Back again! Hopefully this will be a short fic to get out quickly so I can resume my life. But it just knocked at my mind and I had to get it out :) Hope you enjoy! Inspired by the Kings of Leon song, "The Face"

Who would have known that two kids from Lima, OH would make it big? Be famous. Shoot, just making it out of Ohio was impressive. But they were bonafide stars.

Well, Rachel wasn't a surprise. She'd had the star quality for the longest. Even though she was annoying as hell in high school, her singing made up for it. And then she went to New York and became hot and awesome and borderline normal. Oh yeah, and a Broadway superstar.

The second famous person should have been anyone else. Honestly, Puck was pretty sure the rest of his generation of Gleeks were more talented and capable than he was. But somehow, fame hit him too.

He'd had that unfortunate 6-month period where he thought that coming back to Lima would be a legit idea. California was too far for him. Too different. Too superficial. But Lima was too stuffy. Too slow. Too close to loads of things he wanted to forget.

So somehow, he ended up in Tennessee. He'd been applying for random jobs anywhere east or south of Ohio. And then he saw something that caught his eye. On-site maintenance at a hotel. So that meant he'd live there. He'd be able to save money because he wasn't paying rent. And what the hell– he had nothing to lose for trying, right?

He drove the 6 hours down to Nashville, and applied, and got the job. But that only lasted for so long.

One night he was in the lobby, flirting with this chick at the front desk. She'd been playing hard to get for the past month, but tonight he brought out the big guns–his guitar. He planned to sing her panties right off. Besides this one guy with his laptop, the lobby was clear. Puck began to strum away and Molly giggled. He didn't even get to bust out his freestyle song before the dude with the laptop walked up and stood in front of him.

"Who are you?" The dude asked. Puck stopped playing and swung his guitar to the side.

"What?" He asked, ready to puff up and get badass if needed. The guy pulled out his wallet and handed Puck a card.

Archibald Harvey. Entertainment Manager.

"Ok and?" Puck asked.

"I'm Archie. Tell me you aren't managed and this is my lucky night."

"My manager's off for the night. Look, if you've got to complain about the noise I'll just stop. No need to snitch." Puck said. Archie shook his head.

"I want to be your manager. Manage your guitar skills. Let me hear something else."

"Are you shitting me?"

"Does it look like I'm playing right now?" Actually no. Archie looked intense... a little ravenous. Puck instinctively took a step back from the man, swung his guitar back to the right position, and played something he came up with years ago. His best song. Untitled for now.

"What's your name, kid?"


"A real name?"

"Noah. Noah Puckerman. Look, what's his about? You want to manage me? I'm no star singer, I just play ok."

"You play awesome and I know of a certain superstar county singer that's looking for a band." Archie said.

"Tell me more." Puck said, even if his stomach turned at the thought of country music. But hell, he'd came right to the center of country by moving to Nashville.

"Trent Stevens. I figure you've heard of him."

Hell yeah, Puck had. Trent Stevens was only like the Justin Timberlake of country, or some other equally impressive solo singer. But he played it cool.

"Yeah, what's he got to do with anything?"

"He needs a guitar player to record with him for this CD. Go on tour with him. Be in his band." Archie said.

"And I'm good enough? To play for Trent Stevens?" Puck asked.

"I think so. And I think he will too."

One crazy jam session with Trent the next day sealed the deal.

The first night of Trent's headliner tour was awesome. Puck had never felt a rush from performing before like he did that night. Even if he was just the badass guitar player.

Coincidentally, Puck's first night with Trent on tour was Rachel's first night on Broadway. They both kicked ass.

And that's the story of how they became famous.