If you're gonna be somebody's heartbreak If you're gonna be somebody's mistake If you're gonna be somebody's first time,
Somebody's last time, baby be mine If you're lookin' to be somebody's 'just friends',
A little laughin', little lovin', never callin' again, that's just fine If you're gonna be somebody's heartbreak Be mine
~Somebody's Heartbreak, Hunter Hayes
She snuggled deeper into the blanket of her bed, hearing the crinkle of her sheets. The soft sun poked through the curtains, illuminating part of the room. She was fast asleep, feeling as if she could sleep the day away. That was until she heard soft cries emit from the baby monitor. Opening one eye she stared at the monitor as the lights went from green to red signaling noise was being projected. She yawned stretching her body, finally getting out of bed. She walked down the hallway, opening the second door on the right. She heard the little baby crying, then seeing the little legs kicking in the air. She smiled walking over to the cream colored crib, extending her arms out, reaching for her baby. Gabriella smiled looking at Sophia's little red face from crying. Gabriella placed a soft kiss on her cheek.
"Mama." She said softly.
"It's okay little mama." She cooed gently. She placed her baby on her chest, her little head resting on her left shoulder as she pat her back gently. "Mommy's here."
The 19-year-old left her child's room and walked down the stairs, getting a bottle ready. She placed her in the little rocker on the table, turning to the stove. Sophia's crying had stopped, her smiling face now clear. Gabriella turned the stove on, warming her milk for her baby. She turned around smiling at her little girl smiling back at her. She walked up, kissing her baby's cheeks, emitting a giggle from her 9 month old. She peered down and observed her soft straight hair, the trait she acquired from her father. Gabriella won on all the other features: skin complexion, hair color, and deep brown eyes. She looked at her baby's small nose, her little pink lips, and her soft face. She had a slight blush on her cheeks, going back to her normal color after fussing and crying. She turned back to make the bottle, hearing her mother walk down the stairs.
"And how is my little muneca!?" She exclaimed joyfully. Gabriella smiled at her mom. "And how is my baby?" Maria said kissing Gabriella's cheek.
"Very good." Maria nodded sitting down looking at the table full of papers. "Someone was up late studying?" She asked looking over her notes. Gabriella nodded, pouring the warm milk in her bottle, testing it, then finally taking her daughter in her arms feeding her. She smiled looking down and seeing her little baby wrap her tiny hands around the big bottle as she fed her. Maria smiled widely at the sight.
"I'm so proud of you Mija." She said. "You're a fantastic mother." Gabriella said thank you as she looked at her baby taking from the bottle. She wouldn't take back anything for being in this moment.
"Me and Sophia are going out to lunch with Sharpay today." She said bouncing her baby gently. "She just got home, the semester ended." She said looking at the clock. Maria nodded standing up.
"While you're out, do you mind doing a couple of things for me?" She asked. Gabriella nodded.
"Yeah I have a couple of things to do before I go." She said looking down. "You ready to socialize today Sophie?!" She said in an excited tone. Sophia smiled and Gabriella laughed.
They left the house at 11 since Gabriella had a couple of bills to pay and some things to get. She showered, letting her long hair down and styled. She usually wore it up in a pony tail or bun so Sophia wouldn't pull or throw up on it. She put make up on for the first time in a long time, and dressed up in her old clothes pre-pregnancy. She wore a white v-neck with blue jean shorts and black strapped gladiators. She dressed Sophia in a pink and white floral dress with a white head band across her head. She was napping in her stroller with sunglasses on. Gabriella shut the door, and began walking down the side-walk putting her glasses on. She enjoyed the weather at this time of the year. As she walked down the sidewalk she walked into town, seeing some stores she had to go to. She bought some new baby things for Sophia, along with some things for her mother. Gabriella smiled when she saw her little girl wake up. She smiled when Sophia's little arms raised for her to pick her up. Gabriella noted how close she was to the restaurant, telling her baby she was almost there. When they walked in, her blonde best friend bolted over squealing. She had long curly hair, a normal skin complexion, wearing a casual college t-shirt on, and yogas with bright pink shoes. She hugged her best friend.
"Brie I missed you!" Sharpay said still holding on her. Gabriella smiled. "How's my little godchild?!" She cooed when Gabriella took her out of the stroller and placing her baby on her hip. Sharpay kissed Sophia's cheek, taking her as they sat down at the table. Gabriella looked over the menu eyeing her selection. She was hungry.
"So Chad and my two other friends might be joining us today." Sharpay said. Gabriella looked around the restaurant adoring the earthy feel it had. The tones were warm, and flowers were everywhere. Summer was blooming, making everything gorgeous.
"Oh really?" She said looking at Sophia not really paying attention. "Who?" She asked sipping water.
"Chads best friend Troy and my new friend Taylor. I'm hooking them up." She said smiling. Sophia giggled. Gabriella looked up with a plain expression.
"Troy and Chad?" She asked in a serious tone and Sharpay giggled.
"No! Chad and Taylor silly!" Sophia giggled, clapping her hands together. Gabriella smiled at her. "But how have things been?" She asked her best friend. Gabriella shrugged her shoulders looking at Sophia babble.
"It's alright. I have a part-time job working at the little floral shop down the street. I work when moms off or when she wants Sophia." Gabriella looked at her best friend with a soft smile.
"I really wish you could have come with me." Sharpay admitted softly. Gabriella closed her eyes sighing.
"I know." She said sadly. Gabriella and Sharpay were going to be roommates together in college. But once Gabriella got pregnant with Sophia, she knew she had to choose. Being a mother? Abort or adopt? She was solely set on abortion, until she parked in front of the clinic starting to cry. She couldn't kill her baby, or even give her up. She knew she could be a mother and Anthony was supporting her 100%.
