"This is so adorable." Steph said as she turned away from her keyboard. "You're telling me that Damian—" She reached up to pull a stray lock of blond hair behind her ear as she addressed the incredibly nervous speedster. "—is making you ask all us "batclan"—" She used air quotes with her fingers, slight smiled played on her lips, "—for permission to date our little bird, hm?" Wally nodded meekly.

This was the first time he had ever talked to THE Oracle face to face. He knew that she was the second batgirl, who was now wheelchair bound. In front of Wally she had a light air to her, not taking this situation as seriously as Wally was. When her voice rang through their coms however she was serious—if not a big ball of sass. She even sassed Nightwing which was admirable.

"Did he give you my address?" He nodded again, shoulders still stiff. "You know you can relax Wally. You're not in uniform and I'm not some disembodied snarky voice in your head."

"I know, but you're like THE Oracle. Information mongers for the whole league!" He waved his arms around, exasperated. "You are kind of a big deal. You're also, like, Rob's older sister."

"And when I'm not doing any of that I'm Stephanie Brown, College student at Gotham U. It's nice to meet you." She smiled brightly and held out her hand. Wally felt a blush creeping upon his cheeks as he grabbed her hand and shook it. "As for Damian's little challenge…I give you my permission."

"R-really?" Wally sputtered.

"Yes, Wally. I've seen you both in action and there's nothing you wouldn't do to keep Richard safe. You've taken a bullet for him for Pete's sake. Of course you have my blessing." Wally could feel all the tension he had been holding onto melt away as she went on. A smile crept onto his face.

"Thanks Stephanie…" He idly scratched the back of his head.

"You're welcome Wally. Now, I'm sure you have other birds and bats to bug and I've got studying to do. So skedaddle!" The blond shooed the red head out of her small apartment. As Wally zipped to the door he was stopped by a—

"And one more thing Wally." He turned towards her, who was now fully turned back toward the computer, his eyes flicked toward the screen and he felt his blood run cold. "If you ever hurt Dickie, I will make sure that these very embarrassing photos of you will go out to everyone at your school."

"Uh…" He stiffened back up. Stephanie looked at him from over her shoulder, giving him a very level look.

"Am I understood?" It wasn't a question; it was a threat. Wally gulped and high tailed it out of there. The door slammed and Stephanie let out a laugh she was holding in. She was out of practice with her bat-glare but it had been enough.



"So…you're trying to get into my baby bro's pants…is what you're saying?" Jason said as he leaned back in his booth, nursing a cold beer. Wally is pretty sure Jason isn't old enough to drink but he knew the bartender. He even said he'd get Wally one. He had declined though.

"W-what! N-no. I just want to—"

"Listen up, Kid." He put his beer down and leaned in across the table, causing Wally to lean back slightly. He was in a bar with Red Hood… a very violent vigilantly who could have any number of knives and guns hidden on his person. "You're, what—sixteen now? I know what I was like at sixteen. Oh boy, did I know what I wanted and sometimes I got it." He took another swig of his beer.

"B-but!" His face was cherry red and he knew it. Of course he had thought about it…with Dick. He can't admit that to Dick's very violent older brother though.

"I'm telling you it's okay. You can admit it. I'm not gunna judge ya. The kids cute and I know some girls and guys at Gotham High are lookin' at him. Now I know why he's still a virgin. He's waiting for you to make a move." He grinned at Wally's obvious discomfort about the subject of sex and Robin. "I mean, when I was Robin I was always trying to get in someone pants." The older man shrugged. "Oh man, me and Ravager used to mess around all the time."

These were things Wally didn't want to hear. At all.

"Um, so that means it's okay with you? That I date Dick I mean?" Wally really wanted to go.

"Yeah sure, whatever."

"Awesome!" He stood up to leave—

" But one thing Little Flash." He took out his wallet and fished out a small piece of…what looked like square foil. He grabbed Wally's hand and placed it there. It was then the speedster saw that it was…a condom. A yellow condom. Wally was pretty sure he was cherry red again.


