Terror at the Pokemon World Tournament

Chapter Nine: All Hail the Chosen Trainer!

In a decisive victory, Ash and Pikachu have defeated Matthais and his Legendary Pokemon Heatran in a fiery finale. Now, all that remains is for our heroes to recover from this time of terror and embrace the bright future ahead of them.

Iris no longer felt. In fact, she felt very warm, as if a warming fire was nearby. She also felt something on her cheek.

Iris opened her eyes weakly, and the first this she saw was Ash's face. He smiled warmly at her, taking his hand off of her cheek.

"Iris," he said, "I did it. Matthais is gone."

"Ash. . ." Iris said softly, slowly feeling her strength returning to her as she lay on the bed, "You saved us all. . .you saved me. . ."

The pair just stared at each other for a while. Then, Ash spoke up. "Uh. . .Iris. . ." Ash's temperature seemed to spike when Iris looked at him with her beautiful brown eyes. "Uh. . do you remember what I said to you when. . after Matthais attacked you?"

Iris nodded slowly, "Yeah, you said that you were there for me, and that Dragonite and I were awesome during the battle."

Ash's heart sank. "Anything else?" he asked.

Iris thought a bit harder, ". . .no. . .did you? Was it important?"

The pair was suddenly interrupted by Axew, who had been sleeping nearby but had finally woken up. He shouted with joy and jumped over to hug Iris. As if on cue, most of the other contestants ran into Iris' room as well, cheering and smiling to see that Iris was alright.

Georgia moaned, "Did I. . .die?"

"No, thank goodness."

Georgia sat up in bed and turned to see Burgundy sitting on a chair nearby.

"Burgundy. . ." she asked, "Wha-what happened."

"Matthais said that he took your soul when he beat you," Burgundy said, "But then Ash beat him in the final round, and I guess that freed you."

Georgia blinked, "Ash saved me?"

Burgundy nodded, "Yep. And Paul and Iris too."

"Iris too," Georgia echoed thoughtfully, "Hmm. Looks like he was too much for both of us."

The girls sat in an awkward silence for a while, but then Burgundy said, "I'll never forget that advice you gave me. I'd probably given up on being a Connaisseuse if it hadn't been for you."

Georgia smiled, "Well, I don't know. You've got quite a fiery spirit."

Burgundy laughed, "Well, I evaluate that your spirit has the heat of an habenero pepper!"

The pair soon broke into laughter as they continued to compare each others fiery fighting spirits.

Trip stood beside Paul's bed as he opened his eyes. Paul looked so very tired.

"Matthais. . ." he croaked, then he looked at Trip, "Well, you were right. This was bigger than any of us."

Trip nodded, and Paul took a long breath.

"Well," Paul said, "I appear to be back. So what happened?"

Trip opened his mouth to speak, but Paul interrupted him.

"No, wait. I already know. Ash won, didn't he?'

Trip nodded.

Paul closed his eyes in thought, then he opened them and sat up in bed.

"He was right," Paul said with a tone of bitter irony in his voice, "He was always right, wasn't he? And I was the fool."

Paul slipped his feet into his shoes and attempted to get out of bed. He looked up at Trip and held out a hand.

"Help a friend out, will you?" Paul said with a smile.

Trip smiled back and pulled Paul onto his feet.

"You've always seemed to be more my style," Paul said, "You put power first, and yet. . .maybe Ash influenced you a bit. . "

Trip shrugged, "I guess you could say that. But I also owed a lot to Alder. When I lost to him, I learned that there is more to Pokemon battles than strength. What's really important is-."

"The bond between Pokemon and Trainer," Paul finished.

Trip nodded.

"I've got some more work to do. . ." Paul said.

"Don't worry about a thing," Trip said, "All Pokemon Trainers have to change their style. Everyone's different, so all that matters is that you're true to yourself, and fair to your Pokemon."

"Yes. . ." Paul said, "I'll remember that."

"This is The Scoop here, and congratulations to our Champion!" Freddy announced.

