Sup guys. Yeah I know I've got 2 other fanfics going right now, but their going kind of slow. I'm still gonna finish them. I'm just gonna be writing this one too. Yeah so I'm gonna do a chapter for each episode of LoSH seasons 1 and 2 and possibly my own version of the would have been season 3 but only if you guys like it enough to the point I think you'll stay with me that long. This is gonna be Brainiac 5/ OC and I really hope ya guys like it and check out my other fics. Well other than that, um I guess just PM if ya wanna chat, need advice, or got writers block. Please don't forget to review, follow and favorite. Love you all.



I hovered near the top of the high domed room, concealed by the shadows as I hid near the center. A giant computer stood in the center of the room, rising from the floor to were I hid and attached itself to the ceiling. It had a pinkish purple glow coming from its screens and a symbol on every monitor. Three circles attached into an upside down open triangle. The "trademark" symbol of one of my least favorite people. Brainiac 5. He typed away at his computer, totally oblivious to my presence. Perfect. Earlier in the year I had stolen some of his cloaking tech. And altered it so his C.O.M.P.U.T.O wouldn't pick me up on its scanners. After a few minutes a girl in a white and pink uniform and blond hair walked through the door. Great, more people that I had to wait for to leave.

"Got anything yet, Brainy?" she asked. Brainiac 5 didn't look to his teammate and continued to fucous on his computer. He shook his head.

"Not yet, Saturn Girl. I can't track back his history before Metropolis. At this rate we will have to attempt this without Superman." I felt a look of surprise plaster itself on my face. They were looking for Superman? Why? They were the Legion of Superheroes. Everyone loved them and more or less did anything they needed. I myself didn't hold them very high on my "Favorite Group or Organization" list. Or very high on anything for that mater. The Legion is responsible for who I am today. I am Robyn. I am a thief encase you hadn't guessed yet. And you have the Legion to thank that I am now the most successful thief in all of the United Planets.

Flashback 1 year ago

"Whats your name?" I looked up to the boy with the lightning scar, well as best as I could with my blindfold on, and stuttered a shy response. I had never been good in front of people.

"I'm- I'm R-Robyn." the girl in pink smiled at me, trying to calm me down a bit.

"How old are you Robyn?" again I stuttered.

"I'm t-twel-ve." the next person that spoke was obliviously a Coluan.

"OK Raven. What's your power?" he asked. I took a deep breath.

"I'm a summoner, a-and I have... Heightened scenes and natural a-abilities." The boy with the lightning scar spoke up again.

"Alright Robyn, show us what you've got." a droid came into the room and...

End of flashback

I shoved the memory out of my mind and pulled myself back to the present. I hadn't gotten in. I was so nervous I kind of jacked up my audition. Getting into the Legion had been my dream. And they crushed it. After that I had nothing. No family. No friends. Only my abilities. And I decided to use them how I wanted. If I couldn't for the Legion, I would work just as hard against it. And don't ask about the blindfold. It's a long, personal, story that I don't want to talk about. I wore it now. I had been for the past seven years of my life. After seven years of not seeing anything for yourself you learn tricks. I sort of became like a bat. Vibrations in the air and ground let me know were things and people were and what they were about to do. Even colors had different vibrations. You just had to pay attention. The only thing I couldn't do was read. And I love to read. So that's really the only downside to the blindfold. Luckily I picked up brail pretty fast.

"Got it." the Coluans voice pulled me back to reality. "Smallville. Saturn Girl can you go get Bouncing Boy? We leave immediately. " finally I thought. Once they left in the Time Pod I got to work. What's the fun in being a criminal if you don't know what your enemy is up to. This thought was running through my head as I attached the undetectable microscopic camera and hacking system to the ceiling. I finished just as three more people barged through the door. Two girls and a boy. The first girl split into three people, purple, white and orange. Triplicate Girl. The other girl phased through the boy who was apparently moving to slow for her liking. Phantom Girl. And last and certainly one of the least, lightning scared boy, Lightning Lad. Triplicate Girl hung up a banner that said "Welcome Superman."

"Voila!" the triplites exclaimed. Phantom Girl looked up and smiled.

"Good job, Triplicate Girl!" I rolled my eyes behind my closed lids. Touching my hand to the roof, I summoned a portal, and by all means... Vanished. I landed in my room. In other words, my house. A one room kind of "Hobbit Hole" but bigger. I plopped down on a beanbag (yes those are still around) and relaxed. I pulled out my computer that I had wired to the camera in Legion HQ focused on the color vibrations on the screen, and gasped. He was a bit smaller than I'd expected but there, chatting it up with the Legion, was Superman. Or Clark Kent rather. There was no way he was Superman yet. I heard Sparky laugh at Brainiac 5 and could practically see Phantom Girls shoulders drop. Wow were they disanointed.