"Not so fast!" Jason gripped the teen's wrist and looked him dead in the eye. "Look, Robin isn't like me, or Tim or Damian. He's far too innocent and naïve and if you do anything to ruin that I'll bust your kneecaps open."

Wally was gone in the next millisecond. He isn't proud of it, but he used his powers to get out of there. He was clear across Gotham before he stopped.

Jason sat there for about a second before he realized what had happened. He took out his cell phone and texted a message to an old friend.



Wally was wondering around the city, and night was coming fast. He really didn't want to be in Batman territory at night but he had to find the Gordon Residence. He knew Barbara, they were friends. She'd give him the third degree about Dick but he was certain she'd say yes. So this was a non-issue.

The redhead felt a shiver run down his spine—like someone was following him. In Gotham, it was very likely. Crooks and thugs usually came out at this time of day. He glanced over his shoulder, down the street but spotted no one. Shoving his hands into his hoodie he hurried his pace, turning left, down into an alley. When he saw no one was there he used a burst of super speed to get through to the next street.

Even though he put enough distance to lose a normal person he couldn't help but feel that someone was still fowling him. Which was bad, this meant he was being followed by someone who wasn't normal. Looking up at the Gotham skyline he would see the sun disappearing behind the tall buildings.

Looking around him he realized that no one else was out on the streets. Taking a gulp he hurried toward Barbara's house. The feeling, however, was getting stronger and stronger as the sun went down. Wally eventually broke out into a full sprint, nearly using his super speed in public.

'There is it!' Wally thought with glee as he saw the Gordon residence coming into his view. Something was wrong though. The overbearing presence of something coming for him. His suspicion was proven right when something went whizzing by his ear, he used his super speed to barely dodge it.

Skidding to a halt he turned around. Someone was following him. Someone dressed in a completely black suit, terrifying white eyes glaring back at him, not unlike Batman's. They lunged forward, short cape following—fluttering in the wind. Concealed throwing stars hurled toward Wally, all of them dodged, however. Gritting his teeth Wally sprang into action, running into his assailant's personal space before they could react. The problem, however, was that they did react, they reacted fast; countering and blocking supers peed punches and kicks.

Realizing that he wasn't getting anywhere Wally put distance between him and his attacker. He paused and thought. What could he do? He couldn't run Barbara's house and risk her family. He could call someone—anyone for help. He was in bat territory right?

Reaching up to his ear to his communicator he was shocked to find it…missing? A small metal device was thrown toward him from his masked attacker. It hit the ground with a small clink and rolled in front of him. It was his communicator. Well shit.

Wally gulped and his breathing picked up pace. This wasn't an enemy he could beat. He was bad at hand-to-hand combat. Nightwing never failed to mention it when he could—but he made up for it by adding super speed into the mix. This person, however, seemed to be experience in fighting speedsters…or meta's.

Tactical retreat then.

He sped away, into the night of Gotham, down alleys and deserted streets not stopping until he found himself in an empty lot. He let out a sigh before looking around him, trying to get his bearing so at least he could make it back to Wayne Manor and alert the bats of a possible assassin in their city. They should be used to things like that right? The worst Wally ever had to deal with was Weather Wizard.

Wally made his way toward the huge hill which Wayne Manor sat upon when he felt it again. It was back. Spinning around he glared into the darkness and saw those white lensed eyes again. Again his assailant threw throwing knives. This time, a lot more precise. Using his super speed Wally caught one of them and was planning to throw is back with some super speed velocity but he stopped and looked at what had been thrown at him. It was a batarang.

You have got to be kidding.

"Who are you? Nightwing? Jason trying to fuck with me?...Red Robin?"

"No." They… no, she responded. Definitely a feminine voice. Stepping closer to Wally she pulled off her cowl revealing soft features and a hard stare. "Black Bat."

Wally blinked, and then blinked again. The Black Bat was trying to kill him. "Aren't you supposed to be in China or something? Why are you attacking me?!"

"I am to judge whether you are worthy or not of Richard."

Oh…OH—Oh what the HELL?

"You are…" She puts her finger up to her lip as if searching for the right thing to say. The right word. "Sufficient." And she was gone.

