I do not own Pokémon. I do own two OC's, Thomas and Hannah, along with the area of Mountain Pass Town. This is a Mystery Dungeon story and also the sequel to Oshawott's Love Interest. Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Black Hole

This is the tale of two young lovers, an Oshawott and an Eevee. Eevee had been kidnapped a while ago, and Oshawott put everything—including his own Exploration Team—to save her. Oshawott was the leader of Team Poké Friends, which consisted of himself, Tepig, Snivy, and Pidove. They, along with Eevee and a few others were apprentices at the Poké Pals Guild in Mountain Pass Town.

It was a cool, breezy morning in Mountain Pass Town. A small portal opened up in front of the Poké Pals Guild. A Turtwig with glasses came out. His name was Thomas. He was followed by a female Starly with a silver necklace with a six-pointed star on it. Her name was Hannah. They were both humans (in their world anyways) who had the power to travel through dimensions. They were also members of Team Poké Pals. Piplup, the leader of the Poké Pals, came out to greet his friends. "Hey, guys. I heard about your huge victory in the Shadow War."

"Morning, Piplup," Thomas returned the greeting casually, as if the victory was no big deal. "Is there any news on Darkrai?"

"Not exactly. Although, we have found out the identities of more outlaws in his little circle of criminals," Piplup stated and guided them in.

There stood Chimchar, the one who had wanted to start Team Poké Pals long ago. Behind him were the Guild apprentices: Oshawott, Tepig, Snivy, Pidove, Eevee, Minccino, Pachirisu, Excadrill, Marill, Azurill, and Spoink.

"They look as raring to go as ever," Hannah smiled in approval.

"Yay! Hannah's back!" Pidove chirped with glee.

"Just don't flirt," Hannah told him flatly. Pidove nodded in confirmation that he would not be a flirty-bird.

"Hmm…" Thomas hummed. He was thinking. You see, he was an apprentice of Palkia, the deity of space, so he had the ability to sense spatial distortions. He was trying to find a space distortion as some sort of evidence of Darkrai being near.

There was a clunking noise outside. It was the Poké Pals Guild mailbox. Piplup waddled out to get the mail. When he came back in, he gave a letter to Chimchar to read out loud. Chimchar looked over the letter, and his face looked more surprised with every word he read. Then, he began reciting. "'Dear Poké Pals Guild, I have heard the reputations of not only your team, but also your apprentices when you went to Blizzard Island. To the north of Mountain Pass Town, several outlaws have been spotted. Many Exploration Teams are searching said area as your read this, but your assistance could increase our chances in catching Darkrai ten fold. Signed, Officer Magnezone'"

"This is huge!" Excadrill exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Spoink agreed.

"We should go!" Pachirisu squeaked urgently. She wanted to go and help catch Darkrai. Who didn't? Not only did Darkrai have a huge bounty on his head, but everyone of the Poké Pals Guild had a bone to pick with him after the torture he put Eevee through.

"Okay!" Piplup nodded. Piplup had a major bone to pick with Darkrai as well, as Darkrai tricked even deity Pokémon into thinking that the Poké Pals had to be eradicated. Not to mention the fact that is it because of Darkrai that Piplup became a Pokémon with no memory. He had attacked him and Grovyle while time travelling (note that fighting while crossing timelines is a very dangerous thing to do).

"We'll go. Everyone, get ready, and when we're ready to go, get outside so I can lock up the Guild," Chimchar ordered.

"RIGHT!" everyone nodded and went to their rooms. They all got ready and later went outside. Following that, the members of the Poké Pals Guild went north.

Team Poké Friends were standing before the entrance of Landslide Cave a matter of time later. A sweet, delightful voice filled Oshawott's navy blue ears from behind. "Oshawott!" Oshawott whirled around to find Eevee and her roommates, Minccino and Pachirisu.

"Eevee!" Oshawott hugged her. "I'm glad we met up! Now I don't have to worry that something may happen to you."

"Don't be so silly, silly! I'm a fighter, remember?" Eevee winked at him. Oshawott nodded. He remembered the torture she survived on Blizzard Island. When he had finally found her in the pit of Crevice Cave, she had been cut and scraped all over, her fur was a mess, she had been battered and bruised, and she had been even coughing up blood. But she survived.

"I just don't want anything bad to happen to you again," Oshawott felt tears sting his eyes. Eevee snuggled up against him in reassurance. He hugged her neck and held her for about thirty seconds when Pidove spoke up.

