Chapter 7

Disclaimer- I do not own Prince of Tennis or any of its characters

Authors note- hey peeps! New chapter! I have exams going on and I am trying my best to write and update as soon as possible. I am sorry…I don't write smuts… so this is closest thing you guys will get. And also I don't care if you guys think I am asking for it but it really really helps when you guys hit the review button and leave me a review. It makes me want to write more! (my opinion! No hate !)

WARNING- chapter not suitable for all ages. Reader's discretion is advised. Contains references to sexual content.

Chxu0303- haha… I am happy you like the previous one… seriously.. your favourite? That made my day! Thank you so much! I hope you like this one too

Dracy- aww! Thank you! I tried to make this chapter a little funny… hoping to hear from you again!

Ps- I know the starting few chapter need some editing and I will update them once my exams gets over

Pps- the next chapter will mostly be published during first week of December (sorry!)

The whole chapter is in Sakuno's point of view.

My face was flushed.

I was satisfied and had this intoxicating smile on my face.

My whole body felt like it just experienced euphoria

My mind was in unusual peace.

No words were spoken.

The room had been filled with heated make outs, moans and grunts.

I still felt his feather soft touches and his hard love making skills that could make any woman crazy.

It was my first time, he knew it and he made sure he didn't hurt me.

It was worth it and I will never regret it even if we were not together

Ryoma was mine just for some time.

That plastered a stupid smile on my face.

I was lying on Ryoma's shoulder. We both were pretty exhausted. We both were naked with only a bed sheet covering us. My back was bare and my hair was swept in the side.

I kissed his bare chest and put my face against it.

I could hear his calm and even breathing and that was enough for me.

He was caressing my back, and playing with a few strands of hair but his eyes were looking at the ceiling.

It was a pregnant silence again.

But this time it was not awkward or uneasy or wasn't causing any of those panic attacks.

It was more of comfortable silence.

I think Ryoma and I never needed the talk because whatever happened with us New York because whatever happened a few minutes ago said it all.

He called me beautiful, he made me scream his name and he kissed my forehead after we did it.

He liked me back.

Enough of all this drama.

I don't care where the future might lead us and what might happen in the morning but the only thing I care about is now.

I love this moment.

I am living this moment (does that sound too cheesy?)

I was about to submit myself to sleep when Ryoma took my hand that was around his torso and intertwined his fingers with mine and he kissed it.

I looked at him with a confused expression because Ryoma wasn't a romantic and I know him well enough to know he won't show any cheesy affections.

He smirked at me.

"Move in with me Sakuno"

My eyes widened and my heart was literally beating out of my chest.

"Are…are you sure?" I asked him.

I mean… it's not like we dated for three month or we had even gone on a date and he was asking me to move in with me. That is like totally out of the world.

"What do you mean? I just asked you right…" he said still smirking.

"Isn't it too fast? I mean what if people get to know?"

"Do I care about what others think?"

I sat up and looked at him and he did the same.

"I mean, you have to be absolutely sure about this Ryoma. You can't come and tell me one day to move out, and plus I don't care if this is a onetime thing I mean I completely understand…"

Ryoma scoffed.

"After everything that has happened you really think it's a onetime thing? You think I am sex crazed maniac or I just like to fool around with some girls… you are much worse than the media…"

"I didn't mean that…"

"No, let me speak…" he said and he brushed his hair with his fingers and he looked at me and smirked. That killer smirk.

"I can't believe you are making me say this…" and he covered his face with his fingers for a minute and then looked at me

"I like you okay? And I don't want anybody to have you except me… I don't care if you don't like me in the same way… I am a stubborn man and I will get what I want… I like you… I want you to be my girlfriend. I want you to move in with me…"

Time just stopped.

Was this really happening?

Was this a dream?

Can I pinch myself?

Oh my god.


The way he confessed. I thought he was a dense idiot but it turns out I am a dense idiot too.

I would have cried if it was any other day but I don't know why I started giggling and then I laughed a little bit.

He scorned

"You find this funny?"