She shook herself from the feelings seeing Sharpay play with Sophia. She looked over seeing Chad storm in.
"BRIE!" He shouted. He stormed over hugging her. Gabriella smiled hugging her best friend Chad. The tall African-American had a buzz cut for the summer leaving his bushy hair behind. His smooth chiseled face glowed with his big smile. He pulled back. That was when she noted his two friends behind them. A tall guy with shaggy brown hair and bright blue eyes, and an African-American girl with a short bob, and comfy clothes as well. She looked at Chad as he spoke up.
"I'm sorry, this is Troy and Taylor." She finally looked over to them and smiled.
"Nice to meet you." She said to the two standing there.
"Like wise." Taylor said with a smile. Troy just nodded. Gabriella pressed her lips together turning around to see Chad smothering Sophia. Gabriella sat down, moving the stroller away from the seats, where everyone gathered. Taylor smiled at the little girl. Gabriella wondered if they knew.
"She's adorable!" Taylor squealed. Gabriella looked over wondering if she should just drop the bomb. "Is she your sister?" Taylor asked Gabriella. Troy looked over at her.
"Uh... No she's mine." Gabriella said looking down at her menu quickly. Taylor looked almost shocked immediately. Chad felt the table get awkward as he looked over to Troy who seemed calm.
"She's beautiful." Troy said simply, looking at Gabriella waiting for her to look up and when she did their eyes caught. She looked away immediately.
"Thank you." She said looking back at her menu. Sharpay kept bouncing her on her knee. Sophia giggled furiously. Taylor cracked and smiled at her.
"How old is she?" Taylor asked reaching a hand to touch Sophia's hand. Gabriella didn't look up, and in a mono tone, she responded,
"Nine months. Her names Sophia." She said finally closing her menu and looking up. They all looked at her as she sipped a water. Chad sighed knowing how she was shrugging off the two new people. Taylor felt awkward. Gabriella just stared at Sharpay and Chad play with her baby.
Troy sat there feeling awkward as well. They both sandwiched Gabriella.
"Why are you acting so quite Troy?" Sharpay spoke, interrupting the silence. "this isn't like you" she noted. He shrugged.
"He's in the middle of a hangover." Chad spoke for him. Sharpay laughed.
"So that's what I have to do to you to get you quite." She giggled. He just shrugged.
"Hey man, I can't act like myself all the time. It's too much, even for Chad." Chad nodded and Taylor laughed. Gabriella sank in her chair wondering why Sharpay invited all them. They all began to talk about the classes and their finals as Gabriella looked down playing with her finger nails. She finally has her friend's home and she has nothing to relate with. She heard Sophia fussing and begin to cry, silencing the group. Gabriella's head shot up and she looked at her crying. Chad was about to give her to Taylor where she sensed that Sophia wasn't comfortable with the new people around her. Gabriella stood up, walking over and taking her daughter in her arms gently. Sophia's crying minimized, as Gabriella bounced her gently, holding her close to her chest as she sat down. Sophia stopped crying completely. Gabriella pulled her from her chest.
"Why were you crying little mama?" Gabriella spoke softly kissing her forehead. Sophia mumbled and Gabriella laughed. "Uncle Chad was bothering you?" She said kissing her nose. She looked up and saw everyone staring again. She sighed and looked down. This was going to be a long day.
She shut the door softly, leaving her hand on the door before she turned away. She walked down the hallway, grabbing her book, walking down the stairs. She stopped and smiled looking at her mom stand in front of the mirror fixing her earrings.
"Hot date tonight?" Gabriella asked with a half smirk on her. She looked at Maria's red spaghetti dress that rested below her knees. She turned to her daughter and smiled.
"It's just a nice little thing we have at work. No big deal." She smiled grabbing her clutch. "I'll see you later." She grabbed her keys walking out the door.
"Not too late." She told her mom as she left. The door shut and Gabriella sighed. Silence. She turned to get her book when she heard the baby monitor go off, hearing the high pitch squealing. She grunted climbing back up the stairs.
Gabriella shut the door after she put her baby back to bed. She walked back down the stairs, seeing the clock read eight. The door bell rang.
"Fuck." She swore under her breath walking up to the door. She opened it seeing Troy standing there awkwardly. She looked at him and saw him stand there awkwardly, hands in his pocket, jacket over him. She raised an eyebrow.
"I just wanted to say sorry for the lunch thing. Taylor was just shocked you have a baby and I was-is still hung over and it's been weird. So I'm sorry." She crossed her arms.
"How'd you know where I live?" She asked him. He shrugged.
"Pay told me." She stood there remaining silent. She studied him intently.
"I see." She said after a couple of short moments. He looked up and gave her a half-smile. She looked down. "Is... that all?" She asked him. He was off guard by her trying to get rid of him. He was always smooth with women, and now with her he wasn't.
"Oh so now you're trying to get rid of me..?" He asked her studying her body language.
"You came to my house unannounced." She said stiffly. He was shocked yet again by her. "I have other things to do... So." She threw her hair behind her shoulder and he just shifted there.
"I suppose not. Goodnight." He said turning around and walking off. She shut the door immediately. He turned around and shook his head. Where did his charm go?
"I need a drink." He declared.
She put her back against the door and sighed.
Okay I'm back! I'm so sorry for not updating other stories. I've lost my stories yet again and was so frustrated that it took me two months to get over it. So sorry, I hope I still have you guys with me. Any way, this is a new series, i promise that I have this one written out. So I hope you all enjoy and leave a review!
Love always, Nicole.