Hello! So this story is set shortly after the ending of Shadow The Hedgehog. It will be in third-person mostly. It's a mystery romance adventure... thingy. Just an idea that popped into my head not very long ago. Thought it would be interesting. Let me know what you think! Cover image comes from crismd on DA. here's the link: /art/sonamy-271462624

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic The Hedgehog or any of its characters.

Summer in Station Square was unusually quiet that year. The streets weren't very crowded and the shops seemed empty on most days. The warm season had come and gone, and fall was quickly approaching. Amy Rose sat out on a bench by herself in Station Square Park and gazed into the cloudless sky deep in thought. What was she thinking so deeply about? Yes, you guessed it. Sonic.

Sonic was almost always on her mind for as long as she could remember. Whether he was with her or not, Sonic was always in Amy's thoughts. People often made fun of her for being so "obsessive" or "mindless", but that never had any affect on her. According to her friends, Amy had a gift for turning the other cheek when so many would question her for being so attached to Sonic. Maybe there was a reason for that, maybe not. Regardless, she was happy to be able to call herself Sonic's friend, even if she would rather be more than that to him.

Just as luck would have it, Amy spotted a blue blur out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head in that direction and just as she'd suspected, there he was zooming through the park with flawless speed. Amy bolted up as quickly as she could and ran in his direction in an attempt to intercept his path. Big mistake.

Sonic, not seeing Amy, ran straight into her. The force of the impact was enough to make him fall backwards, and enough to send Amy flying.

"Ouch! What the... Amy?" Sonic said, recuperating himself.

"AAAUGH!" she screeched. Before she could go any higher, she found herself in the arms of her hero as he swiftly delivered her to the safety of solid ground.

"You oughta watch where you're goin', Amy. If I had been a car, you'd be in real trouble!" he said with a coy grin and cocky pose.

"Well, I wouldn't be the only one. You could've killed me!" she exclaimed in annoyance with his lack of manners.

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry! Sheesh!"

"You know Sonic, you should be more polite than that. That's no way to treat a lady. Hmpf!" Amy said, folding her arms.

"I said I was sorry, okay? I don't really have time for this, Amy! I promised Tails we'd meet up at the beach today." Sonic replied, before turning to leave.

"Wait!" she yelled.

"What is it?" he asked impatiently.

"It's just that... look, I'm sorry too. Will you please go out on a date with me sometime?" she said with a spark of hope in her eyes. Sonic paused to think, trying to quickly come up with something to get himself out of this.

"Uhh... I don't know Amy, that depends."

"Depends on what?" Amy asked, leaning towards him with suspense. This action was making Sonic feel more under pressure.

"Alright. Fine, Amy. You got me. How about later this afternoon after me and Tails are done at the beach? We'll meet here at the park around three. Deal?"

"Yes yes yes! It's a date! Yaaay!" Amy squealed, jumping in excitement.

"Alright, great. See ya in a couple hours." Sonic said as he quickly sped off in the direction of the beach without another word.

A date... she finally got a date with Sonic. She smiled to herself and began running as quickly as she could back to her apartment so she could prepare for her date. She began day dreaming of running along side her crush holding his hand, smiling and laughing with him. She pictured the two of them together in a large field with no one else around, his arms wrapped around her holding her gently. She imagined gazing into his eyes right before they share their first kiss... Too bad it's only a fantasy.

But... what if he doesn't show up? She thought to herself. Sonic had gotten into the habit of not turning up after agreeing to a date. It didn't seem like a huge deal the first couple times it happened. Amy would tell herself 'It was just bad timing.' or 'Maybe he ran into a little trouble along the way.' or 'Maybe we should just reschedule.' After a while, Amy had come to the conclusion he was playing hard to get, and she would have to keep trying if she wanted his attention. But when his absence became routine, it did more than just disappoint her. It made her depressed. Deep inside, she knew the reason he wasn't showing up.

"No... I can't have that negative attitude. He'll come this time. I can feel it!"

Amy finally arrived at her apartment. It was small, but nicely decorated and well kept. She quickly ran into her bedroom to pick out something to wear for their date other than her usual red dress. She settled on a short white dress with pink flowers, white flats, and a white hair-clip to substitute her usual red headband. Satisfied with her look, she glanced at the clock and realized she still had some time before Sonic would even be there... if he decided to come at all.

Amy sat on her couch and began reading one of her favorite novels to pass the time. Just as she started getting into it, her phone rang. She sat up and walked to the kitchen to answer it.


"Hi Amy! How are you today?" Amy could instantly recognize the voice as Cream's.

"Hey Cream! I'm great, thanks for asking. I got a date with Sonic today!"

"Oh. Well, I hope it works out this time, Amy!" Cream said, with a discouraged tone.

"Don't worry, Cream. He said he would come this time." Amy replied.

"I know. I just don't want you to get hurt again, thats all."

"Relax. It'll be fine. Anyways, what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh yeah! My mom wanted to know if you were still gonna come over tomorrow and help us with our garden."

"Of course I'm still coming! I love doing fall time planting with you and your mom! You bet I'll be there."

"Great! Can't wait. See ya then!"

"Bye Cream! Thanks for calling!" Amy hung up. She glanced at the clock again. It read 2:15 pm.

"Hmm...it's still a little early to head out. But, I'd rather be early than late!" she said to herself, then quickly headed out the door, locking it behind her.

"Well, I guess that's about it! Thanks again for all your help, Sonic!"

