Authors Note!


Damian is the oldest and Dick is the youngest.

A series of drabbles and one-shots centering on the BatFam and brotherly love.

Wally desperately wants to ask Dick out on a date but is far too afraid to confront is dangerous older brothers.

Conner is harboring a secret crush for the mysterious Red Robin

Jason deals with the complications of an open relationship with Kori and Roy

and Damian struggles with his father issues and his friends-with-benefits-quickly-turning-into-more relationship with Colin.

Bruce Wayne is amazed his kids didn't turn out worst then they are. Alfred is simply pleased they're all under one roof again.

The old manor held a quiet eeriness to it, which made its own shadows seem like endless pools of inky darkness. The creaking wood just behind the walls gave the illusion of a lurking beast that hid just out of sight, but watched—always watched. Young Richard Grayson crept along silently, walking on the balls of his feet, expertly avoiding the wooden panels on the floor he knew would creak if extra weight were to be applied. Richard was on a mission, a very dangerous self-appointed assignment. He was to sneak into a very particular room and capture a very important trophy.

Navigating the long stretches of hallways was the easy part, memorizing which floorboards were to be avoided was slightly more difficult. But cataloging a pattern of a man who was shrouded in mystery, to follow a trained vigilante without being caught for nearly a week was a feat he was told impossible and yet here he stood; outside the locked door to one of the most dangerous men in Gotham—the world.

He swallowed the lump in his throat and steeled his nerves. This had to be done! And soon. The room's occupant would be home in less than thirty minutes. From his pocket he produced a simple lock picking set and went to work on the key hole. Gently and soundlessly moving the tumblers in the correct pattern. The lock gave and he slowly, painfully slowly, opened the old wood door so it would not creek. The door opened a sliver without noise and he would have continued if not for the sound of…panting.

He froze and then peered into the room.

Impossible. He should be out. His schedule said that he would be at the local coffee shop for another fifteen minutes at least.

Inside the dark room he saw the bed, covered in a black comforter, and most noticeably a body under that comforter. No, two bodies. Moving, panting and groaning. A stray sigh and then a pleasured moan.

And then he heard it, a raspy and all too familiar "Colin."

He gasped and immediately regretted it. They stopped moving, stopped grinding and became acutely aware that there was an uninvited presence. Icy blue eyes glared at him from the darkness, the two bodies now completely within view as the comforter had been thrown off of them, much to the smaller male's protests.

"Grayson." He hissed, obviously anger, either from being snuck up on or being interrupted. Richard didn't know which.

"Colin?" The red head in the bed tried to cover himself as best he could. Richard was dumfounded, looking from Colin to the bigger, older male who thankfully still had his underwear on

"Uh…Hi Dick." Colin waved, clearly embarrassed. Richard then turned his attention to—

"Hey…Damian. I thought you were…out?" He offered. It only seemed to make the older brunet angrier. There were a few seconds of incredibly tense silence before Damian's right index finger twitched. Dick bolted from his spot, narrowly being hit by a batarang—from where the older man had produced a batarang in his current state of undress was beyond Dick but at the moment he didn't care. The reason he didn't care was simple. There were more being thrown at him as he navigated the dark hallways of Wayne Manor to the only safe haven he knew. He leaped and bounded over old wooden furniture and old vases. Damian, who was right on his tail also leaped and bounded over the same furniture and vases with just as much, if even more grace than the young acrobat.

As he turned the corner, nearly slipping on and oddly placed maroon rug he never remembered being there, he noted to inspect later, he saw his haven.

The study.

"Alfred!" He yelled out. He meant it to sound a bit manlier and a little less 'pee yourself scared' but what can you do?

A moment later an old graying gentlemen stuck his head out from the study in curiosity and spotted young Master Richard running for his life. "Alfredhelphe'scrazy!" He shouted nonsensically. The young acrobat was almost home free when he felt something wrap around his ankles and—snag.

He was down, face impacted the floor rather suddenly.

Then he was being dragged.

He panicked—he was being dragged back into the inky blackness of the manor shadows where the beast lurked.

The old graying butler peered into the shadows and spotted two white-lensed eyes glaring back at him. "Do try and not be too rough on young Master Richard, Master Damian. Your father wants him fit enough for patrol later." He said as Richard slowly was encased by the haunting darkness.

A gruff "No Promises." was the only response he received and then…they were gone. Alfred sighed and returned to the study.


Alfred had abandoned him. Left him to be devoured by the beast. Richard was currently slung over Damian's should who, somehow, had gotten dressed in their chase—even complete with domino mask—and was taking him back to where this whole thing began. The young acrobat guessed that some of the vases were stashed with spare clothes and other goodies, he would investigate later.

Dick felt slightly like an animal that had been caught during a hunt. "Are you going to feed me to the crocodiles in the cave?" He whimpered out, breaking the tense silence.

"There are no crocodiles in the cave." Damian said matter-of-factly.

"But Jason said—"

"Todd was…" He paused, trying to find the right wording, "Pulling your leg." They both entered Damian's room and he was unceremoniously dumped on the bed, gross, and spotted a still embarrassed but no longer half naked Colin. He was in, Dick noticed, Damian's gym shorts and a white muscle shirt.

"Okay Dick…I don't want you to freak out." Colin began to explain.

"Bit too late." He interjected, earning a frown from Damian.

"What were you doing sneaking into my room?" He asked, an angry edge to his voice that made Dick very nervous.

"Dami…" Colin reprimanded the older brunet. The former assassin backed off immediately.

"I made a bet…with Jason…that I could steal something from your room. I followed you for a week and saw that you had a pattern. You were supposed to be out for a little longer when I opened the door…"

" You've been following me?" He asked, a bit more curious than angry this time around. Dick nodded weakly.

"Okay," Damian said, fingers massaging his temples. "If you do not mention…this—" He gestured generally, Dick assumed he meant him and Colin, "—then I will not hurt you."

"Deal!" He bolted from the bed and was about to exit the room when—

"Wait!" Damian called out. Richard paused mid step and looked back over his shoulder. The former assassin tossed something at him. Quickly Richard caught it. Oddly he looked at the object, an escrima-stick. He looked back at his older brother with wide eyes. "For being able to follow me undetected. I expect it back before you leave with father tonight."

Richard grinned at him before leaving Damian and Colin alone once again.

"Aw, look at you. The sweet older brother." The red head cooed and teased. Damian considered him for a brief second before tackling him back onto the bed holding small wrists above his prey's head.

"Where were we Wilkes?" He smiled deviously before attacking the smaller man's neck.