If events that occur in this chapter leave you with unanswered questions, just know that everything will be explained next chapter, which will probably be the last one. Review if you enjoyed. :)
You were warm. Lazily, your mind drifted in and out of slumber, unwilling to really wake up. You just wanted to feel this content forever. Your body had other plans, however. As you slowly became more aware, you realized your head was resting on something hard. Groaning, you registered how sore you were and the fact that you had been sleeping on the floor. Blinking groggily, your vision became clear enough to see what had served as your pillow. A black and grey leg? Oh! "Dawur?" you mumbled.
His deep voice, full of amusement, spoke from above you. "You're finally awake, Meat." You took a moment to fully understand the situation you had woken up to. After the sex, you had apparently passed out... and he had stayed with you?! That was a first. Usually he always left, but you had no complaints. You were very glad he had looked over you while you rested. He was sitting against a wall with your head on his leg. Your clothes were draped over your body as a makeshift blanket.
"How long was I out for?" you asked, closing your eyes again with a pleased smile on your face. After over a month of being apart from Dawur, this was definitely a welcome change of pace.
His fingers threaded through your hair, petting you, making you almost purr in contentment. "A few hours," he replied, keeping still while you made no move to sit up.
Mmm... you were still so warm and the way his hand was stroking your hair was just heaven. It would be nice to just drift off again. "I want to sleep more," you told him, muttering sleepily.
He stopped his hand, resting it on your head. "You should relocate to your room then," he said in a way that left no room for argument. No, Dawur, why would you ruin my good time? You whined pathetically in your head.
"Too much effort," you objected. It would be much nicer to just stay here and keep using him as a pillow. You really didn't want this to end, preferring to enjoy the first time he had ever stayed with you after sex. It was a special occasion!
He poked you firmly. "I'm not giving you a choice here, Meat. Now, do you want to walk yourself or do you want me to assist you?" Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. You sighed and rolled over to look up at him.
"Depends how you'd carry me," you said. The way he smirked, the dark look on his face, one that betrayed his plotting to most assuredly find amusement at your expense told you all you needed to know. "Okay okay, I'll get up." You grumbled at sat up, wincing as your stiff muscles protested.
He stood up once you had removed your head from his leg. As he stretched his own arms and flexed his shoulders, working out the kinks, he asked, "Are you in much pain?" You blinked at his question, having been a bit lost in admiring the way his muscles moved.
"Just a little bit," you answered honestly and busied yourself pulling on your wrinkled clothes, and re-equipping your swords and mask. The soreness really wasn't too bad. It would fade in a few hours. "It's been a while since we last met."
He chuckled in agreement. "Yes, I wasn't exactly pleased when you left so suddenly." You blushed at his words, glad that he had missed you while you had been gone.
Turning to face him, you said, "Sorry about that. Deathstroke didn't give me much choice." You had left him a note, but you were unsure if he had seen it. You had been called away from Lexcorp farms with barely anytime to even pack up, let alone even leave the cryptic message behind.
Dawur didn't give you a chance to bring that tidbit up, and it really didn't matter anymore either way. "If that happens again, be sure to find me before you leave," he ordered, tilting his head slightly as he gazed down at you.
"I will, I promise," you smiled at him, meaning your words with all your heart. If the situation where you were ordered away from him ever occurred again, you would definitely seek Dawur out before leaving. You did not want that to happen, though. It was much nicer to be at his side.
"Can you walk by yourself?" he teased, noting the way you swayed a little, the sleepiness creeping back into your mind. Although it had been nice to use his leg as a pillow, it definitely hadn't left you well rested. At your assuring nod, he said, "Good. I'll see you later." He did escort you to the end of the hall where you parted ways, with him resuming his patrol of the Warworld and you making your way to your room, where you intended to sleep more and recover from the rough sex.
