"Quit splashing me!" Eddie laughed. Patricia and Eddie were hanging out by the big wave pool. Several little kids were staring at them curiously.

"Not until you admit that I'm right!" Patricia sprayed more water on Eddie with her hands.

"Never!" Eddie held up his hands to protect his face from the next splash.

"I'm right! You're wrong! Get over it!" Patricia continued to splash Eddie again.

"Okay! Okay!" Eddie surrendered. "You don't like dancing!"

Patricia quit splashing him. "Thank you."

"But I know you like dancing with me." Eddie teased. Patricia splashed him again. Even though it was true, Patricia still didn't want to admit it.

"Shut up!" She splashed him again.

Eddie jumped out of the water and held a hand out for his girlfriend to help her out of the pool. Patricia looked at him skeptically.

"What're you doing?"

"Dancing." Eddie stuck out his hand again. "Come on, Yacker. Don't leave me to dance alone."

Patricia rolled her eyes and took his hand, hoisting herself out of the pool. Eddie led her closer to the speakers, which were blaring "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)" by P!nk. Patricia and Eddie smiled at each other and began swaying to the faster-paced song. Patricia would never physically admit it, but her and Eddie both knew she was absolutely loving it. They both were.

Eddie lifted his arm up so Patricia could playfully twirl under it. She laughed, continuing to enjoy the moment.

Drew approached the happy couple slowly, not wanting to interrupt the couple's fun. Eddie and Patricia stopped dancing for a minute to listen to Drew.

"I'm assuming that the leopard print purse with the leather wallet by it was yours, so I went ahead and moved it into the locker room. They're in locker number 34."

"Well, thanks, dude." Eddie patted his friend on the back. Drew nodded, and then left Eddie and Patricia to continue dancing. They continued for a few more minutes.

Eddie stopped. "Hey, I'm running to the bathroom really quick, okay?" Eddie squeezed Patricia's hand. "You'll be okay for a minute or two, right?"

"Yeah, of course." Patricia nodded. Eddie squeezed her hand once more before he left. Patricia looked around. She swore she saw everyone except Piper and Joy.

"Locker number 34, huh?" she mumbled to herself. She didn't really want to go off on her own, but she wanted to text her sister and Joy to make sure everything was alright, wherever they were. She pursed her lips slightly. The bathrooms were near the wall of lockers, so if she were in trouble, Eddie would hear… right?

Patricia looked around one last time, in search of any signs of alcohol or Ben. When she didn't see any, she went onward to the lockers. She quickly spotted and opened locker 34. She shuffled through her purse, skipping over Eddie's phone and wallet and her own tissues, makeup, and wallet. She picked up her phone and turned the screen on. One unread message from Drew.

So… About your sister… I'm thinking about asking her out during a slow dance. Good or bad idea?


"Aw, did you and your new little boyfriend have a fight already?" A voice taunted. Patricia almost dropped her phone at the sound of Ben's voice.

Patricia's first thought was to ignore him and hope for the best. She decided that would be the best way to go for now.

"He seems nice. Eddie, was it?" Ben continued. He set his beer down on a nearby trashcan. "He's a bit more protective of you than I was, but whatever floats his boat, right?"

Patricia continued to stay frozen, not able to answer Drew's message. She tried to bring herself to type, even just 'help', but her body betrayed her and wouldn't move. Not even to run away. She stayed frozen in place.

"I thought we looked good together." Ben drummed his fingers on the trashcan. "And I know you did, too. You even told me that once."

"Once." Patricia managed. "Back when I trusted you." She stayed with her back turned to Ben.

"Do you not trust me anymore?" Ben shook his head. "It amazes me how fast you moved on" He waited for Patricia to answer. When he didn't get a response, he continued. "We could try again, you know."

"And why would I want to do that?" Patricia turned around. "I'm perfectly happy with Eddie."

"But are you?"

"Excuse me?"

"How do you know he's not using you?"

"Eddie wouldn't do that!" Patricia crossed her arms.

"Oh, Patricia, Patricia, Patricia." Ben clicked his tongue. The drunkenness in his voice was obvious. "When will you learn that life's not a fairy-tale?" Ben placed a hand on Patricia's bare shoulder.

Patricia felt the fear in her begin to build up quickly, like rolling a snowball down a steep hill. She quickly moved away from the touch of Ben's hand on her shoulder. Where the heck was Eddie?

"I learned when I dated you." Patricia spat.

"I wasn't that bad of a boyfriend." Ben inched closer to Patricia.

