Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Castle characters. If I did, I wouldn't be so broke.

This is my first attempt at a fic, but it's a story I couldn't get out of my head. So I'm writing it. I can not only take whatever criticism you want to throw at me, I welcome it.

Kate could hear a pounding. It sounded so far away, but she couldn't figure out where it was coming from. As she focused on it more and more, she realized she had been asleep, and the pounding was coming from the front door of her apartment.

"Kate? What's that noise?" Castle murmured from beside her.

"Door…it's the door…what time is it?" Kate looked at the clock. 4:57AM. Really? Who on Earth would be banging on her door at this time of day?

Kate grabbed her Sig from the nightstand and walked out of the bedroom and over to the door to look out the peephole. She couldn't believe what she saw on the other side. Surely not…

"Katie! Open the damn door! I don't have time for this!"

Kate swung the door open. There, on the other side, was a young woman. She was wearing a black and grey flannel shirt, her jeans tucked into her battered, turquoise high-topped cowboy boots, her long blonde hair tied up at the nape of her neck in a messy bun.

"I'll be damned. Macy? What are you doing here? I thought you were in Texas?"

"Hello, to you too, darlin'. I just got into town. You gonna let me inside? I really don't have time for messing around. Besides, I brought you and lover-boy some coffee. I need your help." She handed Beckett one of the three coffee cups she had been carrying, along with a small paper bag. "Two bear claws. Yes. I remembered. Tell him to put some clothes on before he comes out here, would ya?"

Macy walked by Beckett and into the apartment just as Castle came, almost stumbling, out the bedroom. "Kate, I didn't know you were expecting visitors. I guess I'll grab my stuff and head to the loft."

"Not a chance, big guy. This coffee is yours and I need both of you to help me on this." Macy shoved to coffee towards Castle as she walked by him on the way to the coffee table and started digging file folders out of the backpack she'd carried in with her. Beckett and Castle just looked at each other in stunned silence, not sure what was going on. Castle had never seen the girl before, but it was obvious that she knew Kate, and knew her well.

"Macy…it's great to see you and all, but what's going on? Does your father know you're in town?" Kate walked over to the couch and sat next to the young woman.

"Think about that question for a minute, Katie. You remember who you're talking about? Of course he does. That's why I'm here. He doesn't…" Macy struggled with her words and grew quiet. "There are only so many people he trusts. Especially in this city."

"Well…thank you for the coffee. Kate, would you care to introduce me? Or explain how this young lady knows a) that I am here, and b) how I like my coffee?" Castle took a seat in one of the chairs opposite the women on the couch, looking expectantly at Kate while he sipped the latte Macy had provided him.

"Right…Sorry. Rick Castle, this is Macy Cavanaugh." Macy smiled at Castle as they were formally introduced. "It's great to finally meet you, Mr. Castle," Macy stated as she reached up to shake Castle's hand. "Likewise, Ms. Cavanaugh, but you still haven't answered my questions."

Macy and Kate shared a look between them that Castle couldn't quite figure out. It seemed to be part questioning, part understanding, and part amusement.

"Mr. Castle, I've known Kate my entire life. Our mothers were friends in law school and later became colleagues. Kate and I have always been close, and we've kept in touch." Macy stated this very matter-of-factly, then looked pointedly at Beckett. "I'm being serious. We don't have a lot of time here, so as much as I'd love to play catch-up, it's going to have to wait. As you know, Kate, Daddy is a rather wealthy man, but there are very few people he trusts. We've had an incident at the office here in New York and we need your help taking care of things. Granted, you are a busy woman and you have a job to do, but Daddy won't let anyone even in the building without you clearing them first. He's decided that you're in charge and what you say goes. "

"OK, Mace, that still doesn't explain why you're here at my apartment at 5AM. Couldn't you have waited until a decent hour? And even then, called and asked me to come over instead of barging in here? I mean, I'm grateful for the coffee, but this is a little out of character, even for you." Kate couldn't get the feeling of uneasiness out of her stomach as she watched the struggle on Macy's face as she attempted to find the words to explain.

"Look. You know how…cautious Daddy is. I was surprised he even called me to get me to fly up here! I have things I need to be doing at the ranch!"

Castle's confusion and inquisitive nature finally got the best of him. "I'm sorry. I know I'm new here, but I'm completely lost. Kate…?"

Kate looked questioningly at Macy, as if for approval, to which Macy gave a curt nod. "Castle…Macy is my god-daughter…"
