaurant as Alice turned around the corner. Alice could see that her arms were crossed and she was tapping her foot on the ground.

"Alice! Where have you been? I have been waiting for ages! I was starting to get worried! Didn't you get my texts?" Runo asked flustered.

"Good morning to you too, Runo." Alice giggled.

"Sorry, it's just not like you to be late." Runo said. "That's all."

"I know, but can't I be late sometimes?" Alice replies. "Isn't Julie or Mira walking with us?"

"No, Mira is getting a lift to school and Julie is…"

"RUNO! ALICE! WAIT UP!" They heard a voice from behind them call. Both turning their heads, see the silver haired girl, the one that Runo was just talking about, running towards them.

As Julie reaches them, she places he hand on her knees and starts to regain her breath.

"Julie, fashionably late as usual." Runo smirks.

"Hey! I was getting ready! It is most important for a girl to look her best on the first day of school. Which is something I need to teach you." Julie says looking down at Runo's clothes for the day.

"Whatever you say, at least I don't take 10 hours in the bathroom!" Runo shot back. Alice giggled at the squabbling two, if they didn't know how funny they looked, they probably wouldn't be fighting.

Finally reaching the school gates, the two had stopped ignoring each other. After they saw Alice laughing the two had stopped fighting and put themselves on each side of Alice and didn't talk to each other for the rest of the walk.

"Wow, I can't believe we are back here already." Runo said looking up to the top story of the school's building.

"Yeah, it's hard to believe." Alice said doing the same thing as Runo.

"Come one girls," Julie said, linking her arms in Runo's and Alice's. "Let's make this year the best year yet!"

"Yeah!" Runo says, fist pumping in the air, which attracts a lot of attention. Alice and Julie laugh as the light blue haired girl starts to blush.

Walking past the school gates and into the building, the three girls parted ways in search for their lockers. A sigh of relief escapes Alice's mouth as she finally reaches her locker, as she unlocks it and turns to grab her bag; she spots a guy with jet-black hair leaning up against the wall surrounded by a group of girls. A blush spreads across her checks and her heart beat starts to get faster and faster as she releases who he is.


So what did you all think? I hope it was ok! Fingers and toes crossed!

I'm so sorry that it was so short but I really wanted to finish it off at that point!

Thanks for reading!


Until next time,