"You were the worst boyfriend a girl could have!" Patricia exclaimed. Ben got closer to her. "Get away from me!"

But Ben only got closer to her. Patricia attempted to push him away from her.

Drunken Ben stumbled back a bit, but caught his balance quickly. "You little…"

He said a few cuss words and then slapped Patricia across the face. She gasped loudly at the impact. Ben quickly pushed her up against the hard, stone wall. Patricia's head slammed into the wall. Pain shot through her entire body. She began to scream, but Ben pulled out a knife and held it to her throat.

"Don't say a word or you and blonde boy both get it." Ben threatened. Patricia gulped at the feeling of the cold, sharp metal at her throat.

She felt her entire body begin to shake with fear. Tears roamed her face. She knew that she either had to go through with it or get her and Eddie killed. And the saddest part was that she knew both would hurt, but only one of them would keep her and Eddie both alive.

Eddie, on the other hand, was being tortured in a less terrifying way.

"Anyway, so my manicurist was like 'Babe, the red would look so much better on you than your friend over there!' and I was like 'I know, but she really wanted it and—' Eddie, are you even listening to me?"

Poor Eddie was caught by Ava as he left the restrooms. She was blabbering nonstop about stuff Eddie didn't care about. And no, he wasn't listening.

"I'm continuing." Ava stated. "And then—" a short, but nearby scream interrupted her. "What was that?" she demanded.

Eddie shrugged and walked forward, past Ava a little bit to see where it came from. He could barely see some black swim trunks. He recognized Ben's haircut.

"No!" Eddie loudly said. He dropped his drink, not caring that the contents spilled all over the ground. Ava watched as he rushed over to the scene.

"Oh, come on, Patricia!" Ben grumbled. "Quit struggling!" He held the blade closer to her, reminding her why she was doing this.

Patricia gulped again and closed her eyes, praying that someone—anyone—would show up and get her out of this mess.

As he got closer, Eddie spotted a familiar redhead pushed up against the wall, under Ben's force. This was enough to give Eddie the power to run up and tackle Ben.

Patricia was under the pressure of the blade and it certainly didn't help that Ben was pushing on her to keep her from taking off. All of a sudden, Patricia felt no more pressure; in fact, she felt nothing except for a new cut from the knife on her neck. She slowly opened her eyes to see Ben and Eddie wrestling on the concrete ground. And it looked like Eddie was winning.

Eddie threw another punch, barely missing Ben, but instead scarping his knuckles on the ground. Ben, who had dodged the punch, swiftly pushed Eddie off of him. Ben threw a left hook that hit Eddie square in the jaw.

Patricia gasped. She fumbled for her phone. Hands quivering, she called Drew. Thankfully, he picked up on the first ring.

"Help," Patricia quietly said. Even through the phone, Drew could hear that she was trembling.

"Patricia! Where are you? What's going on?"

"Lockers!" she quickly and inaudibly hung the phone up.

Eddie looked to be back to having the upper hand. He ducked under a powerful punch, then rose back up to punch Ben in the shoulder. Ben responded by giving Eddie's stomach a blow, hard. Though it hurt, Eddie didn't let it faze him much. Eddie got ready to throw another punch.

"Stop!" A security guard came running toward them. He grabbed Eddie, stopping him from striking Ben anymore.

"Leave, Ben!" Drew yelled, motioning to the gates. Drew bent down and picked up the knife that was lying on the ground. Patricia sighed with relief and let her weak body lean against the building.

"I thought this was an open-invite party!" Ben protested. "And why does Eddie get to stay?"

"It's only open invite to some of us." Drew corrected. "Go!"

"Come on, man!"

"Go, Ben. Before I get a security guard to escort you out." Drew motioned to the gates again.

"Okay, fine." Ben walked over to the trashcan that he had left his beer on. Patricia shrank back a bit. Eddie shifted a bit, ready to escape from the security guard's arms to attack again.

"Come on, Patricia." Ben grabbed Patricia's wrist tightly. "Let's go."

"No!" Patricia shrieked. Ben pulled her arm sharply. Eddie struggled out of the guard's arms. The guard quickly let go of Eddie and grabbed Ben instead. The guard released Ben's grip on Patricia and drug him toward the gates. Drew followed.

Eddie rushed over to Patricia, who instantly collapsed in his arms. Weak-kneed, she was going toward the ground. Eddie did his best and succeeded to keep her upright. She was crying extremely hard. Eddie pulled her closer to him.

