The Start Of Something New

Warning- Some Coarse Language, Viewer Discretion is Advised

The Leaky Cauldron reminded Kyle of a pub from medieval times. It was dark and dank; it reeked of strange fumes and was dimly lit from floating chandeliers bearing candles which gave a greenish glow to the place, it was filled with many strangely dressed people who wore cloaks which looked like bathrobes in public. There was only one word to describe the place... creepy.

Kyle was not ready for this, he was still in shock from witnessing his Mother dying and that he may never see his Father again. But it was all he had left, he needed to do what had been set out for him, he needed to find Thomas Griffith.

He took a deep which was supposed to be calming but turned out to be shaky breath and walked off towards what he hoped was the front desk of sorts and to the barkeep. He stood there for a few moments unsure of what to do.

"Are you just gonna stand there, or are you going to order something?" The barkeep asked, looking a bit annoyed at the person who was just occupying space and not adding to the business.

"Some water…. Please?" Kyle managed to stammer out.

The barkeep gave him a stern and inquisitive look for a long moment. The barkeep cast some sort of spell and water poured out from what was probably his wand and into a glass that appeared out of thin air. He passed the glass, now full with cold and clear water over to Kyle.

Kyle remained calm surprisingly but could not bring himself to pick up the glass.

"Are you going to drink it?" Asked the Barkeep

"Err; I'm looking for Thomas Griffith?" Asked Kyle abruptly

"….E's right over there." Gestured the Barkeep to one of the sleeping drunks hunched over one of the dark and grimy tables

"Thank you."

Kyle approached the sleeping man and took the seat next to him. He just sat there for a while observing the man before trying to shake him awake. After a while the man slowly started to rouse.

"Thomas Griffith?" Kyle asked hesitantly.

"Yes and who the bloody hell are you?" The man grumbled, evidently not happy to be woken from his drunken stupor. He was quite short and rotund, his clothes looked like they had come out of a dumpster and he was very greasy. He was not what Kyle had been expecting.

"Hi I'm Kyle Kennery, my parents told me to find you."

"I don't know anyone by the name of Kennery; in fact I can't remember ever hearing no wizard by that name."

"My parents were Alyssa Davenport and Markus Rothlilith."

The bald man gave him a hard long look, judging every aspect of him; Looking him up and down for evidence of his parents.

"Tom!" He shouted in the direction of the barkeep.

"I'm going to be using one of the private rooms in the back."

"Go ahead; numbers 1 through 8 are all available."

"Follow me, kid." Thomas told Kyle.

Griffith led Kyle out of the main room and into another dimly lit section of the building and through a wooden door labelled number 3.

The room was surprisingly bright and revealed the small rustic room. The room held a wooden table and a few chairs around it which Thomas used to sit back down in and gestured for Kyle to sit down as well. Thomas poured himself another drink.

"So Mr. Kennery, why are you here?" Griffith asked, sternly.

"Because by Parents told me to come." Kyle replied, unsure of himself.

"Well From my understanding you are a squib. Unless you are not who you say you are?"

"Well I was a squib, but a few days ago something changed that and that's why I'm here."

"Then where are you parents?"

"Dead, my dad has presumably been killed by the men chasing us and my mom used up all her magic trying to get me here." The finality of that sentence hit Kyle like a brick. He was still in shock, at a loss for words.

"Well that's quite the story, but how am I supposed to believe you? The last time I talked to your parents was just before they left for Canada."

"I don't know, why else would I be here to talk to you?"

"….Good Point. My Name is Thomas Griffith, but you can call me Tom. I met your parents back at Hogwarts."

At Kyle's confused look Tom clarified.

"A Magical School... What do you know about your parent's lives?"

"That they were kicked out of the family for not giving me up and because of that they were forced to live in Canada." That was really everything Kyle knew about his parent`s lives before they had given birth to him. It was really quite strange now that he thought about it.

"You're parents come from two very prominent very wealthy families and were what we call purists, a purist believes that magicals should only breed with other magicals. Those types of people who breed with other magicals are called purebloods, magicals who can trace back their magical lineage hundreds of years. You are a pureblood, as the Davenports and Rothlilith's can trace their lineage back to before the time of Merlin, however not all purebloods are purists. Are you following me?"


"Good cause it gets complicated. There is a second type of magical person, a half blood, a magical born from either a pureblood and a muggle, or a pureblood and a Muggleborn. A Muggle is someone without magic, the difference between a muggle and a squib, is that muggles have no magical core and squibs have one, but do not have any magic. You still follow?