"Drop the hug fest and let's go, go, GO!" Pidove shouted. They all entered the cave together. The seven of them were a formidable force. They made it to the bottom of the dungeon with ease, but then things became very interesting. At the bottom of the cave, they found Darkrai facing an ominous looking portal. The young group of seven hid behind some stalagmites and observed their unsuspecting adversary.

"What is that thing?" Minccino whispered. She was referring to the swirling portal.

"I have no idea," Tepig whispered to her.

"Excellent. Yes, excellent," Darkrai said, almost cackled. "My perfect world of darkness will fall upon this world. Until then, this place will be my sanctum." Then, he sensed that he was being watched. He turned around and faced the stalagmite. "Hello, little children." He fired a Dark Pulse attack and the stalagmite shattered.

"WAAAH!" the children screamed.

"You okay?" Oshawott asked Eevee.

"I'm fine," Eevee nodded.

"There are seven of us and only one of him! We have a chance!" Snivy pointed out and prepared for battle.

"I am not one to waste my time," Darkrai said coldly. The portal behind him began to suck up all the rubble that was once the stalagmite. "You little spies shall see things how they should be!"

"Hang on!" Minccino encouraged as she and Pachirisu grabbed another stalagmite. Pidove, Snivy, and Tepig grabbed another stalagmite as well. Oshawott simply hung onto Eevee with all his might.

I won't lose her again! Oshawott thought to himself. He had to hang on.

"Oshawott, hang in there!" Snivy encouraged and used Vine Whip to reach out to him. She was a split second too late. The portal's suction intensified and Eevee and Oshawott were pulled in!

"WAAAAAH!" the young Pokémon couple screamed.

"NO!" Tepig, Minccino, Snivy, Pidove, and Pachirisu screamed.

"Farewell, kids," Darkrai said to them and went into the portal, cackling all the way. The portal then closed, and the remaining Pokémon were totally and utterly shocked.

The five remaining Pokémon came back to the Guild, and each one of them was sulking. Matters worsened when they saw Eevee's sisters, Vaporeon, Flareon, Espeon, and Glaceon, along with her brothers, Jolteon, Umbreon, and Leafeon. Vaporeon immediately noticed the absence of her little sister. "Where is Eevee?" she asked.

"W-well," Pachirisu sniffled, "you see…" Each Pokémon took a turn explaining what happened.

"N-no! Not Eevee!" Flareon was about to burst into tears. Vaporeon looked heartbroken. Umbreon started swearing. Jolteon's jaw had dropped. Glaceon and Espeon were wide eyed. Leafeon was trying to comfort Flareon.

"We'll get to the bottom of this. Don't worry," Piplup assured. "We'll get them back! And hopefully, we'll settle the score!"

"I have an idea," Chimchar spoke up. He turned to Thomas, "You should head to Spatial Rift and talk to Palkia." Then, he turned to Hannah, the apprentice of Dialga, "And you should head to the Hidden Land for the same reason. If anyone can help us, it's Palkia and/or Dialga."

"Right, but we'll need to find the right time to talk our leaves. I don't think Master Palkia would appreciate it if I showed up without calling first," Thomas joked dryly. He had a dry sense of humor that Hannah seemed to enjoy. "But seriously, we ought to wait this out for a short while. We don't know what Darkrai could do or what could provoke him to make a move."

"You always do have some kind of strategy when it comes to situations like this," Hannah pointed out.

"I try," Thomas shrugged with one of his forelegs.

Meanwhile, Oshawott and Eevee were sitting in some sort of prison cell. Oshawott was gently stroking Eevee's fluffy fur. She was whimpering. She was frightened. She asked her love, "Oshawott, where are we? When are we?"

"I don't know, Eevee," Oshawott shook his head. "I don't know, but I'll do everything in my power to protect you."

"Thank you," she thanked him softly. She looked up at him and kissed his nose, which caused him to blush. "I'll protect you, too. Something tells me we're on our own for a while, so we need to have each other's back."

"Eevee, you're absolutely right," Oshawott nodded and smiled. He was still blushing. They sat on the hard, gray, stone floor. She snuggled up against him and wrapped her tail around him. With one paw, he petted her tail, and with the other, he held her head protectively to his chest. He whispered in one of her long ears, "I just wanted to tell you that…I love you."

"I love you, too," Eevee whispered back and smiled. She really did love him. He risked everything he had to save her when she was kidnapped. Everything. Until he rescued her, she never knew another Pokémon cared about her so much.