I stopped laughing and nodded sideways but I giggled again.

"Ugh! Ryuzaki!" he shouted and he pushed me down on the bed and he was in the top, supporting himself through his hand which were either side of my shoulders and his legs which were either side oh my hips.

"It's just that… that was totally…not you…" I said with a blush.

He smirked "it's because you just don't get a clue"

I smirked back this time and he was taken back and little bit.

"What if I say no?"

He smiled a little bit and his face came closer to me and he whispered in my ears

"I will make you scream yes" and I blushed furiously

He started laughing and I hit him lightly on his shoulders.

"Say… Ryuzaki…. You didn't realise that the minute you sat up, your chest wasn't covered by the sheets… it took me a lot of self-constraint to not to attack you… but now…"

And I blushed more.

This guy was a pervert.

But I smiled a little and pulled him closer to me and kissed him and he kissed me back immediately.

"So…I take that as a yes?" he asked and I laughed.

"Really! I don't get it… why do you have so much stuff?" Ryoma asked me as I was packing my stuff into boxes.

Yes! I was moving in with Ryoma.

Yes that also meant I was his girlfriend now.

Was he all mushy and cheesy and a romantic at heart like every boyfriend?


That was the only time I got see that side of him.

It been two days since then.

Ryoma wanted to make sure his house was clean so he called in a bunch of maids to make his place proper and happily stayed at my place for a few days.

I decided to start packing and let my landlord know that I was moving out.

My landlord did not agree.

My landlord was actually a flirt.

He made excuses saying that I had an agreement with him for more six months and I cannot move out like that without one month prior notice.

Ryoma got angry and paid him this month's rent with a bonus.

I was angry with him for doing this.

I don't like others doing stuff for me and especially paying my landlord so much money that I wouldn't even dream of giving.

So I made him sleep in the sofa and made sure he knew I was angry.

But I was kind of excited. This was the first time we fought.

Ryoma on the other hand was dealing with it like nothing happened except he was angry that I made him sleep in the sofa.


"My stuff, my wish…" I said as I packed my clothes in the suitcases.

Ryoma scoffed loudly. He wanted me to hear but I paid no heed to it.

"you know many girls would be so happy that Ryoma Echizen is giving them so much attention…especially asking them to move in with him and helping them with packaging and also making sure he cleaned his house spotless and oh… that they were his girlfriend… so I think Ryoma Echizen should be allowed to sleep on the bed again instead of an old small sofa…"

This guy really can't take no for an answer.

I walked up to him, he was keeping my living room decorates inside a box and I smiled. Giving him the biggest fake smile I can ever give.

"Well… if so many girls line up and want to make Ryoma Echizen theirs, I have no problem with it, and Ryoma Echizen can go ahead and take any one of those girls…. Plus I bet he has so many options"

I took the items from his hand and the box too from him and kept it on the small kitchen counter that I had.

"You are being unreasonable…" Ryoma said.

"You are being an ass!" I replied and I walked off to my room still packing my clothes.

"Those girls are annoying and they are just too…."

"But I thought you said you would prefer them over me?" I said with my hand on my hips looking at him and he was looking at me right back.

He was staring. He was giving me one those giveuporelse-stares that he usually gives his opponents during matches.

"Maybe I should stop packing…" I said and threw the clothes from the suitcase back into to the shelves.

Ryoma walked up to my room and took those clothes and stuffed it into the suitcase.

"No, you are moving in with me..." he said

"No! I am not!"

Clothes back to the shelves.

"Yes you are!"

Clothes back to the suitcase


Clothes back to the shelves


Clothes back to the suitcase

"Stop being so stubborn!" I shouted.

"You stop being such a drama..." but he stopped.

I looked at him angry. I can't believe he was about to call me a drama queen.

I shoved him a little bit.

He shoved me back.

I shoved him harder.

He grabbed me by the waist and he pulled me closer.

Our noses were touching but I refused to look at him so I turned my head sideways.

"Look at me Ryuzaki…" he said and I didn't bulge.

He used his hand to turn my face towards him.

