Chapter 1: First Strike

Author's note: Hello readers. This is my first ever foray into writing fan fiction. So please be kind. I have read tons of stories before and so if some aspects of the story seem familiar, I can assure you it was not intentional and if you bring it to my notice, I can either have it changed or have the source acknowledged. I wanted to write a story to test myself and I found Naruto learning, appreciating and eventually mastering the art of kenjutsu as a way forward. Also I haven't read many with the same theme. There is only one conversation in this entire chapter but subsequent chapters will involve greater dialogue I assure you. As this is my first attempt at story telling, any constructive criticism would be much appreciated. I also promise you won't have to read through any more substantial ANs as well in the future in my story. I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I did writing it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and this disclaimer is applicable to all chapters in this story.

Yugao Uzuki was Konohagakure no Sato's premier swordsman. Her skill with the sword far exceeded the basic instruction that constituted the minimal training that was bestowed upon the ANBU within whose ranks she as assimilated into. As a member of the Black Ops division of her ninja village, Yugao had been exposed to missions most ninja within the ranks of the village couldn't even fathom. Considering this facet of her life, Yugao was understandably upset when the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, assigned her to watch over Konoha's resident trouble maker and pariah while squad rotation policies were being implemented.

The vast majority of Konoha's adult population was well aware of the fact that Naruto Uzumaki played host and jailer to the most powerful entity known to civilization as a result of some clever handiwork by the late Fourth Hokage – Minato Namikaze. In a desperate attempt to save the village he was sworn to protect, Minato sacrificed his life in order to contain the Kyubi no Yoko within Naruto.

Regrettably, Naruto was seen as a physical representation of the suffering and carnage that was caused when the Kyubi attacked Konoha. As such, many of the villagers indulged in the therapeutic act of destroying the nine-year-old body and spirit to derive some sort of compensation for their losses.

It was during one of these therapeutic sessions that Yugao was able to track Naruto being chased by a rotund and inebriated member of Konoha's civilian population. A few short moments earlier, the afore mentioned civilian had spotted a less than stealthy orange clad Naruto attempt to take advantage of the food a bakery had discarded after the end of the working day. While Naruto wasn't an aspiring freegan, he knew better than to pass up on an opportunity on some decent quality bread. The unidentified civilian had spotted the village's punching bag in the alleyway that had access to the bakery.

Naruto turned around at the sound of a wooden crate being kicked aside and shuddered in fear when he saw a man holding a glass bottle in his hand approach him with a menacing look in his eyes. Dropping the half loaf of bread in his hand, Naruto's eyes scanned the vicinity for anything he could use within easy reach to defend himself. Finding a three foot long piece of metal at his side, Naruto decided to take advantage of the drunk's uncoordinated movement and use a swift guerrilla tactic to make an escape.

Naruto took a few deep breaths to steady his heart and held the piece of metal in front of him in a form that felt most natural to him. From the rooftops that surrounded the alleyway, Yugao watched with interest as her charge for the night calmed himself and adopted a most peculiar stance with what she assumed was a rudimentary substitute for the sword that was on her person. Yugao made no move to interfere in this volatile situation as her mission parameters clearly indicated that her presence was not to be discovered unless absolutely crucial. Besides, from her position on the rooftop, with a deft flick of her wrist, she could launch kunai and/or shuriken to wound the man giving her charge sufficient time to escape.

Naruto had managed to steady his previously panicked state of being and was assessing his options. Naruto was terrified as the man before him was wider than he was tall and possessed a weapon of his own as well in the form of the bottle whose contents he had just consumed. The sheer size of his opponent for the night became more imposing with every echoing step as the man took towards his prey. Naruto backed up into the shadows of the alleyway to create some space between himself and his adversary. Naruto quickly realized this means of action was futile as the large man continued to consume the space between the two with each purposeful and swaying stride. Carefully watching the right arm of the man within which the empty bottle lay firmly clasped, Naruto awaited the moment that would allow him to counterattack and hopefully escape this current predicament. As the drunken man readied his charge upon the hapless boy, a cruel smirk graced his features. Continuing upon his charge, the man made towards the boy in an attempt to knock the boy down with a single devastating blow to the top of his head. Naruto noticed the arc of the man's arm and quickly decided on a course of action.

