Prompt request from featherxxdreams, which became its own 'verse by accident.
This is PART ONE, a 4 chapter fic set in the Young Justice 'verse.
Only pairings mentioned in this installment are Roy/Jade and Wally/Artemis.
This fic can be read alone, with a major cliff hanger, or you can continue on to future installments as well. If all 3 parts are read, you will see the downfall of the Reach, and my take on an ending to Young Justice.
Part 2 will take place in the Batman Comic 'verse, ignoring the reboot, 5 year time skip from where it left off before said reboot. Pairings YJDick/15yoDami, Jay/Tim, Cass/Steph
Part 3 will be back in the Young Justice 'verse. Pairings (thus far) Roy/Jade, Wally/Artemis, Jaime/Bart, and more.
Parts 1 & 3 are focused on the main plot. Part 2 is less focused but very necessary.
Part 1 I'm setting just after the team is taken I guess (The episode of which I have yet to watch, and any after, so sorry if things are slightly off.) All I pretty much know is who was taken, who was definitely not, and that Arsenal was unaccounted for (so here he was taken as well, even though from previews I learned he was not.)
So there we go.
Here's our part 1, the set up.
Admittedly, it had been an idiotic decision to put a half-assed team together in effort to retrieve his captured comrades. But it was the only thing that he could think of to help remedy the situation. He could NOT let them take control of the team, his team, whom he should have been able to protect in the first place.
The group he had managed to pull together was a major clash of personalities, beliefs, and skills.
Wally was still sore with him (pissed was the more proper term) but had jumped at the chance to get his mind off of Artemis and put himself to good use. Cheshire was unpredictable at the best of times, although thankfully willing to do anything to stop Roy, whom she and Red had only just gotten back, from being at the mercy of the Reach. Red was ready to go even before she had agreed to participate. Steph was green, far too new to vigilantism, but she was admittedly too good to pass up on while he was desperate, and all he had needed to tell her was that Tim- Robin was in trouble. The two had made fast friends in their downtime. M'gann had only just barely managed to return in time to be briefed on the mission, with no time to allow her to rest, and Billy had jumped on the bandwagon the moment he had overheard his conversation with her.
With the abilities his makeshift team was packing, he had thought that they had stood a decent chance at recovery.
Decent… but even so, it was likely only in the 60-40 percentile, with a higher chance of casualty than he was truly comfortable with.
He had never once longed to have Bruce or Clark home so strongly, and unfortunately for all they knew, things on their end could have taken a turn for the worst. There was still a chance that they never would return. They were on their own in this, something the Reach had intended from the start, making it so their heavy hitters were long gone before they even made their move.
The flight in on the bio-ship was spent in silence, everyone's nerves on edge, stomachs churning. None of his comrades were kidding themselves. They all knew the risks, the chances, the likeliness of things working out. Cheshire- Jade, had left Lian with her mother for safe keeping. She and Roy sat together during the flight, never saying a word, simply holding hands as they stared mindlessly ahead at the world passing by. M'gann looked ill. He knew that she felt that this was her fault, that if she had only mustered up the nerve to truly read the Green Beetle's mind none of this would have happened, but he wasn't so sure of that. Even if she had, he was a Martian himself. There was the chance that he would have been able to hide things from her, even with her picking through his subconscious. Steph looked uncomfortable, on edge as she played with the hem on her cape, a bright shade of eggplant. It wasn't the first time she had donned this costume of hers since her original capture (having been inspired by the team, Tim in particular, ever since) but definitely the first mission of importance, first mission at all really, and she seemed well aware that it could be her last as well. Billy wasn't naïve, not at all, but he always had done a good job at playing as such. But in this situation, he did not even bother acting. His solemn expression looked so very out of place, and he looked every bit the age 'Captain Marvel' was.
And Nightwing?
He himself could only sit in silence, going back over the plan over and over again, silently praying that once they went on the attack that their comrades, their friends, were still alive and in one piece. That there was still something to save.
As selfish as it sounded, he wasn't sure he would be of much use if yet another Robin had been killed in action. He would not be able to handle Tim's death.
That one would be on his hands.
And worst of all, he was rather sure Wally knew this, as he had sat next to him despite their current standing with one another with his side pressed up against him, offering the slightest bit of comfort.