"I guess." This was all very confusing, he hoped that someone would be able to explain this to him again sometime, and alot slower too.

"Okay so now that you have those terms, let me explain something. A squib born into a pureblood family and a purist one at that is a stain on their great tapestry and must be disposed of, even if it is for their own good, which is why you were made to leave."

"Now that you are magical, that is no longer an issue. But now that you can enter the magical world, you face new perils. There is currently a massive civil war going on, between the purists and the corrupt magical government. And on top of all that you're fraternal family, the Rothlilith's are about to wage war on Britain as they now control 90% of the magical world."

"Okay, and this is relevant to me because?"

"It means that you are about to enter a world with a dangerous political climate, should you decide to proceed as Kyle Kennery, a foreign Muggleborn or Half-blood for all intents and purposes, you will be shunned and become a target. Should you decided to use the name Rothlilith, the Rothlilith's would immediately swoop in and dissect you for information on how to manipulate you're change to being a magical. And if you decide to be a Davenport, people will suspect something as your side of the family had gone extinct and the headship of the family went to the other side of the family tree. You can't just live as a muggle anymore, it's unsafe now that you have uncontrolled magic in you now."

"So what do you suggest I do?"

"Well for starters you're going to need some cash, lucky for you, before you left for Canada, you're parents prepared for this. They left an account open for you at Gringotts the wizard bank unless anything ever happened to them."

"Why would they open an account for me in a wizard bank if I wasn't a wizard?"

"Well, it wasn't exactly opened for you, it was opened by your grandparents on the Davenport side, but your parents meant for you to have it in case anything happened to them, there was probably an access from a muggle bank as well."

"Okay, so once I get the money then what."

"I suggest the best course of option is to contact who is ever head of the Davenport family and ask them for safety, as a member of the family you have the right."

"What does that mean?"

"It means you will become a member of the family and that the head of the family is obliged to provide you with protection."


Harry and Daphne stood in front of the glorious mansion that was Davenport Manor. The mansion was a three story Victorian style Manor House. The property surrounding the Mansion was just as jaw dropping as the House itself, surrounding the grounds was a dense forest presumably loaded with charms to keep the muggles living in the nearby village away. The mansion looked archaic though, with vines growing all over the place, it hadn't been inhabited for at least a two decades.

As Harry and Daphne walked up the long stone path to the entrance of the mansion, Daphne could feel the wards recognizing the two newcomers as its new owners and let them through unharmed. Harry, being muggle raised would have no idea how to feel for the wards, but Daphne could feel the thick magical barrier was quite developed. It could probably withstand anything.

Harry and Daphne had left Grimmauld Place earlier that morning to check out Davenport Manor, Harry and Daphne was going to be moving in there with Sirius and Remus and Narcissa were going to be staying at Grimmauld so that they could have their own space. Narcissa had decided that she would make it her mission to restore the house to its former glory.

Harry guided Daphne up the front stairs and opened the large majestic mahogany double doors and entered the mansion. The interior of the old manor was grand and spacious, There was a massive staircase in the middle of the foyer that spiraled up to the third floor, the floors were made of marble and hanging right above the grand fireplace in the foyer was the rather ostentatious coat of arms of the Davenports. In the foyer one could see all the way up to the vaulted ceiling of the third floor. For any guest this would be quite intimidating.

Despite being uninhabited for at least 30 years, the Manor was in pristine condition. Harry was in utter shock, he had never seen anything so magnificent.

"This makes Greengrass Hall look like a store in Knockturn Alley." Said Daphne in awe at her new abode

"I can't believe that this is all mine… ours" He glanced at Daphne, his wife to be holding her hand.

"How is this place able to sustain itself so well?" Harry asked Daphne, how was it possible that the house looked so pristine when no one had lived here for twenty years

"Well there is probably alot ambient magic on the lands surrounding the manor, but more than likely there is a whole team of house elves."

As soon as Daphne mentioned house elves, three tiny little house elves, all very elderly came into the room out of thin air with an audible *POP* that surprised the young couple.

"We are the remaining house elves for the Most Archaic and Honorable house of Davenport." Drawled one of the house elves in a tone similar to that of Draco Malfoy, but with respect.

"House Elves? No, you are all free, i cannot with good conscience let you be enslaved." Harry could tell he had said something wrong when all three elves began to cry hysterically and Daphne looked at him with a mixture of shock and anger.

"Harry, do you even know what you are doing? By releasing them you are essentially sentencing them to death!" She said glaring at him

This left Harry utterly confused, was his opinion on house elves wrong? Why would they want to be enslaved? Dobby had wanted to be free, why would Dobby have wanted to be free if it was a death sentence

"Slavery is wrong Daph." He said with no confidence whatsoever.