The days passed by and you enjoyed the time you spent with your favorite Reach warrior. He would come to you at night and join you in your room, always staying with you afterwards. It was a very good sign, and you were happy again. It wasn't all sunshine and roses, though. You occasionally ran into Green Beetle when he and Dawur would pass by your area on their patrol route. Although he tried to hide it, you noticed Green would give you critical looks, which really worried you, but there wasn't anything you could do about it and you really did not want to think about what it could mean. You had a couple guesses, but did not follow the ideas through. Dawur never brought the matter up either, so you chose not to investigate further. About a week after you had arrived on the Warworld, there was one day where Dawur was in a bad mood. You did not push to find out why, unwilling to test his patience. He was pretty rough in bed that night, but you did not complain. You were just glad to offer him some sort of release. You knew you shouldn't push aside your worries and matters that concerned you, but you were having too much fun being with him again.
A few days later, you were shaken roughly out of your routine. You were walking silently down a hall in your assigned area when you were roughly pinned to the wall by your neck, your feet dangling below you. When you recovered after the second of confusion, you noticed the one person you did not want to see and terminated any thoughts of retaliating against the attack with your swords. "Deathstroke," you choked out, "What are you doing here? Hey-" His grip tightened around your throat, cutting you off.
"Be quiet," he ordered, his eye narrowing behind his mask. You grabbed the arm holding you up and tried to gain some leverage to ease your breathing.
"Wha-" you began, but the hand tightened even more, and you shut up, starting to fear for your life. Once you made it clear that you would not try to interrupt him, he lessened the pressure on your neck, allowing you to take a few shuddering breaths to soothe the burning in your lungs.
"Now listen closely. I'm going to give you something, and I want you to hang onto it until I give you the order to use it. Are you following with me so far?" He paused and waited for you to nod. "Good. The Light has been very generous to you, taking you in off the streets when we could have left you to rot and die alone, giving you a warm bed, food, training, money, a purpose... and now it's time to repay all of that," he slowly let you slide down the wall until your feet touched the ground and you were able to support your own weight, but he did not let go of your neck.
After a moment of awkward silence, you built up enough courage to ask, "What do you want me to do?" It seemed like he had been waiting for you to ask, because he replied immediately.
"Prove your loyalty. You have been graciously allowed to continue your trysts with the Beetle warrior." Your eyes widened and you tried to stifle a shocked gasp. Sportsmaster had been right. You had hoped he was wrong, but it unfortunately he had been telling the truth. "Yes, we do know about that, but now we need you to do us a small favor regarding him." Deathstroke held up a small capsule in front of you. Judging by the look of it, the designer was Lexcorp. "When I give you the command, I want you to use this on him. You just need to touch it to his armor and activate it."
Still trying to recover from the shock and unpleasantness of the moment, you pushed aside your racing thoughts and asked, "What does it do?"
"I'll knock him out for a while, that's all. Will there be any issues with this?" he asked, very slightly squeezing your neck again, the threat absolutely clear. He expected you to comply.
"No, sir," you whispered, feeling more scared than you had during that one time when you had seen Dawur unconscious. You just wanted this moment to end. You wanted to run away. Just needed to get away from him. But you could not escape reality.
"Good," he said, but suddenly surged close to you, shoving you hard against the wall again, making you stiffen in terror. This man was dangerous and he would not hesitate to kill you. "I'll warn you once, and only once. Follow through with the order or the consequences will be severe," he growled, the tone of his voice deadly serious.
It took you a moment to calm yourself enough to reply, "I understand. I will not let the Light down." Now please go away, please... just leave me alone. You swallowed hard and he finally stepped back, seeming satisfied with your answer. He tossed the capsule at you and you caught it instinctively. You watched numbly as he prowled away, disappearing as fast as he had shown up. When he was out of sight, you fell back against the wall, breathing hard, your heart racing. You slumped down and rested your face against your knees, taking time to compose yourself again. Fuck.
