Bunnymund hopped though one of his tunnels on his way to North's toy factory. North's factory was also his home and the place where the other guardians stayed when they came to visit.
Tooth was there right now and that was why Bunny was racing towards the guardian of wonder's home.
Tooth and Bunny had become very close. It had started when Pitch had returned and tried to destroy belief in all of the guardians. It had been Tooth who had held his paw when he was beginning to break at Sandy funeral. He still found it painful to remember that day, even if Sandy had come back. He also remembered the other thing Tooth had done for him. She had been the one to comfort him when Easter had been destroyed. She had been there for him when he was overwhelmed with the grief of that loss and he would never forget that.
At first they had just met up occasionally for company. But the more time he spent with her the closer he felt. She was the only one who could really make him smile and he could open up to her in ways he couldn't with the others.
After a time they began dating, going to the movies, coming over to one another's home of a meal and helping each other with their guardian duties. At first Bunnymund had thought that it was plain friendship but it wasn't long before he realized he was in love. He loved her with all his heart. He would do anything for her; even take a ride with her in North's infernal sleigh if he had to. He only hoped that she felt the same way about him.
Bunny jumped out of his hole as soon as he reached North's home. Quickly he hopped though the factory until he came to Tooth's room. The door was open and Tooth was hovering in the middle of the room, a smile of joy on her face.
Bunny approached. It was a year since he had started dating her and he had planed something special for this anniversary. Bunnymund opened his mouth to speak and catch her attention but before he could get a single word out Jack came into view and stood next to Tooth.
"Well, do you like it?" He asked as he pasted something to her, Bunny didn't see what.
"Oh Jack its beautiful," Tooth cried, "oh Jack I love you," with that said Tooth pulled Jack forward and kissed him.
Bunny froze. His eyes widened in horror and his entire world seemed to fall apart.
"She was in love with Jack, she was in love with Jack," The words repeated themselves again and again in his head and suddenly tears began to trickle down his face.
He wanted to yell at them, to tell them to stop but what would be the point. Tooth wouldn't feel any different and Jack would only feel guilty and hurt and he didn't want to hurt him, not after the way he had hurt him last year when he had brought up the fact that nobody believed in him the frost spirit.
Quietly Bunny backed away, though the doorway and then leaned against the hall wall, out of view of Tooth and Jack.
In an instant all the precious moment he had shared with Tooth flashed though his mind. Sitting together in the warren, laughing after a meal he had been making exploded all over him, and his happiest, their first kiss.
Just when he thought he couldn't hurt any worse he heard Jack and Tooth begin to laugh and with each laugh in seemed to him that another tiny piece of his heart was cut out.
Bunny looked down at his paws, bleary though his tears.
What was wrong with him? Why wasn't he good enough for her?
Suddenly the answer hit him, like the back of fates cruel hand striking him across the face. He was a pooka, a giant talking rabbit. He was short tempered and must come across to her to care more about eggs and candy then about other people. Why would Tooth choose that over Jack, Jack who could give her fun and happiness, Jack who was younger, smarter, funnier and more powerful then bunny could hope to be? Why would she choose him, Bunny, who could offer her nothing, over Jack, who could offer her everything?
Bunny straightened up, he had to get away, he couldn't let someone see him like this, he had to stay strong.
With a quick thump of his foot he opened one of his tunnels.
Bunnymund jumped into the tunnel and ran. He didn't stop until he reached the large cottage in the middle of his warren.
Bunnymund made it through the front door and into the living-room and then he broke.
The Easter Bunny fell to his knees and began rocking back and forth, howling, tears streaming down his face.
"Why?" he screamed, "Why Tooth, why aren't I good enough for you?"
Back at the North Pole, Tooth apologized to Jack again.
"Sorry," she said with awkward laugh, "I know I can overact and be erratic at times."
"Its fine, really," Jack reassured her, "It was just a bit unexpected that's all."
"I know, I know," Tooth replied with a smile, "but you did just the most wonderful thing in the world."
"Thank," he said with a grin as his eyes darted to the statue in her arms.
The statue was made of ice, with enough magic in it to ensure that it would never melt; it had taken Jack a whole week to make it.
"I just wanted to do something special for you and the old kangaroo, what with it being your anniversary and all."
"Thank you," she said then looked down at the ice statue.
It was a statue of Tooth and Bunnymund standing side by side and holding hands. Tooth had a coin in her free hand and Bunny had a boomerang in his.
Tooth smiled. She knew that Bunnymund would love this.