I'm still very new to writing fan fiction, so please be kind if you write a review.

Also, I forgot to put a disclaimer on my first story, but at least I remembered this time: I do not own Glee.

After their triumphant showing at the mash-up contest, the glee guys decided to celebrate by going over to Ryder's place to take advantage of the fact that his parents were out of town and play video games all night. They were so pumped up from their performance that they didn't even bother to change into real clothes again, with Artie, Blaine and Joe in their flight suits and Sam, Jake and Ryder in their shirts and briefs. After stopping at 7-11 for chips and pop (and getting very strange looks from other customers and the guys in their underwear almost being thrown out until Artie pointed out to the clerk that the policy was "No shoes, no shirt, no service" without saying they had to wear pants) the six boys were hanging out in the large living room cramming Doritos into their mouths while shouting at the TV.

"Damn it, Evans, stop firing the rocket launcher! You're killing us more than them!"

"Fear the power of the sniper rifle!"

"Dead again, Puckerman!"

After they got tired of playing games a few hours later, Blaine took off to go home for dinner while Joe had a church group meeting that evening and had to get ready. Shortly afterwards, Artie went home leaving the other three behind.

"You guys should just crash here tonight; we'll order pizza and throw on a few movies." Ryder suggested, not wanting the evening to end. The other two agreed that it sounded like an awesome idea and made the proper arrangements. Formalities aside, they threw on a random horror movie.

"No way that would work!" complained Sam at one point in the movie. "Anybody can get out of being tied up by a rope, you just have to flex properly."

"Come on, he's tied up spread eagled. It's got to be almost impossible to get out of something like that," Jake said, considering the paused scene in front of them.

"For sure," Ryder agreed. "I had to learn to tie knots a few years ago for Boy Scouts, and some of those are unbreakable."

Sam scoffed. "I could get out of that in 5 minutes or less, I'd bet anything on it."

"You're on!" Ryder announced.

"What's the bet?" Jake asked.

Sam considered for a moment. "When I break out of however you two tie me up, you both have to do whatever I tell you to for the rest of the night."

Jake and Ryder held a whispered conference before turning back to him. "Agreed," Ryder said, "but if you can't get free you're our slave for the night."

They shook on it, and went in search of rope and a place to tie Sam down. The rope turned out to be easy, as Ryder had lots in his parents' garage. Eventually, the only place they could find was Ryder's queen sized bed, with a big steel frame. They took off the pillows and blankets, leaving only a mattress. After another discussion on the rules and possible cheating, Sam agreed to take his shirt off so that it wouldn't restrict his movements. There wasn't a headboard, but there were four posts to tie Sam to. Lying on the bed in just his white briefs, he cockily raised his arms above his head.

Grinning, Ryder used his Boy Scout training to tie the best knot he could on each of Sam's limbs, keeping him tied taught to the bed. With all four of his limbs restrained, Ryder set up the countdown feature on his phone.

"Remember, the rules are 5 minutes, and as soon as that's done either we're your slaves or you're ours. Ready?" Sam confirmed that he was, and Ryder and Jake held the phone up dramatically.

"On your mark, get set….Go!"

Instantly Sam began struggling. He had kept his muscles flexed, he was sure of it, but these ropes were better than he had expected. He had just enough room to squirm slightly, but he couldn't get enough slack to do much more than struggle. As Ryder and Jake watched him, grins growing on their faces, Sam began to realize how much trouble he was in. Desperately, he pulled on the ropes to escape.

Sadistically, Ryder and Jake began to countdown with only a minute to go, watching eagerly as Sam fought to escape, enjoying his desperation.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" They chanted in unison, cheering as the timer beeped to signify that it was done.

Sam let his head fall down on the mattress. Blushing, he realized that now he was the slave of two teenagers who were much younger than him, and therefore had much more sadistic imaginations. Resigning himself to his fate, he told them to untie him so that he could get dressed and do whatever they had in mind.

"Oh, you won't need clothes for this, don't worry," Jake told him happily, walking over and sitting down at the foot of the bed.

Sam grinned. "I'm not worried, my body is awesome! Make me streak all you want to!"

Ryder came over and sat on the bed next to Sam's chest, grinning down at his face. "That implies that you think you're getting up from here anytime soon." Sam looked at him in confusion. "See, Jake and I think that you just didn't struggle enough, so we've decided to help you."

Jake nodded from where he was sitting. "So, Sam…are you ticklish?"

Sam went into instant panic mode. He was insanely ticklish, so much so that Stevie and Stacy had easily reduced their big brother to a puddle of laughter whenever he babysat for them. He frantically tried to think of the right words to help him beg for mercy, but all he could come up with was "Uh…no, no I'm, umm, I'm not ticklish."

