A/N: I don't own the 39 Clues. So some of you might be wondering why Nat was a little cuckoo in the last chapter, so this is an...explanation, of some sort. In my defense, this is my first fanfic, so I'm still getting the hang of it. I know the storyline is going against the summary, but I'm leading up to that. If you've read this far, I also need ideas for my other story, New Life. Read and review!

Nat's POV

I crept silently into the den. Normally, I wouldn't be here. But then again, I also wouldn't normally be stealing Dan's favorite game. What is it with him and ninjas? If you ask me, ninjas are just peasants who love jumping around in shadows. And the way they dress! You're supposed to be protecting your city or township or whatever, not going trick or treating!

Anyway, I was in the den. I expected to see the television off, but instead I saw Dan. Playing, well, whatever he was playing. The man he was controlling looked like he was a red-and-gold robot.(A/N: The game in question is Iron Man 2)

"Daniel! Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"Uh...Shouldn't you?"

"I just came down to get a drink of water, Daniel."

"No you didn't." He says quickly.

"How would you know?" I ask, looking like an interrogator.

He smiles, points to the other end of the house and says, "The kitchen is that way."

"Fine. You caught me. I didn't come down here to get a drink. I came to pick something up." I say, while walking over to my make-up bag, which I had left there earlier that day. What Daniel didn't know, however, is that when I stopped to pick up my bag, I also grabbed his precious game.

"Goodnight, Daniel." I say, coldly.

He retaliated by saying, "Night, Princess." I hate it when he calls me "Princess"!

I started up the stairs, but when I reached the top, I thought,

"Why am I helping Dan with his ninja obsession?" My mind quickly came up with the answer: "Because it's really annoying to anyone else!"

"Well, why am I doing it? Couldn't Ian or Amy or anyone else have done it?" Again, my mind had the answer instantly: "Because nobody else cares about Dan's ninja obsession."

"So I'm the only person who CARES about Dan?" This time, though, I couldn't think of an answer to that. "Uh..I didn't say that!"

So, I did what I always did when I was confused. I Skyped Sophie Watson, my best friend in school since the clue hunt ended.

"Nat, could you hold on for a sec? I need to finish my homework." She said.

"Oh, go ahead. I'm not in a rush anyway. I just had a question."

"Oh, really?" She says. That's why Sophie's my best friend. I know whenever I have a problem, I can count on her advice. I should get Amy to make her a Madrigal. "Well, I always have time to help. Shoot."


"It means go ahead." She says.

"Well, there's this boy."

"Oh, I get it. He's a 'peasant' or something. You like him but you're afraid of your feelings."

"How did you know?"

"Oh, please. You know how I got hired for the local newspaper's advice column? People e-mail me their problems, I tell them how to deal with it. Your problem is very common among girls your age. As you can see, I'm very good at my job."

"You ARE good! Now, back to my problem?"

"Oh, sorry! There's nothing wrong with liking someone, Nat."

"I KNOW. But the boy I like is totally ninja-obsessed!"


"What? That's not true! What hat did you pull that out of?"

"It's simple, Nat. At school, none of the boys who you are friends with are ninja-obsessed. At Dan's house, which is your current residence, there's only one person who's ninja-obsessed! And that is..."

"Dan. You're right. I DO like Dan. But could we keep this a secret? PLEASE?"

"Okay, Nat. Never let it be said I'm not a good friend or that I stab people in the back. Just one question."


"Does Dan like you back?"

"Uh...I don't think so."

"Oh...then we'll have to change that. Listen closely." Then she told me her plan to get Dan to like me.(A/N: This is why Nat was acting really crazy in the last chapter)

"You sure this will work? I mean, this feels a little weird."

"Relax, Nat. It'll do the trick."

"Okay, then. Goodnight, Sophie."

"Goodnight, Nat." She said before she logged off.

I found myself staring at the area where Sophie's face was seconds before. Why was I doing this? Dan wouldn't ever like me. I'd done too many things to hurt him. He would never forgive me. He couldn't. I almost KILLED him, for crying out loud!

What is wrong with me? Am I really in love with Dan?

Yes, I am.

A/N: And done! I hope this explains why Nat was a little crazy in the last chapter. Read and review!

-J. Cahill