"Harry, house elves need a master to survive! They exist purely through a magical bond with their Master, it sustains them and keeps them alive, without a Master they would die a slow and painful death after a year or so. Freeing an elf is the highest form of disgrace with them"

Harry suddenly felt awful. Why would Dobby want to be free if he knew he was going to die shortly?

"But I freed a House Elf once in second year, it begged me to let if free."

"Whose Elf?"

"The Malfoy's"

"Well that explains it, the elves of that family are probably treated worse than Muggleborns."

"But why didnt anybody stop Hermione then?"

"Well, to be fair, everyone thought she was joking at first, and then people tried to tell her but it was too late, she was very set in her ways."

"Please sir, don't free us!" Pleaded another one of the three elves.

"Why don't you introduce yourselves then." Harry asked the elves, sensing that he had been proven wrong in this area.

"I am Mitzi and these two are my children Gerda and Yumbo, we live to serve this noble house." Drawled the elderly Elf pointing to the two younger ones who had appeared to have gathered themselves after the talk of freeing them.

"Would you like a tour Master?" Mitzi asked the two. Harry felt uncomfortable being called Master, but if it made the elves happy; he could live with it.

The elves showed them a complete and extensive tour of the house which left Harry and Daphne quite exhausted. At the back of the manor was another huge open concept living space with massive floor to ceiling windows looking onto the glamorous greenery of the backyard. The house was separated into three sections, the center block and the east and west wings.

The West Wing contained all of the living spaces, the top floor contained all of the family suites, including the large Master Suites, the second floor had guest bedrooms and the first floor was a grand sitting room with an adjoining library.

The East Wing of the manor contained the family library which almost half the size of the grand Hogwarts one. It also had a pool, potions laboratory, a few sitting rooms, a dueling room and many other assorted rooms that Harry and Daphne couldn't find a use for.

The Center block contained general living spaces such as the dining room, kitchens, house elf kitchen an extensive wine cellar and above all a massive ballroom the could fit at least 250 people. The Ballroom was the entire top two floors of the center block and held a very long balcony facing the land the house backed onto which held a Quidditch pitch and horse stables.

The house was all in great condition wherever they went and upon a quick inspection the wards were in excellent condition. It was in move in condition.

By the time they had finished roaming the house the day was starting to fade and it time for dinner. Gerda had been working on their dinner during their tour and it was one of the most delicious meals that Harry had ever experienced. This house would work just fine for him and Daphne.


It had been a month since the trial had ended and Bagnold was ecstatic, she had achieved great success in the last month, she had cleaned out the ministry, loaded all the executive positions with people she trusted and had gone through a rigid background check.

Her plan on creating a truce with Voldemort was about to come to fruition. His attacks were becoming less and less and wider gaps between raids each time, it had been almost two weeks since his last attack. She was beginning to suspect that her new foreign policy had really limited his capabilities. Since Potter and Black had taken their seats, she had been an unstoppable force in the Wizengamot and could push anything she wanted had him right where she wanted.

Unsurprisingly the Rothlilith's had yet to attack but had begun bulking up their forces surrounding their territories. She had managed to make leaps and bounds with her new allies in Russia, Germany and Spain and they were working to together to get their forces in order for the eventual attack.

But perhaps her most proud achievement in the eyes of the voters was that now that the Voldemort threat had started to simmer, Hogwarts was slowly emptying of refugees and that meant it was able to function as a school again. In the next two weeks the school would be reopening, almost a month late mind you. But still enough time before yule to have a little bit of classes.

But yet something troubled her, to be precise a certain Bones.

Amelia Bones had recovered long ago from the horrendous attack that had left her maimed. She had several broken bones and several missing limbs, a missing lung and many other things out of sorts, it was touch and go for a little bit but she ended up making it out alive, not that anyone cared.

It was a shame to see how the mighty had fallen. Her body was scarred in a few places from the attack, most noticeably a big gash down the side of her face. The dark magic was just too much in those places the healers said.

She almost felt pity for Amelia. But no, Amelia was an enemy, she deserved what she got. Or did she….

For the first time in her life Millicent was having a battle of ethics rage inside her mind.


Kyle had been to Toronto, New York City and Los Angeles, three of the biggest metropolitan cities in North America, maybe even the world, and yet Diagon Alley put them all to shame. It was all hustle and bustle and the narrow alleyways and streets didn't help.