"Don't sweat it, Tails!" said Sonic as he watched Tails put away his equipment.

"Now that it's been all tested out, I can start using this all new completely water-proof wetsuit complete with an air-tank. You didn't even get a single drop on you when you tested it out!" Tails cheerfully exclaimed.

"Yeah... I'm really thankful for that. Phew!" Sonic sighed with relief.

"Well, I'm heading back to my workshop. If you're not busy, I wouldn't mind having you over to test out some of my other projects." said Tails.

"Well, actually uhh..." Sonic stopped mid-sentence.

"What?" Tails asked.

"It's just that I kinda... Nevermind."

"Let me guess, you promised Amy you'd go out with her again, didn't you?" said Tails.

"What?! No way... that's crazy. You're crazy!" Sonic retorted. Tails simply raised an eye-brow at him.

"Okay, fine... Yes I did." Sonic admitted in defeat.

"You know Sonic, you really gotta start being honest with Amy. If you keep saying yes just to get her off your case like that, pretty soon it'll come back to haunt you."

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Sonic muttered.

"You gotta be honest with her. Just tell her you're not interesting in going on a date with her. That way it'll be less painful for her in the end." said Tails. "So what are you gonna do now?"

"I don't know. I told her I'd meet her at the park at three." Sonic replied.

"Then why don't you go meet her there? That way you'll have a chance to break it to her gently."

"Yeah, I guess... I don't know, you really think that would be a good idea?"

"Well, if you sincerely don't wanna go on a date with her, that's really your safest option." said Tails.

Sonic nodded his head in response, though uncertainty was plain on his face. If only it was that simple. he thought to himself. He waved goodbye to his best friend as he watched him leave the beach waving back, then he quickly glided over to the park. Just as he expected, there she was... and she was gorgeous.

"Wow..." Sonic whispered to himself in amazement. He watched as Amy turned to him with a bright smile.

"Sonic! I can't believe it! You're really here this time! I'm so happy!" She squealed cheerfully as she swiftly wrapped her arms around him, causing Sonic to blush slightly.

"Uhh... Yeah. I'm here."

"So! Ready for our first date? What should we do first? You decide! I don't care what it is, as long as I'm with you!" Amy exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. Sonic said nothing in response. He simply stared at the ground, trying to hide his guilt.

"Sonic? What's the matter? Are you okay?" Amy immediately became worried. Sonic rose his head to look at her in the face, then gently put both his hands on her shoulders to keep her attention to him.

Okay, man. It's now or never. he said to himself, before he began. "Listen, Amy. It's about time I stop dodging you and tell you the truth."

"Truth about what? Did I do something wrong?!" she asked urgently.

"No, it's not you. Really it's me. You know how every time you ask me to go on a date I kinda..."

"Never show up?" said Amy, finishing the sentence for him.

"Uh... yeah." Sonic replied shamefully.

"Well don't worry about that, Sonic. It's understandable if it was just at an inconvenient ti-"

"That's not it." Sonic interrupted her. "The truth is Amy... all those times before, and even now... I didn't actually want to go on a date with you, but I didn't know how to tell you no... I'm sorry."

"But I... I don't understand. You told me you would..." Amy said, with sadness and confusion in her voice.

"Look Amy, don't make this any harder than it has to be! I don't want to go out with you! It's not that I didn't have the time, it's that I didn't have the desire! Maybe if you weren't so naive all the time, you'd be able to realize that sooner. Then we wouldn't be in this mess!" Sonic blurted out. He gasped at his own words. He didn't intend to yell or sound so angry at Amy. Crap. I've ruined everything, haven't I? he thought.

He looked away with his eyes closed tight, fearful to see Amy's reaction. Would she lose her temper and use her hammer on him like she normally does when she's upset, or would she simply fall apart and crumble before him in heart-wrenching tears? Though Sonic feared Amy when she had her hammer, he really wished it wouldn't be the latter. He never wanted to see Amy cry.

After not getting a response from her as soon as he expected, he glanced back up to look at her face. Instead of seeing an angry or sad reaction, he only received a blank stare.

"Uhh... Amy?" Sonic said, gently shaking her shoulder in attempt to get a response. Instead, only silence. Amy had suddenly become completely unresponsive to anything. She stood there, expressionless, motionless.

"Amy... aww crud! What have I done? Look, I'm sorry for yelling at you like that! Just, please! Snap out of it!" Sonic said, shaking her more vigorously. He still got nothing from her. Holy crap! I've made Amy lose her mind! he thought. He shook her shoulders, snapped his fingers in front of her face, even tried making funny faces at her. Absolutely no reply. He began to seriously panic.

Then, he heard a strange noise, like a clicking sound. He glanced around to see what it was, until he realized it was coming from Amy. The clicking stopped, and he watched as Amy began falling to the ground.

"Amy!" Sonic yelled, catching her in his arms before her body could make contact with the sidewalk. It looked as though she had fainted.

"Aww man, she passed out! What am I gonna do now?!" he asked himself aloud. People walking by began to stare at the unusual scene, some inquiring if the poor girl was okay or if someone should call an ambulance. Becoming uncomfortable with all of the stares, Sonic carried Amy in his arms and ran out of sight. He decided to take her to Tails' Workshop. Maybe he would know what to do.

So that wraps up the first chapter! Hope that was good enough of an intro to make at least SOMEONE interested in finding out what happens next. One can dream...
Read and Review! :)