"I don't like it okay!" I said with a whiny tone

"You don't like what?" he asked me.

"I don't like you spending money like that… doing stuff for me which I am perfectly capable of doing… you are after all my boss and you are paying me well… I can take care of this myself okay? I don't want you to parade around your money that you worked hard for solving my problems. I am independent woman, I don't need a man's help to live…" I said.

Ryoma's looked like he heard something absurd and he just stared at me for a while.

Then he smiled and said


"Okay what?" I asked him

"Okay, I won't do what you are not comfortable with…"

"You won't bribe people for me?"

"No I won't"

"You won't give people money to do my stuff?"

"No I won't"

"You will treat me like an assistant when we are in work?"

"Yes I will"

"You will let me shop freely and let me pay for them myself?"


"Will you…"

"God dammit Ryuzaki! How many stuff do I need to agree to before we kiss and have sex right now?"

"Whaaaaat? But I still have so much to pack!" I exclaimed and he sighed.

He held on to me tighter and he kept his head on my neck.

"You are the only girl who has ever made me beg…" he said and he started kissing my neck.

I closed my eyes and I was enjoying the feeling.

My hands went automatically around his hair and I pulled on to it.

He kissed me more fiercely and I moaned a little bit. He lifted me up and my legs went around his waist. His one hand clutched my butt and the other hand roamed inside my shirt.

And in one swift movement he removed it and he pushed me up against the wall.

I loved this.

I was feeling so hot and our kisses were getting intense.

I finally understood what Tomoka and Ann were talking about all this time.

The kisses, the sounds… sex was really great!

And you get better and better when you have the right guy.

I have heard many stories where people say that their first time isn't magical or isn't like what they see in the movies and they were right.

It wasn't.

But Ryoma made sure it wasn't that bad.

He made it actually kind of perfect in his own way.

"I guess… we could…." I said but I couldn't complete because Ryoma kissed me.

I removed his shirt and he pressed himself more on me and my back was more pressed against the wall.

"SAKUNOOOOOOOOO" shouted Tomoka.

And then came in Tomoka, Ann and Kintaro.

Tomoka mouth was wide open.

Ann dropped her handbag

Kintaro started shouting "oh my eyes! MY EYES!"

And that's when Ryoma and I came to our senses. Ryoma just left me and I fell down. He rushed and close the bedroom door.

He helped me up and handed me my shirt.

He wore his shirt too.

We both looked at each other.

Oh shit… what do we do now?

"So you guys are together?" asked Kintaro

I nodded and Ryoma just looked at him with a poker face.

How is he so calm?

My friends just caught me almost doing it with him!

Isn't he embarrassed?

Doesn't he want to die now?

"And you are moving in with him?" Kintaro asked him and I said yes.

"Couldn't you have at least locked the door?" Kintaro asked again.

I looked at the ceiling and didn't reply.

Ann and Tomoka were furious but they had that mischievous grin on their faces.

Then after five minutes of silence

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US SAKUNO?" Tomoka shouted.

I blinked at her.

Ann gave me that you are going to regret it look with her eyes.

I sighed.

"Don't tell the media" Ryoma said in a cool tone.

"We won't… last thing we want is Sakuno to be paraded with reporters" said Ann

"Say… Chibuske… why don't we go out to the courts and have a match like the old days and leave these ladies alone… I think they have a lot to talk about…" Kintaro suggested and I looked at him giving him a silent thank you.

"Yeah sure… I will meet you later?" Ryoma asked me and I nodded.

I went and hugged Kintaro and whispered a thank you in his ears. Ryoma coughed not liking me hugging him but I just gave him a stare saying its okay.

Kintaro was a friend! I can hug him!

I swear to god Ryoma is very possessive.

Ryoma and Kintaro left leaving me behind with my two curious and anxious to know to know everything girls.

"Now… you have to start from the beginning and mind you Sakuno… you cannot leave out any details…." Said Tomoka

I gulped and gave them a smile.

"Thank you so much for helping me moving again!" I told Ann and Tomoka who were helping me load all the boxes inside a mini truck that will take my stuff to Ryoma's house.

