Anime High: Krystal's Story

Authors Note

The following is made as a fanbased parody to make fun of all the illerate writers on . So it is supposed to be bad. Krystal is supposed to be a Mary Sue. She is supposed to be annoying. I had originally planned this story in my freshman year, but never posted it because of this reason. It has slight changes such as the charcter and back story. I was also inspired by another bad fanfiction called Face the Strange. So I hope you all laugh at this story. Its also supposed to be (mildly) offensive and f**ked up.


"Mom, I wanna go to Anime High, pleeeeeease?" A princess begged the King and Queen of Gemstasia, a small kingdom located in Canada.

"Krystal, you musn't." Her father said. "Your going to become queen in a few years, so you must stay here."

Hi, my name is Krystal, and I am fourteen years old, and I'm the princess of Gemstasia. I don't like being a princess. Its too boring, and I don't suit it well. Lets get things straight here, at the parlor, the princess usually sings opera, but I refuse. I wanna sing J-pop. But all the elders and royals won't allow it. I am also supposed to be reading literature, which is so boring. I would rather read manga.

My sister, Melony, who is eight is a better princess than I will ever be. So I don't understand why I have to be queen and not her! In four years I have to marry a prince but all the princes in this kingdom are ugly horn dogs.

"But Dad! This is what I want." I whine, while stamping my foot.

"I said no, Krystal!" Her father barked.

I cry and go to my room. A person steps in. It is one of the noble knights, Danny, who I love to manipulate.

"Is something wrong, my dear?" Danny asked, concerened.

"Its my parents again! I don't want to become queen! I just wanna be a regular teenage girl and go to a normal teenage school." I cry into his chest.

"Is there anything that I can do to make you feel better?" He askes.

I pull him closer to me and lock lips with him, making him feel uneasy. "I want you inside me."

"Princess, I don't think we should be doing this!" He said, like a timid child.

"Hush, I know what I'm doing." I say, bringing him in for another kiss. Then pushed him on the bed and did some naughty things.

Danny came back to the knight's hang out after that traumatizing event.

"Danny, what took so long?" A purple haired, female knight asked.

"Older sister had her way with me again." He said, embaressed.

The purple haired knight clentched her teeth. "That bitch." She growled.

"Loli! Don't get so angry!" Danny protested. "Its not your fault."

Loli was Danny's and Krystal's oldest sister. The King and Queen had lots of children (They had twenty children!) however Loli wasn't eligible to be queen because she was a tomboy and wasn't as pretty as Krystal or Melony. Loli gave up her dream being queen and became a knight instead. Loli hated Krystal and everything about her because she would one day have the throne and not her.

"I know it isn't but she does this to you every night!" Loli said, angrily. "I'm going to kill her and claim the throne for myself." She pulled out a silver metallic sword and began to exit the hangout.

"But Loli! She is your sister! Our sister! She will one day be queen." Danny said.

"Like I give a crap." Loli said and left.

That night Krystal planned her escape. Melony had caught her.

"Kry-Kry, wher are you going?" Melony asked. Kry-Kry was Krystal's nickname that only the children of the kingdom called her.

Krystal packed her last suitcase with some stuffed animals. "I'm running away from home." She had said.

"But why? Won't you get caught?" Melony asked.

"I hate it here. Don't tell mom or dad this." Krystal said with a wink.

"I won't." Melony said in a playful but devious voice that only a charmismatic child could bring. "Only if you take me and Cliff with you."

Cliff was the family's youngest boy at the age of five. When he was two he was attacked by a witch, and his vocal chords were removed from his body so he was never able to talk. He talked using sign language and Melony found tis really cute. One day Melony declared her love for him and said, that when Melony and him turn eighteen they would marry.

"Fine." Krystal said, rolling her eyes.

"Good, now let me get Cliff up." Melony said and lef the room to wake him up.

"Be back before midnight." Krystal said.

"Yes, Kry-Kry." Melony said in a sing song voice.

Later that night Melony, Cliff, and Krystal left the kingdom. Loli and Danny watched from the highest tower.

"Where does she think she is going?" Loli growled.

"I belive she was going to a new school that is located in Japan." Danny said.

"I can't let this happen." Loli said.

She began to head to the King and Queen's bedroom. The queen was just grooming herself infront of a beautiful mirror while the king was in bed reading a novel.

"Mom, Dad." Loli began, with Danny standing closely behind her.

"What is it dear?" The king asked. "Having trouble sleeping?"

"Krystal just left the kingdom and took Melony and Cliff with her." Loli said in a cold voice.

The King and Queen jumped up from hearing this. "WHAAAAT?" The queen sheriked.

"You must go and follow them and they must never leave your sight." The king said.

"Yes, Dad." Loli said with a bow.

"Danny, go with her." The king said. "Once you get a hold of them, throw them in the dungeon with all the prisoners, they have just lost their princess duties."

Loli smirked. Danny, timidly asked, "What about who is going to be princess?"

"That will role will be given to Sara." The queen said.

Sara was a year younger than Krystal and was much prettier than her. Krystal got along with her sometimes but Sara was more well liked by the kingdom.

"Now go, get them and bring them back here!" The king said.

"Yes, Dad." The two knights said.

In order to make it out of the kingdom and get to the airport, the princess and her siblings must enter the city.

"Wow, the city is so big." Melony said.

"Quiet before someone finds us." Krystal said. "We must change our looks that way no one finds us." She then dragged the two children into a beauty salon that worked late hours.

A flamboyantly gay black man greeted them. "Hi honey, what can I do for you?"

"Make us look as different as possible." Krystal demanded.

"Sure thing! Laquisha! Tanya! Get your asses down here!" The man said.

Two beautiful black women came down the stairs. One was skinny and had straight hair with long black fingernails and wore a leather jacket and a cheetah print top, jeans and leather boots. The other was fat but good looking and wore a black spagett strap tank top with sequined letters that read "Princess" with a sequeined tiara underneath. She wore white jeans and black boots. Her hair was more wild looking and her nails were also long but were painted pink. They looked at Krystal and the younger siblings.

"We need to make them pretty as much as possible." The man said.

"Okay, hay, we will handle it." Said the skinny one. She took Cliff by the hand while the fat one took Melony by the hand.

The gay man sat Krystal down and began washing her hair. "So why must we make you different?" He asked.

"I am the princess of Gemstasia." Krystal answered.

The man gave out a surpised look and said, "I knew you looked like her!"

"Yeah, anyway, I've decided I need to run away from home. I think some bad people are after me, so I have to hide myself." Krystal explained.

"Oh don't worry, honey, we'll make you look fabulous." The man said.

He began cutting her brown hair and some music played as him and the two ladies working on Krystal's siblings started singing I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor.

Cliff's red curly hair became a luscious brown and had a bowl hair cut. Melony's brown long curly hair was dyed strawberry blonde and was straigtend. Krystal had short platinum blonde hair and was given three ear pericings in each ear.

"Now that we got your hair down, let me give you some fabulous outfits." The man said to the three siblings.

The three hairstylist, who were also siblings kept their clothes that they had worn when they were their age. Krystal wore a sparkly white cashmiere sweater with a blue denim mini skirt and red converse. Cliff was wearing a white button down top with a denim jacket, leather jeans and black shoes. Melony wore a pink tank dress with a white sweater and pink dress hsoes.

"Okay honey, you are ready to go!" The man said.

"Thank you, bye!" Krystal said, holding her siblings hands and walked outside the shop. Then headed for the airport.