Hello readers... My first GraLu story. I hope you'll like this story. I worked hard to see if my skills had improved. I hope the readers read it till the end \(^.^)/

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail… I only own this Story.


Today was another ordinary day at the guild, everyone seems so happy for today but I don't know why.

I see Juvia and Cana talking while Cana is drinking, Levy and Gajeel were no where to be found, Natsu and Lissana was out on a picnic with Happy, Wendy and Romeo were talking, Mirajane wiping the glasses on the bar and lastly, Gray, who was busy spacing out.

I sat near him and just stared at his serious face. 'I wonder what he's thinking' I thought to myself. I pinched his cheeks to wake him up from his daydreaming. He looked at me with a questioning look and asked "Why'd you do that Luce?" I giggled on his reaction that made his face red. "You were busy daydreaming about something that you didn't even notice me"


Another day here at the guild, everything here is so normal.

I sat on a table near the bar. I started to wonder where Lucy is she might like the souvenir I'll be giving her I got from the mission with Loke. 'I hope she likes it' I muttered to myself. I wasn't paying attention to the people in the guild. I was busy thinking if she'd like it or not.

Until, someone pinched me on the cheek. I looked at the source of it and saw the Celestial Mage that I've been thinking of. I just gave her a questioning look and asked "Why's you do that Luce?" I heard her giggle because of my reaction 'She's so cute' I thought which made me feel the heat on my cheeks. "You were busy daydreaming about something that you didn't even notice me" she told me and gave me a soft smile

The smile I love seeing. She's been giving me these feelings I can't understand. Every time I see her smile, my heart starts beating fast. When I'm not with her I always miss her. When I see her sad, I feel that my heart sinks.

I tried asking these to Cana and she said that it was just normal. Then, I asked this to Mira, which made her squeal so loud and told me that I'm falling in love with Lucy.

'Falling in love?' I thought. Is that what this is? I know I love Lucy as my nakama but I'm not really sure if I fell in love with her. My thoughts started to spread in my mind again. But, my thoughts snapped suddenly when I felt someone breathe on my ear that sent chills down my spine.

Lucy giggled again and said "It's not something is it? It's someone" What she said made me feel the heat again my face was red as a tomato now. I think. "Who is it?" Lucy asked as she leaned closer to me. I was about to answer until….


I heard a sound of a trumpet from the door. That surprised all of the people in the guild. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the guild doors. I saw Lucy face palm herself on seeing this. "What is this Luce?" I asked her she just gave me a sad smile.

"Miss Lucy Heartifilia" we heard a little man shout, "Mr. Hibiki is here to pick you up. It's time for your wedding planning." When I heard the word 'wedding planning' I felt my blood boil.

"What wedding planning are you saying, you idiot?" I shouted to the little man. I felt Lucy grip onto my arm which indicates me to calm down. Everyone in the guild was surprised on what the man said. 'Lucy? Getting married?' I thought of that…

I saw Lucy walk to the man and whispered something; the man just nodded and took off… Lucy started to walk away from the guild. I rushed to Lucy's side, my blood still boiling because of the fact that Lucy was getting married without telling us. "Lucy, why didn't you tell us?" I shouted in front of her. I was really frustrated that time.

Lucy just said "I'm sorry, Gray. I didn't tell you" she said with tears streaming down her face. 'Geez I hate it when girls cry' I ran my fingers through my raven hair and sighed heavily.

"Luce, you should have told us you were going to get married to that stupid Hibiki." I said trying to control my temper not to yell at her. Then, I felt Lucy's warmth. She was hugging me, crying on my chest. "I didn't *hic* really want *hic* to marry him *hic* because I love someone else." She muttered which made me confused.

"Why marry someone you don't love?" I asked her. She locked her chocolate orbs into my midnight blue eyes. "It's an arranged marriage and Hibiki's not really my type of guy." She says still looking into my eyes.

I, then suddenly carried her bridal style "G-gray?" she stuttered when I carried her, surprised by my action. I looked at her face and saw it was really red. "I'll be taking you home Luce. I carried you because I don't want you to run off somewhere." I grinned.

5 minutes later…

Lucy and I arrived at her apartment. She had fallen asleep on my arms. I opened the front door of her apartment and put her to her bed. I looked at her sleeping face. 'She's really beautiful' I thought to myself. My eyes traveled from her face to her lips.

Her lips, 'I wonder if they're soft.' I thought. 'Idiot! You're such a pervert' I thought to myself again. I sighed and sat down on the edge of her bed. I was thinking if it's still alright to love someone that's taken and most especially someone who's getting married.

She told him that she loves someone 'Tch… That guy she loves so much must be really lucky' He looked again on her sleeping face, golden strands of her hair fell on her face. He reached and removed the gold strands; he touched her cheeks carefully not to wake her up.

He, then, leaned a little bit closer to her face. Before he knew it, his lips already touched her lips. Her lips were soft but I had to break the kiss… 'She might wake up' I thought and frowned. 'I already miss her lips.'

She moaned on her sleep and moved to the side, which made me a little nervous. I was about to go out of her room until "Gray" I heard her mutter my name. "Love you" I heard her say which made me confused.

'Is she saying that she loves me?' I thought to myself. 'No of course not. I mean, she only thinks of me as her friend' that thought made Gray really sad. I walked out of her apartment and started to walk back to the guild. Wondering what Lucy meant in her sleep.

Well… What do you think? I know I'm not really good that is why I need your reviews… Please review so I know what I need to improve… I hope you like my story line

If you have suggestions just PM me ;)

I'll be updating soon…