Your gaze shifted to the device in your hands and you clenched your fist around it, feeling angry at it, Deathstroke, the Light... it was like the world was mocking you. Sportsmaster had warned you that this might happen, and it despite your hopes that the event never occur, it seems like your wishing was in vain. You were fast approaching a crossroads, and you felt torn. While you loved Dawur and would never betray him, it was true that you owed the Light for taking you in and giving you a purpose. You sighed, pocketing the capsule and pushing yourself off the floor.
This was the price of pushing your worries aside and only indulging in pleasures. It eventually caught up to you and forced you to deal with them. You couldn't live in your own little world with Dawur forever. You were stupid to have let it go on as long as you did, but you still didn't regret it that much. Sure it was shitty right now, but at least you could be with Dawur to balance out the terrible shit. You took another deep breath, slowly accepting the fact that you would most likely have to choose between Dawur and the Light, just like Sportsmaster had guessed would happen. You could be certain that Deathstroke was probably lying to you about what the capsule really did, though you were unsure how to test that hypothesis. You already felt guilty when you thought about disobeying the Light, but unfortunately you would have to betray one side.
Sighing again and feeling drained and upset, you pushed your worries aside yet again, calling yourself an idiot in your mind at the same time. You could deal with the choice and consequences later, but you really wanted to see Dawur right now. It took about half an hour wandering around the areas where you usually saw him, but you eventually found him alone. Your brief joy of seeing him dampened slightly when you noticed the incredibly irritated look on his face.
You approached him slowly, giving him enough time to notice you. His expression softened a little bit as his eyes caught sight of you, but he still looked pretty upset. "Is anything wrong?" you asked softly as you came to his side to stand next to him.
"No," he stated flatly, a clear lie. You frowned, wondering what you should do. When he had last been like this, you had not asked him about it, but you still felt wound up from Deathstroke and wanted some peace with Dawur.
"Are you sure?" you asked, gently putting a hand on his strong arm. He tensed as you touched him, and a small feeling of hurt bloomed in your chest. This was not turning out how you had hoped.
You noticed he had turned his head to face forward, his eyes narrowed. Something was definitely bothering him, but he did not admit it. "Yes. It's nothing." So much for taking comfort in him and calming your own worries.
Should you push further? Judging by how he was reacting, it would probably not a good idea. Still, you could offer a bit of comfort, maybe. "Okay... if you change your mind, I'm always willing to listen."
He clenched his teeth at your words, then surprisingly pushed his arm out at you, shoving you away. "Silence, Meat! I said it's nothing!"
You stared wide-eyed at him in total shock, taking in the way he looked at you, his mouth turned down in a scowl. He had never lashed out at you before and it hurt, it hurt so much... but you didn't want him to see you cry. You turned on your heel sharply and walked numbly to your room, your eyes burning from held back tears.
The door closed behind you and you stumbled to your bed, sitting on it in a daze, your body trembling. First Deathstroke, now Dawur... you could just not catch a break. It was unfair, so unfair. You buried your face in your hands and focused on feeling numb, trying to not let the emotional turmoil inside of you take you over. Taking shuddering breaths while trying to ignore the burn in your heart, your mind went blank and you lost track of time completely. What should you do? You couldn't come up with anything. You briefly entertained the insane idea that you should use the capsule on him, but no, you couldn't do that. Not to Dawur. Maybe... maybe you should just disappear. You stiffened, realizing where your thoughts were going in your moment of despair, and unbuckled your belt, flinging it and your swords to the other side of the room before you did anything you would regret.
Biting your lip, remembering how you had promised Dawur that you wouldn't fall prey to your emotions again. You. Had. Promised. Do not let him down. You chanted that in your mind again and again, focusing on it like a mantra. Running your hands through your hair, you sighed. This... this was your own goddamn fault. You let everything get out of control with your selfish desire to just be happy with Dawur, and fate had come back to bite you in the ass big time. There was no one to blame but yourself. You sniffled, wiping your eyes with your hand, getting rid of the bit of moisture. The pain wouldn't last forever, right? You would eventually get a break. You just had to keep going and believe that. A knock on the door interrupted your thoughts.
