Hey guys! Sorry I havent updated!
You know... I was wondering... how does Sephiroth the 'one winged angel' fly? Beats me...
When we arrived at the, as I learnt it was called, the mall, we looked at over 23 stores but none struck my intrest. Then I saw it. Hottopic. It was heven! After I was done there we left.
My parol officer, she told me to call her Yuuki, then dropped me off at my apartment. I unlocked the door and went to the bathroon. I looked in the mirror and jumped back in shock. This was the first time I had seen myself in ten years. I had large empty looking blue eyes, long pale pink hair, and a slim very thin face. I look dead. I brushed my teeth and changed. I climbed in my bed and drifted into a deep sleep.
(time freaking skip!)
the next day I got dressed in my black knee length skirt and long black sleeve shirt. I then got some breakfast and gathered my stuff for school and secretly shoved my bunny in my bag. The door bell rang and Yuuki was at the door telling me it was time for school. We got in the car and took off. Yuuki looked at my.
"yes?" I asked.
"are you nervous? It is your first day of school. Ever." she said quickly. "no. i'm okay." I whispered. "well then... we're here." I looked up and saw a big building with many windows. I got out of the car and thought to myself. 'well...this is it...' and walked to my impending doom.