Many months ago, the world for Pokémon was like the exact opposite of drinking a cola. You enjoy cola, but being abused is not at all enjoyable. Four Pokémon fought to attempt to improve this: Ash's Pikachu, a Tepig named Pokey, a Snivy named Jasmine, and an Oshawott named Lucas. They had all been abused in some way by whatever human owned them, and they all united to end the bloody abuse. They almost had it. They managed to get a video to the GTS showing that these abuses are wrong. They all began to celebrate afterwards with apples. However, someone who worked for PITA had deliberately given them expired apples, which, as you may know, ferment themselves and become alcoholic. The "Freedom Four" did not know this, and they became drunk between the events of their adventure and March 10, 2013. They were so drunk, they never were aware of their existence. About two months before this date, when a new region was discovered, the Pokémon Trainer Azerty was chosen to be the male explorer. That same person learned of these events, and he made his promise to be the best Trainer of all time. So, not knowing the truth about PITA, he became a junior member. Azerty then secretly learned about the organization's stupidity and vowed to dissolve it, or at least turn it into something that isn't a repeat of Watergate waiting to happen. At the start of March, the "Freedom Four" were discovered by PITA and, considered by standards too loose to be considered ready for euthanasia, taken in. But Azerty played a trick on the euthanizing crew so that the "Freedom Four" were removed on the list and placed in an adoption shelter. Azerty had a room to himself in the shelter building from where the "Freedom Four" could see into the room and vice versa. What Azerty used the room for was for four purposes: using a Wii U Deluxe for both projects and gaming, storing info about PITA on a computer, eating lunches he bought outside, and holding secret meetings to free PITA's victims. Not too long before the date, he discovered alarming info about an increasingly large numbers of fictional characters being mind-controlled, kidnapped, or even shot by PITA. Azerty was playing a game (Scribblenauts, if you ask) to get rid of his stress when Jasmine seemed to be moving a little…