You took a few seconds to compose yourself, making sure there was no evidence of your near breakdown. It had been close, but you had caught yourself before it had gotten out of control. After straightening up, you called out, "Come in."
As the door slid opened, you could not help the sharp gasp upon seeing the tall form of Dawur enter the room. You met his eyes, looking up at him as he approached you. He looked pensive, but not angry. He stared down at you for a long moment, then finally said, "I apologize for striking you earlier."
You almost did a double take. Did he actually just say he was sorry? That was very, very unexpected, but more than welcome. Almost like magic, the pain and worry vanished from your heart and you cracked a small smile. "Don't worry about it. I shouldn't have pushed you."
He huffed and sat down beside you, draping an arm around you and pulling you closer to him. His deep voice rumbled, "No, you did nothing wrong." You felt like he had more to say, so you stayed silent and waited. Maybe he'd tell you why he had been so upset? Your patience soon paid off, when he grumbled, "Blue and Green have been freed from Reach control."
Ah, so that was it. "That's very unfortunate," you said, reaching up to gently grip his hand and squeeze lightly, trying to show that you understood. He had called Green his brother before. "No wonder you were moody."
You felt him shift to look down at you and you tilted your head up to see a look of mock annoyance on his face. You couldn't help but smile. His lip curled up in a smirk and he muttered, "I'll let that one slide."
It was funny, just a few moments of pleasant interactions with him and everything was right with the world again. If you didn't love him, you would be concerned about how much your happiness depended on him. "I don't think I've ever heard you apologize before," you teased.
He snorted at your banter and tightened his arm around you, letting you know in his own way that he wouldn't be punishing you for that remark. "It's not something I do often," he replied.
The smile on your face grew and if it wouldn't have made you look like an idiot, you would have gotten up and danced around in happiness. Instead, you opted to say, "I feel special."
Dawur lifted his arm and pulled away slightly, turning to face you, following that up by pushing you down on your back, pinning you to the bed. He leaned close to you, holding your gaze with his intense red eyes. You knew that look, having seen it many times before. "You are," he growled, "because you are mine." He punctuated his claim with a long, harsh kiss, all teeth and tongue, barely giving you chances to catch your breath.
He took his time removing your clothes, caressing the skin he bared with his fingertips, and sometimes following up with his tongue. He was being exceptionally gentle, as if silently repeating his apology for lashing out at you earlier. It really did make you feel good that he cared enough to take it slow, to make sure that you enjoyed every second. He would occasionally drop claiming bites on your neck and shoulders, growling in his native language. You didn't need to speak it to understand what he was saying. As he removed the last bit of clothing, you had fully submitted to him, body and mind, arching into his touches and moaning as he explored your soft skin, paying special attention to your breasts and nipples. He tweaked the sensitive nubs with his fingers, smirking when you shuddered from the bursts of pleasure.
You bit your lip when he flipped two fingers into you, pumping in and out, curling them deep inside of you while rubbing your clit with his thumb. After a few minutes of working your cunt until you were thoroughly wet, he withdrew and pushed your legs further apart with both his hands. Dawur leaned down, inhaling your scent, before lapping at your pussy with his hot tongue. You shivered and gasped his name, playing with your own breasts while he drove you wild with his skilled mouth. Your body twisted, legs trembling, but he held you still, mercilessly pushing you closer and closer to a climax with every strike of his tongue. Pleasure exploded from your core when he sucked hard on your sensitive clit and you cried out his name, your orgasm leaving you gasping, twitching now and then whenever he slowly licked up your slit, appearing to enjoy the way you taste.