Eddie had never seen anyone cry so hard in his entire life. That's when he realized how scared Patricia had been.

"You're going to be okay." Eddie leaned her into his shoulder. "I'm here now." He began stroking her hair. She continued sobbing into Eddie's bare shoulder.

Drew came back and saw Eddie hold Patricia. He bit his lip, feeling bad for Patricia.

"Is she okay," he mouthed to Eddie. Eddie nodded slowly. Drew nodded, understanding that Eddie was comforting Patricia. He walked off to check on the rest of the party.

Soon enough, Patricia's tears slowed down and she wasn't trembling as much. Eddie still continued to soothingly stroke her head.

She looked up at him, tears still streaming down her face. "He threatened me."

"With the knife?" Eddie softly asked.

She nodded. "And you."

"Me?" Eddie asked. He bit his cheek, realizing that Ben knew she would go through with it if he threatened her and Eddie. She nodded. "I'm sorry I wasn't there."

"Thank you." Patricia hugged him tightly.

"What for? I should've stayed with you! I was too busy—"

Patricia interrupted him by planting a kiss firmly on his lips. "But without you, it would've happened again! Quit being so hard on yourself!"

"Do you want me to take you home?" Eddie kindly asked his girlfriend.

"So I can tell my dad this? No thanks." Patricia sighed. "I know I have to tell him eventually, but I want to wait."

"You do? Are you feeling okay?" Eddie couldn't believe that Patricia had gotten over it so fast.

"As long as you're here!" She smiled brightly at him. That's when it hit her. Was she… in love with Eddie?

"So, you're totally okay?" Eddie was deeply confused.

"Well…" Patricia trailed off. "He's gone, right?"

"I won't let him come back." Eddie squeezed her hand.

"Then let's celebrate, shall we?" Patricia took his hand to lead him back to the dancing area. Eddie stopped.

"Celebrate that you almost got raped again?" Eddie raised an eyebrow.

"Celebrate that you're the only boyfriend I've ever trusted this much. And you saved my life again, Eddie." Patricia pointed out.

Eddie blushed modestly, which was rare for him. "I guess… Only if you're okay."

"Eddie, I just got away from one of the biggest fears of my life. I feel great!"

"If you say so, Yacker." Eddie grinned at her.

The speakers were blaring "Mine" by Taylor Swift, which was pretty perfect for the moment. Patricia nudged Eddie with her hand. Drew was talking to Piper.

"So…" He said. "Piper, do you want to dance?"

Piper beamed. "Sure! Of course!" Drew offered her a hand and she took it gratefully.

"Come on, Yacker. I have an idea." Eddie took his girlfriend's hand and led her over to the DJ booth. He dug through the mess of CDs. Patricia immediately understood and helped him. Together, they found "Slow Songz". They smiled at each other as they slipped it in the stereo.

The familiar guitar strums of "I Won't Give Up" by Jason Mraz came on. Patricia led her boyfriend back to the dance floor, where they began slow-dancing.

"Slow dance." Piper blushed. She looked down at the ground.

"Piper, will you slow dance with me, then?" Drew asked her. Piper smiled and nodded, putting her arms around his neck. Drew decided to let Patricia tell her sister about the whole Ben thing. He knew that it was between them, not him and Piper.

"Drew, I—" Piper said, at the same time Drew said "Piper, I—"

They both looked at each other and blushed.

"You go first." Piper insisted.

"Piper, I really like you…" Drew paused to examine Piper's face for any signs of emotion.

Piper smiled at him. "The feeling's mutual"

Patricia and Eddie clapped as they kissed. Several others joined in.

"Good job, Drew!" Eddie cheered. Patricia laughed and nudged him.

"They look good together." Patricia commented, turning back to her own boyfriend.

"Eh, not as good as us." Eddie smirked. Patricia rolled her eyes and laughed. "Do you know how far you've come since we've met, Patricia?"

"Far." Patricia nodded in agreement.

"All in one summer's work." Eddie said. And they kissed just as "Feel This Moment" by Christina Augulara and Pitbull came on. They laughed and danced to the quick and fun song came one.

"It only took one summer, didn't it?" Patricia asked. Instead of using words, Eddie brushed her hair back and kissed her again.

And… THE END! It's over! For now, anyway! Credits for ideas for this chapter: Drmiracle and Haleb4ever, I kinda combined your ideas with my own, as you may or may not have noticed!


This was a fun ride with y'all, and I will see you guys when No Matter What (sequel) comes out! Tell me any ideas/characters you would like to see! Bye for now!