Me: Sorry this ain't an update, but I ain't gonna pull an 'April Fools prank on y'all. I just need some ideas.

So, we all agree that Elumen the noble-elf from my "In Darkness, Lies Hope" story is a self-righteous bastard that deserves to die, but I need to know how.

Bunnymund: Specifically, the shiela wants ta know how YOU GUYS want him ta die. I've told ya, just leave me alone with him for a few minutes, and we'll 'talk'... *runs paw over boomerangs suggestively*

Me: No, I told you already, only if the people ask for it. Ok, so it seems that when I post a poll, it doesn't show up! So... I guess I'll wait for the comments to pour in...

If there are no good ideas by the end of a six-day wait (six days from now, now being April 1st)... Elumen lives to torture the fanfiction world in the future. I KID YOU NOT, HE'S TIED UP, IN MY ROOM, RIGHT NOW! AND GAGGED!

Bunnymund: I still say off him anyways...

Me: No, if no one votes, then that means they WANT him to live. Got it, Bunny?

Bunnymund: I don't have ta like it...

Me: *cuddles next to Bunny* Never said you had to like it, Bunny... now, how about we get into bed? *squeals as Bunny snatches me up and throws me over shoulder, carrying me into our room*

Bunnymund: Oi, b'fore we go, shiela wanted ta show ya guys a video or somethin' over on YouTube... yeah, she's been teachin' me 'bout this 'Internet' thing.

Here, enjoy- think I'm doin' it right...

/watch?v=jRZlVp3590c (Jack 'n' Rapunzel)

/watch?v=N47tgKI3Pz4 (Jack 'n' Merida)

/watch?NR=1&v=oxIR16uDq_Q&feature=endscreen (Jack Frost and Mavis)

O_O Seems Jackie-boy's been around the block a few times!

Jack: TH-THAT'S NOT TRUE! THOSE VIDEOS ARE FAKE! THEY'RE FAKE, I TELL Y- AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! *gets tackled to ground by Rapunzel, Mavis, and Merida, who proceed to drag him away* HELP ME!

Me: Oh, no, Jackie. I'm not taking those girls from their prize! Enjoy your night, Jack- I know I'll enjoy mine! *jumps Bunny, growling possesively*