"No problem Sakuno… we are just happy for you!" said Ann.

"I guess that's the last box…" Tomoka said as she kept it inside the mini truck and we closed it.

I informed the driver of Ryoma's address and he started driving away.

Ryoma and Kintaro were already at his place, waiting for my boxes and Kintaro said they were playing some video games.

"Okay now what?" Ann asked and I went back to the empty apartment.

"I am going to miss this place…" I said

"I know right? It is where we spent most of our college days…" Tomoka said and we agreed with her.

I have been living in this apartment since I joined college and Ann and Tomoka would literally be here like all the time talking about their love lives, crushes, and nasty professors or just watching some movies and getting drunk.

This apartment had so many memories.

"Now come on! We need to take Sakuno to a lingerie shop!" Ann told Tomoka.

"Say WH-what?" I asked her.

"Your wardrobe needs sexy lingerie Sakuno! Come on! Let's gooooooooo" Tomoka said and they both dragged me to the mall.

Oh great.

"Finally done with the boxes?" Ryoma asked and I nodded.

"Yup! Just need to make the room more homely…" I told him

"I really don't understand why you need a separate room when you can sleep in mine…" he said as he sat in my bed and looking at me setting everything in order.

"Because… It's been only three days since we started dating and you cannot just rush everything... I am already moving in with you and that's a big deal!"

"Whatever… I ordered take outs for dinner… you okay with that?" and I nodded.

Ryoma's house was huge!

It looks like mini modern mansion from the outside.

His house was kind of isolated from the city and on a hill top with an incredible view.

He had this huge kitchen with a separate dining area,

Two huge bedrooms- one for him and one guest room which is my bedroom now.

He converted the whole of first floor into a gym and a storage room. It seems the house had more three rooms in the first floor but Ryoma thought what's the use of having so many rooms when he will be the only person living in it and he thought that he would invite a girl to live with him….ever!

And on the third floor he built an indoor tennis court.

It was the same size of an actual tennis court.

He says the paparazzi doesn't let him live in peace and he found it much more convenient and was more focused in the tennis court he built.

I was really mesmerized but I felt sad for him because he was living alone in such a huge house.

He was really helpful while unpacking my stuff.

He threw a fit that I didn't want to sleep in the same room as him but it can't be helped. Things need to slow down a little bit.

All this happened in matter of three days.

Yes any other girl in my place would consider this a blessing but I am not like those other girls. This is my first relationship ever and I never see Ryoma like the tennis super star but I see him as a guy who I used to know ... I mean who I know now…

And this becomes more complicated.

He is also my boss.

"Sakuno, I am going to take a bath… attend my phone calls please…" and he left.

I sighed.

I finally finished unpacking and I was sitting in the living room watching television.

He had this huge flat screen TV and my eyes kind of hurt.

I had nothing else to do so I decided to do my job.

I looked over at Ryoma's schedule for tomorrow.

-Morning practise with his coach

-Meeting with his sponsors for Australian open

-Photo shoot for a sports magazine. He was going to be featured in the cover this time

-Shopping for sports equipment

-Pack for Australia

-Call the Sydney hotel

-Hire body guards

-Buy a suit for the Australian open party.


I need to confirm them all

Suddenly Ryoma's phone rang

"hello is Ryoma there?" it was a woman's voice

"Its Mr Echizen's assistant speaking… he is busy… may I know who this is?"

"Oh… new assistant huh? I am Regina Roberts speaking… I am actually on my way to Ryoma's place… you know what … let it be a surprise… it's been a long time since I have seen him…. Don't tell him okay? Bye!"

And she kept the phone.

I just stared at the phone… what just happened now?


To meet Ryoma!

And she told me not to tell him… what should I do?

"Ryuzaki… who was that?" Ryoma asked me he just came out from bath and when I looked at him I immediately covered my eyes.

"RYOMA! Wear some clothes!" I told him while blushing

He was just standing there with a towel tied around his waist.