Jake and Ryder exchanged glances of pure evil. Experimentally, Jake ran a single finger up Sam's left foot, causing the jock to let out a burst of laughter. Grinning wickedly, Ryder reached down and poked at Sam's ribs, earning a whimper and a giggle.

"Now, Sam, it's not nice to lie to your masters," Ryder said teasingly, his hands poised above Sam's ribs.

"Bad boy," Jake agreed, mockingly wiggling his fingers just above Sam's toes.

As Sam's struggles increased exponentially, the two looked at each other and counted down. Sam begged and pleaded frantically as they chanted in unison.

"Oh God, no guys please…"


"Anything else, seriously…"


"Make me streak anywhere, take any picture you want…"


"Give me any wedgie you want…"


"I'm begging you, anything else…"


As Sam tried to think of another plea, their hands descended full force. Ryder began by exploring Sam's ribs, poking and stroking at each individual rib and letting all ten fingers dance on Sam's sides. At the same time, Jake slowly ran his fingers up and down Sam's feet.

Sam exploded with laughter, shrieking and struggling to escape their demonic hands. As Jake switched to ticking one foot, to the other foot, to both to one to both seemingly at random and Ryder dug into his pits and down to his belly button, Sam was transported to his own ticklish hell. Laughter poured out of him. Jake and Ryder loved the sounds Sam was making, and revelled in having the older and stronger jock so completely in their power. At one point, as Sam was busy shrieking insanely and trying to beg for mercy in between the laughter, Ryder noticed Jake gesture at the writhing body before them. At first, Ryder didn't see what it was, and then suddenly it was so obvious he didn't know how he had missed it until now.

Sam was hard.

He couldn't believe it. By tying up and torturing Sam, they had actually turned him on. More than that, Ryder suddenly realized that his own briefs were much too small now, and looking at Jake he saw that a similar situation had developed.

After a quick discussion (they had to shout at each other to hear over Sam's hysteria, and even so they knew that Sam wouldn't hear a word), they eased up on the tickling and let him start to recover what little was left of his dignity.

Sam slowly started to calm down. Gasping for air, he struggled to compose himself as his heart rate started to return to normal. It was only once he had gotten his breathing under control that he started to turn to Ryder to see what was going on, and at the first movement it was suddenly very clear to him. Brilliantly red in the face, both from being tickled to death and from humiliation, he hung his head and waited to hear what they would do to him.

To his total disbelief, Ryder shifted position so that he was on top of Sam, his flushed face leaning in close. He could feel Jake sit on the bed near his feet.

"Like that, don't you Sam? Being totally in our power, forced to do whatever we want, your own body being our property?" Ryder grinned down at the flushed, frantic face.

"N-no, just a…," Sam tried to think of anything at all to explain what was happening. "…you know, changing bodies, spontaneous erection…"

"Really?" Jake asked. "So then, this should have no effect on you, right?"

Suddenly, Sam felt Jake's finger slip into his waistband, sliding down and touching him very lightly on the base of his member. Whimpering, he involuntary tried to thrust into the touch but the ropes held him firmly in place.

"I think our bad little boy lied to us again," Jake teased, removing his hand (Sam whimpered again) and running both of his hands on Sam's legs, following the path of his briefs around before placing them firmly on either side of Sam's erection and trying to ignore his own for the moment. "I think he needs to be…punished."

Sam tried desperately to squirm enough that Jake would touch him. He didn't know if he was gay or not, or what was going on with his body, but he badly needed to be touched. He was also concerned about what Jake meant by "punishment".

Ryder let his hands fall on Sam's chest again, but this time instead of tickling him all over he began to play with Sam's nipples, lightly tickling and rubbing them. Jake, meanwhile, leaned down and breathed heavily over Sam's erection, rubbing his hands all around it while not actually touching it himself. Sam was beyond speech at this point, squirming and struggling. The feeling was so good he wanted nothing more than to come, but the two devils holding him prisoner wouldn't touch him where he needed to be touched.

Grinning at each other, Ryder and Jake took their shirts off as well and slid off the bed, standing on either side of Sam's head.

"You know, you are our slave for the evening, and our since we're playing with our little ticklish toy right now…" Ryder commented, pretending to consider what he had already decided.