The crowd went wild as Ash and his Pokemon Team of Pikachu, Unfezzant, and Boldore stepped onto the field. The other contestants clapped in cheered as well from the front row.

Freddy walked onto the field, holding the golden Championship Trophy. Inside the cup were the 6 Rare Candies, Eviolite, and Master Ball.

Ash smiled gleefully as he took the trophy and held it high as cameras flashed and confetti rained down around him.

"Ash, would you like to say a few words?" Freddy asked.

Ash looked at the trophy, then at his Pokemon, then at his friends and rivals in the stands.

"Yes," he said into the microphone Freddy handed to him, "I wanna say that there are two main reasons why I was able to win today. First, I owe it all to my Pokemon, my friends."

Ash turned to his Pokemon and said, "All out adventures in Unova, all the battles we've fought, all the training we've gone through, it was because of all of that I was able to win. The bonds I have with you is what really makes each and every one of you so strong, and I'm proud of all of you."

The Pokemon expressed their joy happily as Ash turned to the front row of the stands.

"The second reason I was able to win, was because I had all of my friends and rivals cheering me on and watching, and I wanted to make you all proud. But, this time there was more at stake. Not only did my life hang in the balance, your lives were at risk as well. And there was no way I could let Matthais, or anyone, hurt the friends that I've battled with and traveled with for so long. I knew that winning was the only way to protect my friends, and save the ones that Matthais took from me."

Ash swallowed hard as a ball of nervousness formed in his stomach. "And. . .well . . ." Ash took a deep breath and shouted, "Iris, come out here, please!"

The crowd talked amongst each other in confusion as Iris' eyes widened in shock.

Georgia rolled his eyes and gave Iris a gentle nudge, "Aw, come on! Go get the big lug."

A few of the other contestants followed suit and Iris was soon led onto the field. She nervously approached Ash, who was doing his best to hide his own nervousness.

"Iris. . ." Ash said, his hands trembling as he did his best to keep smiling despite the terror in his belly, "When Matthais. . .you know. . .I was. . ."

Ash swallowed again and said, "I couldn't use you Iris. I just couldn't. And, well, I wanted to be your hero."

Iris couldn't believe what she was hearing. "He couldn't loose me? He wanted to be my hero? Does he-? Could he-?"

"Uh. . do you remember what I said to you when. . after Matthais attacked you?"

"Yeah, you said that you were there for me, and that Dragonite and I were awesome during the battle."

"Anything else?"

"Oh my gosh," Iris whispered.

"So, now that you're safe," Ash said, then he gathered together every ounce of nerve in his body and said, "I've got to tell you that I love you Iris."

The entire crowd gasped at this public confession of love. Iris, however, didn't notice the crowd at all.

"Really, Ash?' Iris said.

Ash nodded, "Yeah, I really do Iris. I mean, you're so much fun, and you're an incredible trainer. And. . .I think you're beautiful," Ash said as his face turned red.

Iris gasped, "You do?"

"Yes. And I really like your hair too," Ash added sheepishly.

"Ash. . ." Iris said, then she made up her mind and there her arms around Ash, hugging him tight. "Ash, I love you to! You're the most amazing Trainer! You're my hero!"

Iris then leaned in and whispered in Ash's ear, "And I think you're cute."

Ash's heart practically jumped for joy as she hugged Iris back. "I guess I should kiss her now," he thought nervously. Truth be told, this part totally freaked him out, even more than telling her he loved her. But when he looked down at Iris' smiling face, all nervousness left him. It suddenly felt natural to him as he leaned in to kiss her. It wasn't as nerve wracking or weird as he thought it would be. In fact, it was the most pleasurable experience he had ever felt, and Iris enjoyed it just as much.

As the crowd roared, Cilan nodded and said, "Indeed. I evaluate that moment as richly romantic, and this couple as a match made in Heaven!"

Burgundy smiled and said, "Excellent evaluation, Cilan."

Cilan stared at Burgundy in shock, but then smiled back.