The stores here had the strangest names for uses he couldn't possibly imagine. People dressed in clothes that had been out of date for at least 200 years and some of the buildings looked as old as time itself.

After somehow navigating through that mess Tom led him into a marvelous white marble establishment that screamed wealth and superiority. As he traveled up the steps into the bank he got the feeling that he was about to enter a relic of the past. Once past the doors the two entered a lobby of sorts filled with the same sort of people from the streets, scales moving every which way holding golden bars and silver coins, and creatures you would see in a horror or fantasy movie were working behind desks with the gold. It seemed that these creatures were running the bank and not human beings.

"What are those things?" Kyle whispered to Tom

"Goblins, they run the bank."

"Where are we going?"

"Up to the front desk, we'll go down to your vault."

The two walked the length of the lobby, which was surprisingly long and cavernous up to the front desks which were being helmed by some goblins.

"What do you want?" Queried one of the Goblins with a disgusted look on his face.

"We are here to see the vault of the Kennery family"

"The Kennery family you say, who is here to see it?" The Goblin had raised his eyebrows

"The young fellow here." Said Tom pointing to Kyle who squirmed sheepishly under the Goblins gaze.

"Does the young one have a key?"

"No but will a blood sample suffice?"

"It will, but you do they know consequences should you fail."

"I do." Said Tom confidently, Kyle was not as confident as Tom was.

The goblin pulled out a piece of paper from underneath the table and a thin needle. The Goblin then gestured for Kyle to put his hand over the paper and he did as he was asked. Next the Goblin pricked his finger, much more forcefully then he needed to mind you. Blood dripped out onto the paper and slowly turned a murky red and slowly words in a different language started to form.

The Goblin looked at the paper for a few seconds reading its contents before looking downwards towards Kyle.

"Everything seems to be in order, Sharknet, please escort the young Mr. Kennery and his associate to vault 643."

"Right Away sir." Piped up a voice from behind the Goblin they had been dealing with.

"Follow Me Please, Mr. Kennery."

Sharknet the Goblin led them down a nearby staircase into a room filled with karts on a track that vaguely resembled a roller coaster. Once he got on, he realized, it not only resembled a roller coaster but acted much like it as well, with its twists and sharp turns and steep drops.

The kart flew by many circular doors labelled by three digit numbers until it came to a dead halt in front of number 643.

The Goblin then guided Kyle and Tom out of the Kart and up to the door of the vault whose door seemed to be covered in a complex locking mechanism.

The goblin then waved his hand over the mechanism and slowly the locks started to move and unravel themselves until the door was completely bare of and locks. Sharknet then pulled the door open and instructed that only Kyle could go in as part of the security system rules.

Kyle entered the vault, it was pretty small, but it was still filled with gold coins. There were stacks as high as the ceiling in some places.

"How much is this vault worth?"

"According to its latest assessment, there are 5000 galleons."

"How much is that in Canadian money?"

"At the current exchange rate, 39,100 to be exact."

"That's a lot of money!" Kyle exclaimed in surprise,

"Quite, now will you be depositing or withdrawing today?"

"Umm, how much do you think I'll need Tom?"

"Just take 500 galleons to be safe."

"How am I supposed to take 500 of those coins with me?"

"The satchels are charmed, you could probably fit the entire vault if you needed to in one of those satchels. "He said pointing to the satchels hanging from the interior wall of the vault.

"Okay then, Mr. Sharknet, I will take 500 galleons."

"As you wish young sir."

The goblin then somehow without having to count just took a bunch of stacks of coins and threw them in the satchel. After about a minute he was done and handed the satchel over to Kyle.

"Will that be all for today?"

"Actually the Mr. Kennery here did have one more request to make here at the bank. He would like to meet the head of the Davenport family." Asked Tom, who was actually very high functioning despite being a drunk it appeared.

"Very well, I will put in a request with the current Marquis."


Harry, Daphne, Sirius, Remus and Narcissa were all sitting around the dining table eating dinner at Grimmauld Place. In about in an hour the five of them would be heading up to Hogwarts to meet with Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix, whatever that was.

The five of them had grown close over the last month, Nobody understood why, it had just happened. As they ate dinner an owl swooped in and deposited a letter bearing the Gringotts seal before flying off through the nearby window once more.

Harry picked the letter up. It was addressed to the Marquis Davenport, so Harry slit the letter open and read its contents.

Dear, Harry James Potter, the 5th Lord Potter and 34th Marquis Davenport

Kyle Kennery, son of Alyssa Davenport and Markus Rothlilith requests a meeting with your grace. To contact Mr. Kennery please send a letter back to the Bank with your reply.