Dawur shifted up, moving over you, positioning himself to enter you with his huge dick. He met your gaze for a few seconds, before leaning in to bite your neck yet again, pushing deep into your folds at the same time. You whimpered at the intrusion, still very sensitive while you were recovering from your climax. He did not immediately begin fucking you hard, though, like he had so many times before. Instead, keeping with the gentle approach he had taken from the beginning, he pulled out almost all the way, leaving only the tip of his cock inside of you, before thrusting into your warm cunt. He set a steady pace, running his hands over your breasts and stomach while he pumped into you. Enjoying the attention he was giving you, and in an effort to return the gesture, you ran your hands over his shoulders and chest, caressing his muscles. The way his eyes lit up told you that he was definitely enjoying your touch. You gripped one of the scarab legs on his armor and used it to pull yourself up to steal a kiss. He allowed you one, but then pushed you back down to the bed and picked up the pace. Soon he was fucking you wildly, slamming you into the mattress, his grip almost bruising your hips, burying his cock in you to the hilt. Your body flooded with pleasure, the sensation of his hard length stroking your tight walls quickly bringing you to your second orgasm. He growled deep in his chest and you felt his dick pulse inside of your cunt. He slowed his thrusts as he finished up filling you with his seed. You felt extremely content and lazy when he pulled out of you and lied down on the bed beside you. You rolled onto your side, your back towards him, sighing happily when he draped an arm around you. Somehow the sex was always better when he stayed with you afterwards.
You weren't sure how much time had passed, but you were close to drifting off when you felt Dawur shift beside you, sitting up. You remained still, feigning sleep as you felt his eyes on you. He did not move for a few minutes and you began to wonder what he was doing. A slight noise of metal cut through the air, and you realized he had activated his scarab blade. Your confusion turned to shock when you felt the cool metal touch your neck, the sharp edge of the cool blade causing goosebumps to form on your skin. It took all your control to not panic and keep your heartbeat calm as you waited to see what he would do. Should you say something? Should you let him know that you were awake? No... if... if he had chosen to kill you now, that means he no longer wanted to continue the relationship. That thought tore painfully through your heart, but you would rather die than be apart from him. So it was okay... it was okay if he killed you. It was okay.
You waited for him to slice the blade across your throat and end your life, trying to decide if you should let him know that you loved him regardless. You wanted to... but if he was going to kill you, then maybe it was better to not say anything and make this as easy as possible. The minutes dragged by, each second seeming like an hour. Finally after an agonizing eternity, his blade lifted from your neck without leaving even the tiniest cut. Had he chosen not to go through with it? Hope and joy burst briefly in your chest, and you felt really happy. So he wasn't ending it or killing you. It would make no sense to leave you alive if he wanted to break the relationship off, so you were still together and everything was okay. You heard him sigh and shift off the bed, standing up beside you. As the weight of his gaze fell on you once again, you felt him grip the edge of the covers and pull them up over you, tucking you in. You smiled mentally, allowing yourself a short moment to bask in that small show of affection.
A few minutes after the door closed, signaling that Dawur had left, you sat up, feeling a bit shaken, but also relieved. He had been ready to kill you, but had chosen not to go through with it. That was a good sign, right? You did not know if he had been ordered to kill you, or if he was acting on his own, but in the end, you were alive. It seemed like he had struggled with the decision while his blade was resting on your neck. You rubbed the spot where the cool metal had touched, remembering the strange feeling of acceptance you had experienced. Sighing heavily, you wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to calm the burning in your heart. Sure it hurt that he had even come that close to killing you, but you did not know the circumstances. You would have to ask him. You couldn't pretend it just didn't happen. You needed an explanation, and he definitely owed you one. You would probably end up confessing your real feelings soon too. If he decided to kill you then, that was fine. At least you could die with a clear mind and heart.
He had told you during your second encounter that he had thought about killing you, but chose to keep you instead. You could look at it as him reaffirming his choice. The thought made you feel a bit better. You ran your fingers over the black bracelet on your wrist, absorbed in your feelings, musing about everything that had happened recently with the Light and Dawur, until an idea suddenly shot through your head. Hopping out of bed, you dug through your bag until you found the capsule Deathstroke had given you. Placing it on the nearby table, you grabbed one of your swords and pulled up a chair. It took a bit of fiddling, but you managed to pull the bracelet off your wrist. You set it on the hard surface and gripped it to keep it steady. With your other hand you carefully placed the tip of the blade against the edge of the band and pressed down hard. Your arm trembled, but you succeeded in shaving off a sliver of the bracelet.