He lunged forwards, surprising his attacker and sidestepped the man's attack during his brief moment of hesitation. Naruto was well within his attacker's guard and swung his make-shift weapon as viciously as possible upon the man's right ankle, eliciting a stumble and a howl of pain from the man. Naruto didn't stop to survey his success as he bolted away from his assailant, only momentarily slowing down to exchange his weapon for the previously discarded bread loaf. Naruto ran towards his apartment, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he left the man in alley, shouting profanities, to his own devices.

The experience was surreal and exhilarating for young Naruto as this marked the first time he was able to escape from such an encounter with both the food he was desperately craving and an injury free body. Navigating the streets of Konoha as expertly as possible for a nine year old, Naruto reached his shoddy apartment mere minutes later. With the mission accomplished, the adrenaline left his body as quickly as it came and the resulting crash meant that Naruto barely reached the trodden couch in his living quarters before his eyes closed. The prize for surviving the encounter, the half consumed loaf of bread, lay on the floor temporarily forgotten until breakfast the next morning.

Yugao reported the night's events to the Hokage as soon as she was able to verify that Naruto had reached his apartment. A small smile graced her features as she watched the boy crash into his couch, falling asleep with a smile of his own plastered firmly onto his face. Upon reaching her commander's office, she relayed the events of the night with unerring detail. It was clear to the aged Hokage that the ANBU agent was particularly proud of how the young boy had stood up for himself using a makeshift sword. The unmistakable hint of pride is what led to the current topic of conversation between the pair.

"Hokage-sama", Yugao spoke reverently, "if you would allow it, I would like to teach Naruto the basics of kenjutsu so that he may be prepared for such situations, if and when the need arises. While his strategy was sound, he was up against a drunken man who had no formal training in any form of combat."

The Hokage turned around to face the massive window in his office as he pondered his charge's request. Hiruzen loved the boy dearly and was painfully aware of the mistreatment he was subject to on a daily basis. The idea proposed by Yugao greatly appealed to him until he realized that members of his council, both ninja and civilian, would be in uproar is they learnt that the village pariah was being tutored by one of their elite ninjas. The ensuing actions would only cause Naruto more harm than good, as more members of the populace might be tempted to cause bodily harm to the child. As the Hokage turned back around to face Yugao, she identified the defeated slump of her commander's shoulder and correctly guessed that she would not be given the affirmative.

"Yugao-chan", the Hokage began looking into her eyes conveying his thoughts on the matter with the mere address.

"I understand Hokage-sama", Yugao picked up the signals easily. She chose to continue however. "I just wish there was some way to pass on instruction to the boy. The pain was clear in his eyes, if only masked behind his determination."

That statement sparked an idea in the Hokage's mind. The problem arose from private tutoring and reallocation of a competent ninja's abilities towards a lost cause in the eyes of both councils, but not the passing on of instruction. "Yugao-chan, I want a critical assessment of Naruto's physical abilities and mental capacity to the best of your ability submitted within a week from today. Along with a recommended training program for the boy to compensate for any lacking in either criteria. I cannot have you spend time tutoring the boy as this would be seen in a bad light by the wretched council but maybe you can pass on your knowledge in written form."

Yugao snapped her eyes to meet those of the Hokage. The idea was sound since instilling the fundamentals of combat need not require an active tutor. Naruto could learn from scrolls about adequate exercises, basic kenjutsu and if he took the matter seriously, he would instill discipline into his life, a value most important for a disciple of kenjutsu. Giving a sharp nod to her commander and a quick salute, Yugao snapped back her mask on and disappeared in a flurry of leaves.

The Hokage sighed once again. Sure a great problem was on the verge of being solved but why did his ninja insist on leaving his office using a leaf shunshin – they always left leaves behind in his office.