Teebone, Executive Manager of Communications, Gringotts, London, England, Diagon Alley Branch.

"What does it say Harry?"

"Apparently a relative of mine would like to meet with me."


"I don't know, it's just a formal invitation from Gringotts."

"Who is he?" Asked Narcissa

"That's the strange part; apparently he is the son of a Davenport and a Rothlilith. But would he want to meet with me?"

"There hasn't been a union of the two families since 1972, but they and their only child died during the war in 1981, just before it ended."

"It gets even stranger, it says that his legal name is Kyle Kennery, but his Mother's maiden name is Davenport and his Father's is Rothlilith."

"Kennery isn't the surname of any wizard or witch I know, but he's obviously a pureblood if he is who he says he is."

"Well I guess we will all find out in due time."


Bellatrix was not having a good day; in fact, she wasn't having a good week, or month for that matter.

She had been leading a bunch of raids in the last week, all unsuccessful. Her mission today had been to destroy a village up north and steal all of their supplies, unfortunately the Aurors were already there and of the 30 death eaters that had come with her, only 6 made it back alive.

With the election of Bagnold things had turned into a downward spiral, and her ban of imports and exports, along with her cleaning of the ministry had really put slowed down their progress after a great start.

Naturally that had angered the Dark Lord to no end, and with that came the tortures. And as his right hand witch that was not good, as she was supposedly responsible for most raids.

At first she craved the attention, and the honor that the Dark Lord bestowed upon her, but now the Honor and Attention had stopped and only punishment was served for her. In fact it was getting tiresome.

The fact was, Voldemort no longer needed her as much as he did all those years ago, he had hundreds at his command now to aid him and he no longer needed his old recruits as personal associates.

The first war had been much less organized, the Death Eaters had a sense of superiority and membership like an exclusive club, the Dark Lord treated them as associates. But with the new war the Dark Lord was much more prepared and ran the Death Eaters with a cold hand, he ran it like a business not a club. He had promised her that she would be his equal when she joined, but she had no control.

And on top of all of that, they were losing the war despite their amazing head start.

But she had one advantage, he knew things about the Dark Lord that no one else knew, she knew some of his darkest secrets. With the knowledge she had, and the power she had at her control, she could overthrow him. It would take awhile but she would finally get the glory she deserved.

She needed to come up with a plan and act on it.

Her mark started to burn suddenly, which could only mean one thing. She was being summoned by the Dark Lord himself.


Ollivanders, Ext. 382. BC

Read the sign above the wand Shop. The two were going to buy Kyle's wand, which apparently was a necessity as a wizard.

The shop itself was quite messy; boxes were strewn about, wands as well. The place looked like it hadn't been cleaned, or renovated for that matter in over 100 years. There were rows and rows of boxes of what were mostly likely wands stacked to the ceiling. Behind the counter at the front stood an old man, who must have been the shopkeeper by the looks of it.

"Ah, I was beginning to think you wouldn't come Mr. Rothlilith." Said the Old Man, presumably Ollivander.

"I'm Sorry do I know you?"

"Not at all, but I never forget a name." He said with a twinkle in his eye.

"I assume you are here for your first wand, but I wonder why a squib would need a wand, unless of course you're not a squib." Ollivander winked at him as he said talked. How could this man possibly know his background?

"Could I just get a wand, I have things to do and people to see." Kyle desperately wanted to leave this place and get away from this man.

Ollivander nodded with a curious look and ventured into the shelves behind the counter. After about a minute of searching he came back with a few boxes.

"Try this one, Mahogany wood, 13 inches, Dragon Heartstring, very flexible."

"Um what am I supposed to do with this?"

"Just give it a twirl."

Kyle did as instructed and the immediate reaction was null, the only thing that happened was that a lamp in the far corner was lifted off the ground.

"Interesting, try this one."

Kyle once again gave it a twirl, but once again the same lamp in the corner was lifted a few feet off its post.

"No that won't do."

Over what seemed like the next few hours, Kyle and Ollivander went through what must have been almost the entire shops catalogue of wands, with little to no success. Kyle was just about to give up and declare that the doctors back in Canada had been wrong.

Ollivander ventured back into the rows of wands once more and came back with another wand.

"If this one doesn't work I don't know what will." He muttered to himself under his breath.

Kyle once again gave it a twirl. But this time the result was quite different and quite amazing as well. Slowly all the pieces of furniture in the room began lifting off the ground. Ollivander looked on in amazement, and Kyle was bewildered beyond belief.

"Incredible, just incredible"

"What is, that this wand, which no one has ever been able to get a response out of, has worked for you!"