"Guys please, mercy, please mercy just let me out, I'll stick around but I have to get to the bathroom, oh God just let me…"

"Nope!" Jake said happily. "At least not yet. I think that it's time to satisfy my own curiosity. You're always making those pouty faces, and I think it's time you showed us just what those lips of yours are capable of." As he heard what Jake said, Ryder's grin, if it were even possible, grew even wider. Sam, meanwhile, was incapable of anything but the most basic feelings at this point. He was horny, he wanted them to touch him, and quite frankly, he wanted to touch them.

Jake and Ryder performed a quick game of "rock, paper, scissors" which Jake won. He started to climb on the bed, when something occurred to him. He looked at Ryder. "Got any scissors?"

Ryder left and came back, looking confused. His confusion was replaced with glee as Jake carefully cut Sam's briefs off, throwing the scraps of fabric aside as Sam's erection was released. Leaking pre-cum, 9 solid inches of pure steel, it was magnificent. With that, Jake and Ryder shed their briefs as well. Jake was slightly smaller, but just as hard, while Ryder was the same size as Sam.

Walking back to Sam's head, he climbed up on the bed with his knees on either side of Sam. "Open wide, big boy."

Sam opened his immense mouth without thinking. Jake leaned carefully over, positioning himself as though he and Sam were about to 69. He lowered himself into Sam's mouth, but decided to let Sam be hard for a while longer. Any thoughts as to further torture were erased the moment Sam started sucking. Losing himself in the ecstasy of Sam's lips, he lay himself down so that he wasn't touching Sam's erection but lay next to it with his head on Sam's thigh.

Sam couldn't believe how erotic this was. By all rights he should be freaking out, but as he sucked on Jake like he was a lollipop, letting his tongue explore the massive length forced inside of him (thank god he had no gag reflex). Drawing his cheeks in, sucking hard, he cursed the ropes that held his hands away from his aching, straining cock that screamed for release. He was so focused on his own body that he didn't even realize how close Jake was coming to release, and only clicked in once the cock in his mouth seemed to explode, pouring essence of Jake down his throat.

"Good boy," Jake whispered, carefully lifting himself off and standing on the floor. He gripped a bedpost for support, staggered by his own release.

Ryder came over, letting his hands run across Sam's sweaty, gasping chest. Lying down the same way Jake did, he tried to lower himself but Sam had his mouth closed. Jake solved the problem by slapping Sam's ass hard.

If anything, Sam thought that Ryder tasted better than Jake. Sucking frantically, desperately, his tongue licked at every inch of steel crammed into his gigantic mouth. Jake leaned back against the wall, enjoying the show and mentally saving it for later when he was alone. Ryder gasped and moaned as Sam drew his cheeks in, loving the feeling of Sam's tongue on him. When he came, he almost passed out from the incredible feeling. Letting Sam drink him in, he carefully lifted himself off and knelt on the floor, trying to get the strength back in his legs.

Sam was harder than he'd ever thought possible. He was close to tears from his desire to come, and he was still bound to the bed, unable to do anything about it. Gazing helplessly at Jake, he begged, "Please…please let me come…please…"

Jake exchanged glances with Ryder, who had managed to get to his feet again. For a moment Ryder seriously considered not letting Sam come at all, but leaving him tied to the bed horny and helpless for the night. In the end, his merciful nature came through.

Carefully, Jake and Ryder knelt down by Sam. Each of them leaned over and kissed one of his nipples, nibbling and sucking at it. Then, very slowly, they began to trace Sam's body with their lips, slowly sucking and kissing every inch of his stomach and "Super Sam Abs", travelling down to his privates. They blew lightly on his member, enjoying the moaning and whimpering that it caused, before leaning in. Each of them tenderly kissed it on one side of the base, and then slowly let their lips travel upwards until they met at the tip. With that, Jake shifted down on the bed until his legs were sticking out over the end of the bed and his head was between Sam's legs and Ryder was leaning over top from the side. At the same time, Jake began licking and sucking at Sam's skin while Ryder opened his mouth and took Sam's engorged cock directly into his throat.

It was over embarrassingly quickly after that. With a cry of pure ecstasy, Sam came directly into Ryder's mouth.

Breathing heavily, faces flushed, the three boys tried to recover. Ryder washed his face with cold water while Jake took a wet facecloth and did the same to Sam. Carefully, Ryder and Jake put their underwear and shirts on again.

Sam pulled at the ropes binding him. "Ok guys, let me out and we'll put on another movie or something."

Jake and Ryder shook their heads, the evil looks coming back into their eyes. "That doesn't sound like good slave talk," Ryder said mockingly. "It hasn't been all night yet, and we still want to play."

Sam had barely registered what they had said before both boys lunged at him again, Jake digging his fingers into Sam's chest and belly button while Ryder mercilessly scratched his feet. Sam exploded into laughter once again.