"Oh come on Ryuzaki… you have seen much more then this remember! So who was it on the phone?"

He is asking again!

Should I tell him?

"I don't know actually… wrong number…" I said still not looking at him

Suddenly I felt myself being lifted up in bridal style and I let out a yelp

"RYOMA! Let me down! I have work…" I told him hitting his hard naked chest but it was no use.

"Mada Mada Dane Ryuzaki…" he said and he kissed my forehead.

"Ryoma… please… I really need to finish this… and I am planning to sleep early today so…" and he let out a scoff and put me down.

"Fine… I will go and change…" he said and he went inside his room.

Actually I was scared, Regina Roberts was coming here and I don't know if Ryoma and I are ready to be caught again like Tomoka Ann and Kintaro did.

I mean I don't even know what type of Relation Ryoma and Regina have either!

Have they dated before?

Did he sleep with her?

Are the tabloids telling the truth about their relationship even if Ryoma claims that they are just friends?

This is just too much to take in one day!

I went to the kitchen and decided to have the takeout food.

It was better if I just eat and sleep off.

The doorbell rang and Ryoma opened the door

There stood, tall blonde, blue eyes and very pretty Regina Roberts.

The minute she saw Ryoma, she jumped on him to hug him and Ryoma hugged her back!

"RYOMAA! How nice to see you!" she shouted.

I stood in the kitchen counter and peaked a little bit.

I don't know why but I had a feeling staying inside was much better.

"Regina…what are you doing here?" Ryoma asked but he had a stoic face.

They both sat in the living room and I made sure I ate quietly in the kitchen.

Regina was so pretty. She had the perfect body and she was wearing a crop top with hot shots.

Her legs were perfect, her hair was perfect, and she has round hips and flat stomach.

Also she is on the top hundred hottest female celebrity list!

She was the hottest female sports star and she was called princess of tennis.

She and Ryoma are literally match made in heaven.

Even though Ryoma confessed to me, I just can't get the idea of her and Ryoma being the perfect couple.

Why am I so insecure?

Yes these dumplings look really good… time to stuff them into my mouth and stop thinking about my boyfriend with another woman.

"Sakuno?" Ryoma said and I got startled

"Why are you stuffing dumplings inside your mouth?" he asked me when I looked at him.

I slowly swallowed them and I looked at Ryoma…

"Uh…no reason…" I said with a small smile.

"So this is your new assistant… she doesn't look the ones you had before!" Regina said

"She is also my…." Ryoma was about to say but I interfered and said

"Friend…I am also his friend… nice to meet you miss Regina Roberts…" I said and offered my hand for a handshake

"Oh… I am sorry… it's just your hands are greasy and I just got mine manicured… so… anyways… Ryoma…a tennis match?"

Ryoma eyed me suspiciously and then he looked at Regina and nodded.

Both of them went up to the tennis court.

I stopped eating and out away the food.

I went to my room quietly.

I immediately took a jacket and keys to Ryoma's apartment and went out.

There were reporters standing there and they started asking me questions the minute I stepped out…

"Are Regina Roberts and dating?"

I avoided that question and tried to walk through them

"We saw some carton boxes this afternoon coming through a minivan… are they moving in together?"

I avoided that one too and I ran off.

Nobody even thinks I can be with Ryoma.

That's why I didn't want him to tell Regina about us.

I would have ruined his reputation.

I was just walking off somewhere.

I needed some air

I don't know what I was feeling.

I guess I was jealous.

I was intimidated by Regina. Who wouldn't be?

And it doesn't seem she is a nice person…at least to me

And it clearly looks like they have some history.

I saw a bench and I sat there.

I had some few yens and I bought some Ponta from the vending machine.

I sighed.

This day … So much happened in one day.

Suddenly a car stood in front of me and I recognised it immediately.

It was Ryoma's.

He got off and he looked angry.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asked

I gulped.

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I mean it!

And also I would like to hear from my reader what they expect from the future chapters?

Like you want sexy stuff or cheesy stuff or awkward embarrassing stuff?

Plz review (again m sorry!)

Have a nice day
