Homemade Basketball Love


We all hang out in Aomine's booked room, having bought various junky snacks that Tetsu would scold me-if he were here-for eating.

"Let's watch horror movies!" Kise said jubilantly,

"So you can have nightmares later" Midorima said

"Let's watch Titanic!" Momoi said, even I looked at her as if she lost her mind.

"How about truth or dare" Aomine said deviously,

"I go first!" Kise yelled, officially starting the game that we all now have to play.

"Mana-truth or dare?"


"Is it true that you live alone?"

"Yeah, isn't that obvious"

"I didn't know that" Momoi said, now giving me worried puppy eyes.

"Why do you live alone?" Kise said,

"I've answered your question, now its my turn. Midorima, truth or dare?"

"This game is childish"

"Truth or dare!" I demanded,

"Fine, truth"

"Is it true that you've never kissed a girl?" I knew this would make him blush-and yes I'm a little imp.

"I'm not answering that!"

"Awww, I think that's so innocent" Momoi teased,

"So so pure" Kise added,

"You've never kissed a girl?" Aomine asked again,

"I don't spend my time chasing women"

"Neither do I!"

"Okay okay my turn!" Momoi cheered bouncing up and down.

"Aomine, truth or dare?" he smiled,

"Dare" Momoi laughed, and I got a very bad feeling in my gut.

"I dare you to…" she looked at me with the goofiest smile on her momentarily evil face.

"…to take off your shirt and give Mana a bear hug!" my whole body suddenly became unbearably hot; I could hear Aomine laughing and watched his shirt get tossed to the side.
"Keep it PG" Kise laughed.

After a few hours of truth or dare-and I was so glad it was finally over, ever since Aomine bear hugged me they'd made him to a whole bunch of other things that was incredibly embarrassing (to me).

We watched a few movies, just to eat the junk food we bought, then Kise and Midorima left to their own room. Momoi and I had gotten into our pajamas and I was going to bunk up with her but she kicked me off the bed.

"Nope, you're sleeping with him" my cheeks began to burn,

"But, but"

"I'm a wild sleeper" she said and shooed me into the bed beside the other. Aomine, at the moment, was taking a shower. I glared at her but complied and tucked myself in. My cheeks were still burning, and my heart was pacing faster as I heard the bathroom door open. I closed my eyes and tried to pretend I was sleeping.

I could feel him crawling under the covers, he was way too close to me-and I reacted by sighing (a very wrong move). His lips touched mine softly,

"Um, don't forget I'm here" Momoi conveyed loudly,

"Ask me if I care" Aomine said.

"You should care" I said my cheeks were practically on fire. He smirked and kissed my forehead, before snuggling close to me. His arm hooked around my waist, our bodies pressed close to each other. Prince would have a fit if he knew I was snuggling with someone other than him. As I gradually allowed myself to relax in his arms, falling asleep was no longer a task.

I watched them carry the bodies into the ambulance, police were everywhere, strangers were stopping and staring and pointing at me; the girl with blood all over her dress. Some one was talking to me, I know they were trying to soothe me, but all I heard was this ringing sound.

It all happened too fast, too suddenly. This stabbing ache in my heart intensified. Why were they taken away from me? What have I done to deserve this feeling? A woman came up to me, kneeling down to my level. She held out her hand, that I reluctantly took. She urged me away from this incident and I began to cry.
"Mana" I actually heard her call out to me,
"Mana, Mana!" she said more urgently,

I woke with a start; Aomine was looking down at me, his eyes filled with worry.

"Mana, are you okay" he said calmly, wiping his thumbs along my cheeks.

"What are you talking about?" I touched his hands with my own; they were wet.

"You're still crying"


"Did you have a bad dream?" I looked to Momoi, who was on the verge of crying-she's way too sensitive.

"I don't really remember" I felt bad for lying but bringing up such a painful topic was too difficult.

"You can stop rubbing my cheeks off, Aomine" he frowned,

"Stop calling me Aomine, you know my name is Daiki"

"Yeah, so stop rubbing my cheeks off" his rough skin was really hurting me.