"Why is that so incredible?"

"Because this wand is one of a kind, its core is that of a Veela Hair dipped in Vampire Blood, because of the two substances in its core is extremely hard to find a wizard or witch who would be able to have the amount of magic to use it, let alone the ability to bond with two cores."

"So this means that I have finally chosen my wand."

"No Mr. Rothlilith, A wand has finally chosen you."


Harry and Daphne strode into the Great Hall knowing that all eyes in the room were on them. Harry instantly regretted coming.

Narcissa had blatantly refused to come at first but Remus was able to convince her otherwise. Once everybody had gotten over the initial shock of Harry and Daphne, Narcissa held everybody's attention. What was the wife of Lucius Malfoy, doing at an Order of the Phoenix meeting... and holding another man's hand for that matter?

Harry recognized many faces in the room; he saw Nymphadora Tonks and her Mother, both of whom were looking open mouthed at Narcissa, many Members of the Hogwarts Staff, Hermione, Neville and Neville's Grandmother Augusta. They were also many people around the table that he didn't know, they were older and were probably the surviving members of the last order.

Instead of the usual 4 house table setup, only one table was there, and it was situated in the middle of the room. The five of them took seats at the table closer to Dumbledore who was situated at the head.

"I hereby call this meeting of the 2nd Order of the Phoenix into Order."

"Albus, why is she here?" Asked Andromeda

"Narcissa Black is here upon my invitation. That should mean enough, if I trust her so should you."

"She is married to Lucius Malfoy!"

"Narcissa is-"

"I can defend myself Headmaster!" Narcissa said coldly with a glare that would put Voldemort in his place.

"Oh look, the death eater can speak." Andromeda said in a mocking tone which rivalled that of their older sister Bellatrix.

"Shut Up Traitor! You have no idea what is like to live every day bound to some bastard who treats me like filth, living life in fear and in shadow, not being able to have control over your own son, all because your own sister wasn't brave enough to go through with the contract! I could care less that you didn't want to be a black, or that you didn't want to be a Death Eater, but to throw me to the hounds just so you could have your dream world, that was the day you stopped being family, that was the day you became a traitor to your own blood!" Tears began to pool under Narcissa's eyes.

"You were my older sister, you were supposed to protect me, and I loved you! And you repaid me by sentencing me to watch powerless as Bellatrix fell insane and the Black empire crumbled. I trusted you! Apparently trust means nothing to you!"

"I was young and in love, that is why I did the things I did, you on the other hand ate out of the palms of our father and mother, you were just too cowardly to get what you want!" Andromeda countered.

"How dare you call me a coward? I had no choice, I stayed behind to protect my family and to protect Bella while you ran away, you didn't even tell anyone, you just got up and left, I was brave enough not to run away, I faced my fate. I had so many opportunities to run away but I stayed, I was not cowardly enough to run away and let the Dark Lord kill everyone I ever loved."

"They ended up getting killed anyways, you failed to protect them."

"Well at least I tread unlike you, you pathetic waste of space."

"Evil Hag"

"Voldemort's Bitch"

"Cowardly Cunt!"

"QUIET!" Dumbledore's voice interrupted the heated argument

"You're personal vendettas are not what we are here to discuss. You two obviously have some things that need to be sorted out but here is not the place for them."

"Onto other business, I have called this meeting into order because Minister Bagnold and I need some help. You see, we believe that Voldemort's forces are dwindling as are his supplies, if we offer a truce, in order to combat the bigger threat the ICW, he is in no position to refuse."

"We need to locate his headquarters and in doing so we will assemble a strike force go in and offer the truce."

"And if he doesn't accept" Daphne asked.

"Then we destroy him, while the emissary goes in, we will have the perimeter surrounded by aurors and unspeakables who will be setting up wards around the existing ones so as to prevent escape."

"This sounds more like a treaty then an equal truce." McGonagall observed.

"It is what must be done to defeat Lord Voldermort, as of yet, no one at the Ministry has volunteered for the role of emissary, so would anyone here like to volunteer?"

"I will." Said a voice which to no one's surprise everyone recognized and all eyes turned to Harry.

"No absolutely not, I will not send a minor in to do this job, you are thoroughly under prepared."

"I think you underestimate me, you say it is my destiny to face him, so why not?"

"Because you are not yet ready."

"When will I be ready then?"

"I cannot speak in absolutes."

"Fine, I see how it is." Harry huffed.

"Any other volunteers?" Dumbledore asked ignoring Harry's last comment.

