It was a cloudy, rainy day in Magnolia. People stayed in their homes, the streets were a bit flooded from heavy rain. Lightning strikes and the children whimper. It was a bad day especially for a certain pink headed boy around 18 years old.

Natsu Dragneel, and 18 year old boy living in a dormitory with 5 people. He has pink hair, tanned skin and onyx eyes. He always wears the scarf that his foster father gave him when he was around 7 years old. His father disappeared out of nowhere after he gave his son the scale like scarf.

Ever since his Father disappeared, there's this white haired girl named Lisanna. She became Natsu's bestfriend ever since he was 7. They laughed and cried together. He had to admit that he liked this white haired girl. She was sweet, kind, lovable and cute. Who wouldn't like her? She's almost perfect.

7 years later, somewhere in the airport. Lisanna had to leave to a different country for her studies. Natsu at that time is 14 years old while Lisanna is 13.

Natsu cant stop crying for his bestfriend was leaving him for her studies. He cant blame her, she cant decide anything, she has to follow her parents.

"Hey Lis? When will you come back?" Natsu asked while crying. He was afraid that his bestfriend wont comeback or he will never see her again.

"I don't know Natsu, maybe 3 or 4 years?" Lisanna answered the pink-headed boy with worries in her eyes.

"That long? But you'll visit right? You'll be here for vacation right?" Natsu's eyes widen as he heard Lisanna.

"I don't know, but guess what? I have a present for you" Lisanna said trying to calm Natsu down and she had succeded.

"what is it?" Natsu answered as Lisanna handed him a circle-shaped locket. Natsu opened the locket and was surprised that there was a picture of him and Lisanna inside that was taken on his birthday.

"uhmm, lets promise that when I come back you must still have that locket. Don't lose it okay?" Lisanna said and Natsu nodded. Lisanna hugged Natsu and said

"Bye Natsu" Natsu hugged back

"Bye, I like you Lis, sorry for the late confession" Natsu said as she cupped her face

"I like you too Natsu" Lisanna said

"I'll be back Natsu, so you have to wait for me okay?" Lisanna said with tears forming in her eyes

"I'll wait Lis, I'll wait" Natsu said as he watched Lisanna leave carrying her luggage.

-3 Years Later

Natsu was already a 1st year collage student. He had moved into another school called Fairy University. He widen his eyes as he saw how big the school was. It was so wonderfull that will make you think that only elites only attend here.

The halls were huge and their cafeteria was like a restaurant with great cooks.

He looked around a bit more until a ring escaped his phone.

"Oh shit! The principal!" Natsu cursed as he ran to the principal's office.

He reached the principal's office and looked for an old man.

"Good Morning Mr. Dragneel" Natsu heard a voice but he looked around and saw nothing

"Ahem!" the principal fake coughed. Natsu looked down to see the principal

"Small!" Natsu said shockingly which made the principal snap

"what did you say you brat?" The old man said

"Oh sorry sir, I came to get my schedules" Natsu said nervously. This old man was small but there Is something really terrifying about him.

Natsu got his schedule and went to his room and introduced himdelf. " hey guys, im Natsu Dragneel. Im 18 years old and don't ask anything about my hair, its natural, I didn't dye it." After Natsu introduced himself, the teacher asked him to take his seat beside the window.

Minutes later, the door burst open and it revealed a beautiful blondie with perfect curves and big boobs? But there's something odd about her. Its like she has no emotion, she's just standing with no emotion at all, but at the same time I feel like there's loneliness in her face.

Natsu kept on staring at her as she sat beside Natsu. "hey there, im Natsu, Natsu Dragneel" Natsu introduced himself at the beautiful, emotionless blondie. But no answer. "uhmmm Hello?" Natsu kept bugging her. But still no answer.


"Hey" Natsu approached the blondie

"Mind if I seat with you?" He asked

"Not really" The blondie answered Natsu for the first time. 'Gosh, her voice, its so sweet' Natsu thought

"Hey Im Natsu" Natsu said

"I know, you said that a while ago" the blondie responded

"And you are?" Natsu asked for her name

"Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia" Lucy said as Natsu's eyes went wide when he heard Heartfilia

"Heartfilia? You mean-" Natsu said but was cut-off by Lucy

"yeah, im their daughter. And it sucks, because of it I've got no friends at all" Lucy said casually

"what about me?" Natsu asked

Lucy's eyes widen a bit as he heard the teenage boy. Did he really asked that? It was her first time that someone ask to be her friend. She was so happy. As she stared at Natsu, she blushed and realized that this boy really looks like her childhood friend who disappeared years ago. She began to cry and Natsu didn't know why.

Natsu was confused. Why was she crying? Natsu cupped her face and whipped away the tears with his thumb and without notice Lucy hugged him in desperation of her bestfriend. Natsu really looked like him, the only difference was their hair. Her bestfriend has black hair.

Natsu was shocked. First crying now hugging? Gosh what the hell is happening here!

"im sorry, its just, you resemble my bestfriend much and I haven't seen him in years, I just miss him so much" Lucy said as he let go of Natsu. Seconds later, they felt stares from the other students and they could hear some rumors.

"Are they dating?"

"that guy is hot"

"It's the first time for me to see that Heartfilia like that"

"who's that guy?"

"is this for real?"

Natsu and Lucy froze from the comments they heard. There was an akward silence as they eat their lunch. Natsu was the first one to break the silence.

"so, where do you live now?" He asked just to break the akward silence between them

"In a dormitory"

"Which dorm?" Natsu asked her again

"Oh, it's the one called Nanohanasou or something" Lucy replied to the pink-headed guy

"So you mean, you were the new comer that Sensie mentioned?" Natsu asked her again

"Yeah" The girl said

"Why didn't you said earlier?"

"You didn't ask!"

"But you could have told me" Natsu said as he pouted so cutely that made Lucy giggle

As Natsu heard her giggle, he looked at her and smiled warmly

"Your so pretty Luce" Natsu stated without realizing what he said and Lucy blushed as she heard Natsu's compliment.


At Nanohanasou there are 5 people who lived in there, they were Natsu, Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser and Mirajane Strauss. These five were her first friends in her entire teenage life. She was really thankful that she moved there, the people who lived there was really warm and kind. Living in Nanohanasou is going to give her a life she had never experienced before.

Lucy Heartfilia is a 17 yr old girl with blond hair, perfect curves and a pretty face. The reason why she had never had friends is that the students spreaded nasty rumors about her that she was dating guys in a dirty way though she didn't even had dated a single guy ever! Lucy is from a rich family that owns the Heartfilia Railways, the biggest company in all japan.

Lucy was in her room changing her clothes. She was really tired from school. As she began to unbutton her blouse she hummed a bit. She almost unbuttoned the last one until a certain Natsu Dragneel had just barged in her room.

She paused for a bit before she spoke up and asked "Natsu, what would you do if I was already naked in here? And how the hell did you entered my room! It was locked right?"

"First, it wasn't locked, second, I would take the opportunity to see your sexy body and might as well take the credit if you got pregnant" Natsu said teasingly as Lucy was blushing madly and pushed him away and shoved him out of her room

"Shiesh! Pervert! How am I going to survive in a place where there are a half naked man, scary readhead, a girl who calls me love rival and a matchmaker who matchmade me and Natsu on my first day on this place, and a fire breathing,cute and hot… wait did I just think that he was cute and hot?!" Lucy said to herself

"Oh well it is true, damn that Natsu" Lucy thought as she changed into something more comfortable to wear.