What the hell!?



"You look like shit." The cheery voice of Barbara echoed through the room.

He had made it to the Gordon house hold and was met with a very confused looking commissioner who was on his way for his nightly patrol. "Are you okay son?" is what he had asked Wally when the door was opened.

"I never would have expected Cass to attack you….but when you think about it."

"Please…really not in the mood. I thought I was going to die. First I get threatened by Oracle and Red Hood…then Black bat actually attacks me…It's just…" He rested on the girl's bed in a near catatonic state. Barbara hovered near her bed, now clad in full uniform.

"As much as I love watching your existential crisis…I have patrol in a bit."

"I'm not….having a crisis. I'm not questioning why I'm doing this or having regrets….I'd do anything for Rob. Even deal with his crazy ass family."

"Hey! I'm a part of that crazy ass family." She grinned down at her fellow red head. "If it makes you feel any better I approve of you dating Dick. However, not to break the motif of how your days going—" Wally groans into her bed.

"What? Are you going to sick Batman on me? Nightwing? I don't think you can do worse than what everyone else has threatened me with." Barbara paused for a second, the tip of her index finger on her chin as she thought for a moment.

"I could always tell Kori…she has a thing for Dick. She could beat you up and then whisk him away." Wally bristled at the mentioning of the exiled alien princess.

"Okay, okay you win."

"Good! Now super speed me over to the cave. I have patrol with Cass tonight."



Wally ventured through the empty halls of the Wayne Manor. He had ran Barbara through the hidden catacombs into the cave and decided to check up on Richard since he wouldn't be patrolling tonight. He then remembered, he had one former Robin left to pester about him dating Dick. So—why not now? The only problem was…he didn't know the way to Red Robin's room. So Wally decided to play it by ear.

He made it to the third floor, where they, Dick, Damian and Tim's rooms were located and checked every door that was Dick's. After the fifth door he's opened, which happened to be Damian's—booby trapped—Wally was about to give and head over to Robin's room but stopped in front of another door. It was slightly ajar.

The redhead peeked in and let an undignified squeak slip through his lips. He found Tim…who was occupied….by Conner. Superboy. What the…

"Wally?" They were both looking at him. Tim was flushed and scrambling off Conner's lap.

"I won't tell anyone about this if you let me date Dick."

"Deal." Tim blurted out, not quietly slipping his shirt back on. Conner still looked slightly dumbfounded when Wally quietly closed the door to let them get back to…whatever they were doing and walked down the hall to Richard's room. He pushed his way through without knocking, which had startled Dick, who was doing homework.

"Wally? What are you doing here?"

"I've had the worst day…ever!" He screeched and plopped down on the plush bed.

Dick stared at him for a moment before he sighed, put down his pen and walked over to the distraught redhead.

He jumped on top of Wally, who let out an 'oof'.

After the bed settled down, the brunet rested his head on Wally's shoulder, arms hooked around the taller boys neck. "You went through with it? Did anyone hurt you?"

"No." Wally mumbled. "I did get threatened…a lot."

"I'm sorry…That you have to deal with my family."

"I'm just glad Batman is off planet for league business. However…I did get everyone's permission." He grinned. Dick's eyes lit up.

"So…it's official? Were—" Wally let out a long sigh, green eyes shining as they looked into blue.

"Dating? Yeah." Dick straddled Wally's waist, covered the older boys lips with his own and let his hands—fingers thread through the wild red hair. Wally's hands found themselves at Dick's narrow waist. Said boy pulled away slightly.

"Easy, boy wonder. We're not alone in the house." Dick snorted, and resumed kissing the living daylights out of his boyfriend.

So…yeah. I'm not dead. Just incredibly busy and even more uninspired. I have a new job (Yay~ Money!) but now I have even less time to write. I'm not going to lie though, The entire month of May I was just being lazy and not writing…then Finals came…and then I got a job. However, I do promise to update Smitten and Tables turned before July is over.

As always, review and let me know you like the direction this story is going. Or even throw in suggestions!

Also thanks to my Beta TheWickedWizardOfOz, who is awesome!