"Ewww!" Cameron said as he turned away, causing Riolu to roll his eyes. Eevee just laughed, and out of some strange impulse, leaned over and licked Riolu on the cheek. Riolu's eyes widened in shock and turned to look at Eevee. She just smiled and giggled sweetly. Riolu just had to smile.

the group exited the Pokemon World Tournament building together. Ash held the trophy in one hand, and had his other arm around Iris' waist.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye," Misty said.

Cilan smiled, "No. It's just 'so long.' I'm sure we'll all meet again some day."

Brock nodded, "Yes, I'm sure we will."

"Good luck back at your Gym, Misty!" Iris said.

"And best of luck as a Pokemon Breeder, Brock," Cilan said.

"Thanks you guys!" Misty said, "Oh, and Ash, try to stay out of life threatening situations."

Ash laughed and said, "Well, I'll do my best! Bye!"

Misty smiled at Brock, "Shall we go now?"

Brock nodded, and she took her by the hand as the pair walked towards the bridge gate.

Ash turned to May and Dawn, "Well, I guess you'll be off to win more Pokemon Contests!"

Dawn winked, "That's right, Ash! And I plan to win the next Grand Festival!"

May waved a finger, "Not if I win it first!"

Max did a determined fist pump, "Well, while you girls do that, I'm gonna be the best Pokemon Trainer I can be!"

As the three of them left and said their goodbyes, Paul and Trip stood in the back looking on.

"So," Trip said, "What do you plan on doing."

Paul looked up at the clear blue sky, "I plan on making a new beginning in the Sinnoh Region. I've learned a few things. Maybe I'll be able to Train my Pokemon better now."

"Hey, Paul!"

Paul looked to see Ash approaching him.

"I just wanna say, don't let what Matthais said get to you," Ash said seriously, "You're not the same person you were before. You just have to leave your past behind you and move on to make a better future."

Paul thought about this, and he nodded, "Yes, Ash. I will make a better future for myself." Paul then smiled and said, "Thank you."

Ash and Paul shook hands, and the Sinnoh Trainer walked off on his path.

The rest of the group walked through the gate as well.

"You better watch out, Iris!" Georgia said with a smile, "We're still rivals! And I'm gonna be stronger than ever, cause I'm gonna learn all I can about Dragon-types!"

"And I am going to re-evaluate myself so that I can be a Connaisseuse that will give you a run for your money, Cilan!" Burgundy said.

Cilan and Iris just smiled.

"And we'll see you all at the Unova League!" Stephan said.

"That's right!" Cameron said.

"That's gonna be fun!" Virgil said.

"Indeed," Trip said.

The group then went there separate ways for the time being.

"See you at the League!" Iris said.

"Stay strong, you guys!" Ash said.

"Best wishes!" Cilan cheered.


"Axew-ew! Axew-ew!"



As the friends and rivals walked off, As looked down at the trophy and said, "Well, let's get to the Pokemon Center so I can send this home. Mom's gonna be so happy!"

"I'm sure she will," Cilan said.

Ash scratched Pikachu behind the ears, "I owe it all to you, buddy."

Ash then held Iris around her waist and pulled her close. "I would do anything for you, Iris," he said.

Iris blushed, then she suddenly slipped out of Ash's embrace and said, "Race you to the Pokemon Center!"

Ash laughed as Iris took off. "Oh, I'm right behind you, Iris!"

Ash ran off as well, and Cilan ran behind them calling out, "Hey, wait for me!"

And so, our heroes, as well as their friends and rivals, have grown from this experience. Once gain, our heroes have triumphed over those who would use the power of Pokemon for evil. And with the hearts of Ash and Iris now one, things are sure to get interesting with our heroes, as the journey continues. . .

THE END. . . . .

A/N: And that is it! I enjoyed writing this fanfic so much. I might even add to some of the battles and address the ones that I've skipped. But that won't be for a while. This story is finished, and thank you all fro reading and reviewing. And ignore that mean guest review, I WROTE GEORGIA AND BURGUNDY IN CHARACTER! Anyway, before you go, did any of you catch the subtle reference I made to a certain Rankin/Bass film? Let me know if you found it. Well, this is Matthais Unidostres signing off!