You slid the band back on your wrist and tossed your blade onto the floor. After picking up the capsule, you pressed the tip of it to the black shaving and clicked the button. The end of the device that was touching the sliver glowed an eerie blue for a second, then faded. A moment later, the shard of your bracelet turned grey and crumbled into dust. You stared at the remains, your mind numb as the realization of what Deathstroke had intended you to do sunk in. Your bracelet had been made from the same material as Dawur's beetle armor. If the device did this to just a sliver of it, then if you had used it on the guy you love, at best, it would have destroyed his armor, and at worst... it would have killed him. You trembled violently and your eyes burned with angry tears. Fucking Deathstroke. How dare he...
Clenching your fists as rage flooded your senses, you growled and lunged off the chair, grabbing your blade again. Channeling all your rage and resentment of being played like a fool, you stabbed the capsule over and over in a red haze. Bit by bit the device was cut apart, shards of metal and plastic flying off the desk from particularly violent attacks. When it was over, you stood panting and sweaty, looking down in angry satisfaction at the mutilated capsule. It was done. You stalked to your bed, throwing yourself onto the mattress with an angry thud. Well, you knew one thing for certain. Sportsmaster had been right about the Light planning to use you, and in a terrible way too. Trying to trick and manipulate you, lying to you constantly, playing you like a pawn. No more. You would refuse the order to act against Dawur and sever your ties to the Light. You had dreaded this moment, but now that it was fast approaching, you knew that there was no getting around it. You could not betray the one you love. As you stared at the ceiling, your anger slowly ebbed while your mind went over all the past interactions with Deathstroke and the other leaders of the Light, tearing them apart and analyzing them for clues. You lost track of time and closed your eyes, eventually drifting off to a fitful sleep.
You woke up to your phone beeping with an incoming call. Sighing loudly as you remember what happened before you fell asleep, you yawned once and reached over to answer your phone. Glancing at the number, a cold feeling of dread settled in your chest. You breathed deeply, steeling yourself for what was to come. Accepting the call, you pressed the receiver to your ear and said, "Deathstroke."
"It's time. Do it." his voice commanded. You grit your teeth, letting go of the tiny bit of hope you had that this call wasn't what you figured it was. You now had to reveal your decision to the Light.
You let him hang in silence for a short moment while you pushed yourself up and ran your free hand through your hair. Feeling more awake and resolved to see this through, you replied, "I won't."
"What?!" his voiced hissed through the phone. You imagined his one visible eye narrowing in anger, but even if just the thought of Deathstroke's wrath was terrifying, you could take solace in the fact that he was on Earth and if he wanted to come after you, he would have to use a boom tube to get up to the Warworld. That would give you some notice before any possible attack, at least. You would have to remain on high alert from now on. He had surprised you once before, and you could not afford to let it happen again.
In the end, no matter what happened, there was no turning back now. "I said I refuse. I found out what it really does and I won't do it," you informed him. You were still really pissed off that he tried to trick you into killing the guy you loved.
He was quiet for a long uncomfortable minute, but you could almost feel the rage radiating through the receiver. Finally, in a deadly calm tone, he said, "You are throwing your life away."
So be it. You had dreaded this outcome, but now that it was here, you felt a bit of relief that you no longer had to worry about it anymore. Deciding to get the last word, as childish as it was, with restrained glee and a small smile on your face, you said what you had really wanted to get off your chest since you first met Deathstroke. "Fuck off."