"No? Well I hope in due time we can get one. Well that should be all for tonight."

Most people filled out after the short but informative meeting. Overall most people felt annoyed with Dumbledore for dragging all of them to Hogwarts just so he could get a volunteer for a suicide mission.

Harry didn't really care, he was coming to talk to Dumbledore anyways, and he needed to find out about schooling arrangements for next week when school would be starting up again.

Harry went over with Daphne to talk to Hermione and Neville, Remus and Narcissa were leaving at that point and Sirius had stricken a conversation with McGonagall and Augusta Longbottom.

"Harry it's been so long, you are coming back for your fifth year right?" Hermione said as she embraced Harry, the two hadn't properly met since the train ride almost two months ago.

"Of course, Daphne and I both are coming back."

"That's wonderful! Can you believe school is starting a month late though! We've already missed out on so much time we needed to practice and learn for our OWL'S!"

"Hermione relax, I'm sure that we will be educated properly to pass our exams."

"You're probably right. So how have you been Harry, are things going well between you and Daphne?"

"There going-"

Harry didn't have time to finish his thought because suddenly Dumbledore dashed out of the room followed By Andromeda; both looked very worried and confused. Naturally the rest of the Great Halls' occupants followed suit.

Dumbledore was quite spry for a man of his age and was running at the speed of an average man.

"Headmaster what is wrong?"

"The wards, they have told me that there is a trespasser out near the front gates."

Soon enough the small group was out of the castle and onto the lawn. The sight they saw was quite unexpected and gave everyone quite the jump.

There on the Hogwarts lawn, lay Bellatrix Lestrange, bloody, beaten and maimed.


Harry was going to meet with Kyle alone, Daphne and Sirius had wanted to get a start on moving into the Manor so he had decided to go alone. He was too meet Kyle at the Leaky Cauldron which surprised him; what would a man of riches be doing in the Leaky Cauldron.

He walked into the Leaky Cauldron wearing a dark cloak hiding most of his features so as not to reveal his identity to anyone and above all to avoid suspicion. He found Tom the barkeep and asked him where he could find Kyle, he told him that Kyle had reserved a Private room in the back and that he was currently waiting for him there.

Harry then went in search of the room, it was funny, even though he had stayed at the Leaky Cauldron for half the summer before, and he had never gone into one of the private rooms in the back.

Soon enough he found the room Kyle had reserved. Inside Kyle was sitting down waiting.

His immediate reaction was of surprise; Kyle was actually quite young, maybe a year younger than himself. Instead of Robes like a normal wizard of his namesake would wear, he was wearing muggle clothes, jeans and a tee shirt with a muggle band name on it.

"Are you the Marquis Davenport?" Asked Kyle nervously, in a very strong american accent; He obviously was foreign

"Yes, and you are Mr. Kennery?"

"Correct, are you going to sit down?"

"Yep, let me introduce myself properly. My name is Harry Potter, The head of the Davenport family."

Judging by the fact that there was no sign of recognition on Kyle's face, it was almost certain that he was a foreign and perhaps even a squib of some sort considering his attire or maybe that's just the way American wizards dressed.

"You are an American?"

"No, I was actually born here, but when I was less than two years old, my family moved to Canada, so I grew up there." Harry nodded in understanding.

"Well, than what is your business here?"

"Well it has something to do with the death of my parents and my old status as a squib."

"Old Status?" Harry asked almost completely ignoring the first half of Kyle's statement

"Recently my magical core was super charged and now according to Healers I am magical."

"That is impossible." Well, Harry didn't really know that but he didn't want to seem unsure of himself in front of a stranger, If there was one thing that Daphne and Sirius had taught him about being a Head of House, and an Honorable one at that was not to show any weakness.

"They said that as well, but their tests said differently."

"Well okay, so you are a squib who has become magical, how does this involve me?"

"Because my parents are dead now and I need to ask for protection from those who would seek to dissect me, apparently the backing of an archaic and noble house would warn people off."

"First off, I am truly sorry for your loss, but why would you chose the Davenports? The Rothlilith's would probably be more influential and provide better protection, or why not pretend to be a Muggleborn?"

"I was told that the Rothlilith's would want to use me and that it was dangerous to be a Muggleborn in this climate so it made better sense to become a member of the Davenport family."

"May I ask who has been telling all of this to you?" Harry asked suspiciously, Kyle seemed very well informed for someone who was very new to the Wizarding World.

"An old friend of my parents, he's gone now." Kyle said, a hint of malice in his tone when speaking of the old friend. Harry wondered what had happened that had caused such anger.

