Yellow peoples!^w^ So before you read this,lemme explain. XD What this is,is basically a sort of "test" short story for a fanfic I plan to write if two things happen; One,I have to FINISH this project, and Two, this story has to be pretty popular. Not like INSANELY popular but just enough to make me feel confident that people are actually reading what I write and post up here. With that being said, please R&R and remember this is a TEST so it's gonna kinda take place in the middle of things. XD;;;; But don't worry! There aren't any spoilers! Only moments that will make you laugh so I suggest you don't eat or drink anything while reading this test mini story. Especially for later chapters cause it's gonna be one of those things that get funnier as the story progresses. O O;;; Well...this is a bit long isn't it? XD;; OKAY! I shall not stall any longer! Enjoy!
Chapter 1: Fail after Fail
It was a sunny day at Tallet's Gym and everyone including all of
the robot fighters where helping with the cleaning that DESPERATELY
had to be done. Atom picked up a box of heavy gears and looked at
Hailey."Where do you want these gears at Hailey?"
"Just put them in the personal training room Atom." Hailey
said,motioning back to the hall.
Atom nodded,making his way over to the personal training room
entrance and opening the door. He set the box down by a corner and
looked back up to see a mirror leaned up against the wall. Atom looked
around to see if anyone was there, and walked up to the mirror slowly.
He stopped in front of the mirror and stared into his
reflection,tilting his head slightly. Atom still couldn't believe
it...he was ALIVE...and THINKING...what he did to deserve and
opportunity he never knew. But hey; Max got a kick outta it,Charlie
seems pretty satisfied of how Atom turned out,so he guessed that for
whatever unknown reason there was; It had to be pretty important.
Important to Max and Charlie at least. And he wasn't alone in this
either. There was Noisy Boy,Ambush,Metro,even ZUES.
And Victorious; The creation of Hailey,and the first FEMALE robot
boxer. She was beautiful. And Atom lately just couldn't go ONE DAY
without thinking about Victorious at least ONCE. Her smooth copper and
silver skin...and those radiant glowing baby green eyes...
"What are you thinking about there Atom?"
Atom jumped with surprise,swiftly looking back at the room entrance
to see Victorious herself,leaning against the opening of the door with
crossed arms. She smiled,standing up straight and uncrossing her arms
as she walked up to Atom.
"V-Victorious-! Um,I-I was uh-I mean-!" Atom stammered,looking back
and forth at the mirror and Victorious. He froze for a
moment,thinking. 'Hold it Atom,' Atom thought to himself as he cleared
his throat. 'Be cool, be cool...remember Charlie's advice.' He looked
back at Victorious and shrugged,crossing his arms and leaned against
the wall calmly. "Nothing much." Atom said in a mellow tone. "Just
thinking of some,boxing moves, you know?"
Victorious raised a matalic eyebrow slowly,a little bit wierded
out by how Atom was acting. She placed a hand on her hip and rubbed
the back of her head with the other. " doing okay there Atom?"
"Oh yeah," Atom turned around and faced the mirror,putting up his
hands and throwing a punch at the air. "you know me; just chilling and
uh...stuff like that." He gave himself a mental kick in the shin for
that one. CHILLING? SERIOUSLY?! That's how NOISY BOY TALKS for crying
out loud!
Victorious laughed,making her way over to Atom and stood next to
the mirror. "Any reason why you're trying to talk like Noisy?" She
asked in a playful tone.
'Shoot! She went RIGHT for the KILL-!' Atom thought to himself as
he stopped shadow boxing in the mirror. He looked at
Victorious,working up the best excuse he could think of.
"...I have no idea what you're talking about." Okay,this time
he deserves a punch in the FACE with that HORRIBLE lie. This just
wasn't Atom's day.
Victorious once again rose an eyebrow,obviously unconvinced.
"...You really gonna stick with that answer Atom?"
"No not really." Atom said,rubbing the back of his head with
"That's what I thought." Victorious said as she walked out of the
room. "Talk to you later Atom."
Atom sighed as she rounded a corner and disappeared from view. He
faced the wall slowly and began to bang his head on the metal wall.
"Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. IDIOT!"
XDXDXDXDXD Awww, poor Atom... well I hope this at least earned a chuckle or a smile from you guys!^^ Please comment and tell me what you think so far!