Snapping your phone in half, you threw it on the ground and proceeded to set a record in how fast you slipped your clothes on. Fastening your swords around your waist and putting your mask on, you glanced down at the broken phone. Might as well make sure it's completely disabled. You took a great deal of pleasure stomping the remains under your heel until it was nothing but shards of plastic. It felt good to release your pent up anger. Now, there was a small problem you had to take care of before Deathstroke moved to act against you. There were still four other Light agents on the Warworld with you. Time to put all your training to good use. You didn't like to kill unless you had to, but you had no choice here.
Swiftly making your way through the halls of the ship, passing by only one pair of Reach guards who didn't spare you a second glance, you located the closest of your former allies. Thankfully you had memorized the other four locations during your time here. Walking casually up to him, you made sure to not betray even a hint of your actual intention. You would prefer this to be quick and easy. He turned to look at you, a questioning tilt to his head. You plastered a smile on your face as you approached him. When you were only a few feet away, you swiftly drew the blade from your belt and slashed it through his throat. The agent's arms jerked up as you slit his neck, recognizing your attack too late. Blood sprayed from the wound, coating the wall behind him and painting the floor red. He stumbled, fighting a losing battle for his life, but fell after a few seconds, hitting the ground with a dull thud. You stared at the body for a moment, feeling a bit odd, like time was slowed to a crawl and you were hyper aware of everything. Your breathing, your heartbeat, the hardness of the blade in your hand, the blood dripping off the tip...
You clenched your fist and shook your head roughly to snap yourself out of it, clearing your mind. You didn't have any time to waste. Deathstroke clearly hadn't contacted at least this one about your betrayal, given that he had let you approach him without suspicion. It was safe to assume that he hadn't gotten in touch with the others yet. You had a window of opportunity here that you needed to take advantage of while you still could. You used his clothes to wipe the blood off your sword and sheathed the blade. Glancing around to make sure you were still in the clear, you dragged the body down the hall and into an empty room, shutting the door behind you. If you were lucky, it wouldn't be discovered for a while. Hopefully the upcoming kills would be just as easy. The next hour seemed to pass in a blur as you proceeded to each area and disposed of the remaining Light agents. You repeated the same approach you had taken with the first, approaching casually and then slitting their throats when you got close enough. Only the last one gave you trouble, being quick enough to partially dodge your first strike so that you only nicked his neck. A swift kick in the crotch area crippled him and let you finish the job.
As you closed the final door hiding the fourth body, you took a shuddering breath and buried your face in your hands for a minute. The whole situation still seemed surreal to you. You recalled the way you felt when you had made your choice last night, focusing on those feelings and getting a grip on your resolve again. There was a nagging worry you just couldn't get rid of though. Why hadn't Deathstroke contacted any of the Light's agents on the Warworld? It was incredibly weird, especially since it had taken you an hour to get around to all of them. You knew one thing for certain. You had to get to Dawur and tell him what was going on.
Speeding through the halls, you searched for any sign of him, frustration quickly building every minute. The sense of urgency weighed heavily over you, urging you on faster. Finally you came across a pair of Reach guards and you slowed down, catching your breath before you spoke to them. "Hey!" you called out, "Do you know where Black Beetle is? I need to speak with him. It's urgent."
The two glanced at each other and then the one on the left replied, "Sorry, he has already left." Your eyes widened in shock. No fucking way! Fuck!
"Left to where?" you demanded. It was critical that you tell him about the Light's plan to kill him. Even if he might be upset that you were the one chosen to do it, surely he would understand when you explained your decision.
"Earth. The Light has summoned the Reach to a summit," the guard told you. You stiffened in shock. The Light had called a meeting with the Reach? Shit, this whole situation just kept getting worse.
Keeping a neutral face on, you said, "Thanks anyways. I'll speak with him later then." You passed by the two at a much slower pace, your mind racing as you tried to figure out what to do. It didn't help that you were mentally tearing your hair out. You felt like screaming. Why did nothing ever seem to work out? Despite the terrible feeling hanging over you, it couldn't get much worse than this, right?