"So let's be clear, you would like to become a member of my family so that I can provide protection for you."


"I don't see how I can say now without having a moral quarrel. But this will get complicated, you will need to be magically educated as you need to be able to control your magic or risk losing it and paperwork might get complicated." Harry was getting much better at his formal tone, he could feel it. Daphne would be proud.

"Okay, so what next."

"We're going to Davenport Manor, our family manor"


Bellatrix woke up in a place she hadn't set a foot in since she was 18, almost 25 years ago, but still it was the place she had always felt the safest, the one place Voldemort could never touch her.

She had never felt unsafe at Hogwarts, she always had family here to protect her and comfort her. She and Sirius used to joke about one day becoming professors together here one day.

Oh Sirius, how they used to be such great friends, sure she was friends with Cissy, Andy and Reggie and the other kids, but she had always felt a closeness to Sirius, the little brother she never had.

But that was all before she was enticed into Voldemort's arms. Rodulphus had been so kind and charming, he had lulled her into a sense of security, but he slowly changed her, with every touch she was brought closer to the side she had at one point resented. He opened her to new ideas, to new magic. She slowly started to drift away, from her friends and from her family; the breaking point was her final conversation with Sirius before they went down their respective paths, which ironically ended up in the same place.

After their fight, she felt that Sirius, her last friend had abandoned her, and that she had nothing left to lose. So that night she pledged her allegiance, she believed in the cause, It had all been so appealing, they offered her everything she had ever wanted, power and wealth.

And she believed in it.

She fought for it till the bitter end, spending 15 years in Azkaban for it. The cause had been what kept her sane, the thought that one day Voldemort would return and everything he promised would come true. But when he returned, he was not the same man he had been 15 years prior, he was much more angry, filled with a vengeance to destroy Harry Potter and his associates, no longer was it a fight for the cause, it was a fight for revenge, revenge on those who had wronged the Dark Lord. When Narcissa had run away and he had tried to kill her it had been almost too much, Narcissa and her may not have been as close as they once were, but she was family, and blood is thicker than water. She needed to escape and come up with a proper plan, away from the vices of the Dark Lord and his Legilimency abilities.

And so here she was... restrained to a Hogwarts hospital bed, probably severely injured... a malnourished body that hadn't had a proper meal in over 15 years and a sister who she thought to be dead sitting next to her.

Bellatrix hoped that they wouldn't send her back to Azkaban, maybe they could rescue her or something, but after she all she had done there was no chance. Her only regret was that she hadn't realized the truth sooner; the truth that Dark and Light were two sides of the same coin, both represented a fight that neither could win. She didn't regret what she had done, in fact she was proud of her accomplishments, and she was widely recognized as one of the greatest sorceress of all time, if not the darkest, she had received tutelage under one of the greatest minds and sorceress of all time. She only regretted what she had become, she was not respected and was seen as just another minion of the Dark Lord. She hated how clouded her vision had become, how one sided everything had seemed, she regretted how much time she had wasted of her live fighting for a cause that would never be achieved.

An empty, hollow cause.

She could still care less, who won the war, but she was done fighting, she was done fighting a war that would never be won, a war with no end result, she was done seeing the damage it caused to her loved ones, the relationships it had destroyed. The pain it had caused.

She was done.


1. Hey, hope y'all liked the chapter!

2. On the subject of Bellatrix, it goes without saying that my Bella has a severe case of the OOC, but it won't be the light!Bellatrix or the good!Bellatrix who was under mind control, she was very willing, but she isn't fighting for Voldemort anymore, I would call her more of a freelance necromancer now. No, there will be no shocking twist where Bellatrix did not participate in the torture of Neville's parents.

2. I'm sorry if there is any mistakes (Grammatical or Reductive Canon) in this chapter, but I really wanted to get this chapter out today, because Today is a very special anniversary for me, it marks a whole year that I have been a registered user, that might not seem like along time for alot of my readers, but it nonetheless important to me.

3. Huge Thanks to my amazing Beta Anka7995

4. The Next Chapter is probably another month away, Uni has started again. Next chapter will pick up right where this one left off though, so one month for us will be like a few seconds for the wonderful characters of Harry Potter.

5. On another side note, There's a rumor going around that J.K Rowling is currently writing an eighth book, anyone else know something about that? I saw a few articles about it across the web on twitter, facebook, yahoo and whatnot.

6. For reading, and as always please review! I love to hear what you guys think, however please make it at least respectful.

P.S A Big round of applause to the 200 people who have Favorited and the over 350 people who have followed! It makes me so happy to have so many people loyally reading my story!