We met up with Kise and Midorima at the park entrance. Upon seeing my unattractive puffy light pinkish eyes Kise pounced on me with worry.

"What has happened to my beauty? What have you done, you ganguro scoundrel!" I knew he was being playful but Aomine, apparently, couldn't tell.

"Who the hell you callin ganguro" skip the scoundrel part. As Aomine argued with Kise I went up to Midorima-since he's the only normal one out of all of us.

"Morning, Midorima" he was holding a toy frog in his hand.

"Oh, is that for someone?" He held it up,

"No, it is the item of the day" I almost forgot he was into horoscopes.

"You can hold on to it for me...if you want to"

"Sure!" He gave it to me, it was rather tiny, and I placed it in my colorful potato-sack looking backpack. His lips grinned but his eyes were obviously smiling. He looks pretty cute when not being his usual cocky self.

"Guys, really, cut it out people are staring" Momoi whined. Staring? I thought. That can't be because they're arguing. Then I remembered Kise was a model.

"We should get out of here...quickly" I said loudly, they got the memo and we left the area before anyone else realized who Kise was. Yesterday we stopped at the merry-go-round. Next to that was a looping roller coaster called "screamer".

"I don't know about this, I don't like the loopy ones" Momoi said,

"Well stay here and we'll go have fun without you" Aomine harshly said, and I smacked him on the head for it.


"You guys go ahead, we'll find another ride"

"Suit yourselves" Kise said,

"Let's go, Midorima-chi" when he didn't follow, Kise pouted.

"You all suck!" He sulked and ran away into the waiting line. Aomine followed after him, while laughing.

"You should go" Momoi said,

"It's alright, I've been here before"Midorima said, I grinned. When did he become such a gentleman-it was seriously creeping me out. This was not typical Midorima behavior. I pulled out the park map from my bag, and searched for another ride.

"What about this one, it's called the haunted river, one of those boat-like rides" I said,

"Sounds interesting" Momoi agreed, so we headed to the ride. It took only half an hour to be boarded onto a black, skullish decorated motor boat. The moment we were all situated onto the vehicle we were wished good luck and two overly large iron doors opened.

The boat was eased through the doors, and they closed with a deafening click. Even though the sun was high in the sky on the outside, the inside was pitch black. We're it not for the boat's headlights we would not be able to see anything.

"Oh gosh" I was already clinging to Midorima's arm, he chuckled and wrapped an arm securely around my shoulders.
"There's no reason to be scared Mana, it's all fake" I looked up at him, but could barely see his face due to the darkness. There was a sudden shriek, and I would've jumped out of the boat were it not for the arm keeping me at bay.

"Oh god! Please, please help me, he's going to kill me" a light flashed onto a woman who'd been gored and gutted. Momoi clinged onto Midiroma's arm as well. A man appeared out of unnaturally tall bushes, and smiled at us, before stabbing the woman to death. Blood gushed out of her, as she screamed.

"What kind of ride is this?!" I whined. The light vanished. A reverend voice began to tell the story of what was going on.

"Nine years ago, a woman was murdered by a river. Ever since that day, anyone who dared stepped into her domain is brutally murdered. Her ghost forever haunts the river, despairing, and the only way to free her, is to avenge her." The voice then let out a booming laugh.

"Okay...I'm officially terrified" Momoi said in a squeaky tone.

"Again, it's all fake"

"But that blood sure did look real" I said.

We went through a series of maniacal laughter, more murder-people being killed by the ghost- and heart stopping encounters with the ghost before finally coming to the conclusion of the story. We got to throw soft, plushie balls at the murderer to kill him, and the ghost was able to rest in peace. Double doors opened to let us out of the darkness.
"Never again" Momoi and I said in unison, causing Midorima to laugh.

We met up with Aomine and Kise at a hot dog stand.

"Oh you guys went on that creepy as hell boat ride" Kise said,

"We had to cling to Midorima for protection" I said and clung to his arm again as emphasis. Midorima's lips curved into a smile, and we all must've done double looks, because the smile dropped to a grin.

"What...I'm not allowed to smile?"