DISCLAIMER: I siriusly don't own the Harry Potter series or character. But you already know that.

Written for the Alpabet Soup Drabble Competition over at HPFC forum

Enjoy! :)


Prompt: Q is for Quiet

Alone in the Gryffindor Common Room after midnight

"Ron." No answer.

"Ron." Still none.

"Ron!" Silence.

"RON!" Hermione yelled. Ron awoke with a gasp.

"Honestly, Hermione would you keep it down, I'm trying to sleep here!"

"Ha, that's thick coming from the one who's been snoring like a chainsaw for the past hour and you have the nerve to tell me to be quiet!"

"I was not! And what the bloody hell is a changsnaw anyway?"

"Muggles use it to cut down trees and it makes a deafening noise," she raised her eyebrows in that Hermione way that she always did. " Just like your snoring."

"Well you know what, Hermione, maybe I do snore like a changsnaw but now isn't the most opportune time to be writing your Herbology essay."

"I wasn't writing it. I was just touching it up."