In the town of Dillydale, you can see the Dillydale Tower. It is the tallest building in Dillydale. On top of the Dillydale Tower, there is a giant ball known as the Dillydale Ball. The Dillydale Ball has a door on it. This is because someone lives inside. That someone is a dark gray, circular Mr. Man with a red nose, a red baseball cap, a blue shirt, white gloves, and white shoes. His name is Mr. Zany. One night last summer, Mr. Zany climbed to the top of the Dillydale Ball to look at the night sky. Little did he know that he was being followed. Just then, he heard a high-pitched voice say, "Hi, Mr. Zany! What are you doing?" Mr. Zany turned to look. It was a Little Miss that looked like him, except for the following: She didn't have a cap, she had blonde hair with a flower in it, and she wore a black shirt and pink skirt. She was Mr. Zany's sister, Little Miss Zany. "Just looking at the night sky. Why?" asked Mr. Zany. "Because I've heard that there are wishing stars in the sky. If you choose one to make a wish on, it'll fall to the ground. The first one to touch the fallen star will be granted one wish," said Miss Zany. "That's interesting," said Mr. Zany. Then he pointed to a star and said, "Could it be that one?" They waited for a few seconds, and then Miss Zany said, "I don't think so." Mr. Zany pointed to a different one and said, "How about that one?" He got the same response. "I've got it!" he said, pointing to a different star. "That one!" This time, the star appeared to get bigger until it fell to the ground. Mr. Zany didn't need a response from his sister. That was good enough. "Mr. Zany, if you get to the star first, what will you wish for?" asked Miss Zany. "Well, I'd like to help Mr. Dudeman out, so that'll be my wish," Mr. Zany replied. Miss Zany gasped and said, "That's exactly what I was going to wish for!" Then she saw Mr. Zany head for the door. "Miss Zany," he said, "we need to be ready for tomorrow." "Why, Mr. Zany? What are we going to do tomorrow?" replied Miss Zany. "Try to get to the wishing star first!" replied Mr. Zany.

Can you guess who Mr. Zany and Miss Zany were inspired by?