"Is that... Superman?" Phantom Girl pouted.

"Superman? More like Super Geek. Brainy you've outdone yourself this time." Sparky teased. "You really think this guy is going to help us?"

"I know what I'm doing. Just give him a chance." Brainy said. I was about to close my laptop when I heard Brainiac say something that caught my attention.

"I still belive we need some more assistance so I have scheduled a 'meeting' with another super that might be willing to help us a bit." I shrugged. Wonder who it could be. Meanwhile, I kinda want some new toys. I looked in my mirror. Black combat boots that went slightly above my knees with midnight black soles and laces, midnight blue leggings, black shortie shorts, midnight blue belt, a black top with a high collar. The collar was midnight blue and it swirled so that midnight blue rimmed the short sleeves on my black top, it also had a blue lower half and black long sleeves that swooped down like the Emerald Empress's (I hate her more than the Legion) with midnight blue flame patterns at the hems, fingerless gloves, midnight blue ribbons wrapped around my arms just above my elbows and the ends came down to my knees, and of course my black blind fold with blue ends. My hair was a little more than Shoulder length pulled back in a high pony tail. It was dark black with blue bangs and underlayer. I smiled. This was me. This was Robyn. I summoned a portal under my feet and landed on top of a building. The Technological Museum of The 21st and 31st century to be exact. I kind of wanted a few new parts for my computer. I took a deep breath and summoned some lightning. It coursed down through my arms and down into the building, short circuiting all the cameras and defense systems. I summoned a portal and dropped down through the ceiling and lander in a graceful crouch on the ground. I listened and felt for vibrations. There was nothing. I stood cautiously, and only then did I realize my mistake.

"Now!" I tried to run but something closed over me. I was traped in some kind of floating cage. And standing in front of me was none other than the Legion and the newbie "Superman."

"That was easier than expected." stated Bouncing Boy. I growled and used my super strength to try to smash the wall of my floating cell. I punched and it cracked. Wait a minute. Were was Sparky?!

I screamed as electricity ran through the cage and my body. The walls of the cage disappeared, and I fell to the ground. Someone caught me but I blacked out before I could see who.


I woke up with a headache. Actually that's an understatement. I felt like my head exploded and they blended the parts they could find. I groaned, sat up and rubbed my head, feeling vibrations around the room and in the ground to try to figure out were I was. I was in a hospital room?

"What the what? Were, am I?" I mumbled.

"You are in Legion HQ." I jumped and turned to sense, wait for it... Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl, Triplicate Girl, Bouncing Boy, 'Superman', and Brainiac 5. I must really be out of it if I couldn't tell that any of them were there through my normal method of 'seeing'.

"So you caught me. What are ya gonna do now? Arrest me?" I asked swinging my legs over the side of a hospital bed. I reached up to my neck. What? No restraint collar? Normally they put one around my neck to stop my powers when they arrested me.

"No we're not going to arrest you, we need your help." stated Brainiac 5. I laughed.

"The Legion of Superheroes, needs my help?" I laughed some more. "You've got to be joking." I felt the aura in the room. "So you're not joking." I felt a grin spread across my face. "This is too perfect." I could sense Brainiac 5s annoyance. "What could you possibly need my help for?"

"The Fatal Five. I know you have a 'negative' history with the Emerald Empress, so I thought you might be willing to help us out." I tilted my head to the ground and crossed my arms. He was right about the "negative history" at least. I sighed.

"As much as I'd love to pound her pretty little head into the ground," I stated. "I'm not on your side either. I have just as bad a history with you guys. Why should I help you?" Saturn Girl spoke up this time.

"You can disappear." I arched an eyebrow and she must have been able to sense my confusion. "We can fake your death, thievery will be easier that way wont it?" I chuckled.

"Where's the fun in that?" I could tell I surprised her and smiled. "Look if I do help you, and I'm not saying I will, It would be purely for the sake of kicking Green Queens butt." Brainiac 5 spoke up again.

"We're not forcing you to help us, just asking." I turned to him.

"And I'm not helping. Sorry guys, you're on your own." I summoned a portal underneath me, and as the shadows crawled up my body, enveloping me in darkness, I sensed Brainiac 5s disappointed face.

I landed in my room and sat on the floor. Well if I wasn't going to help, I might as well get a decent seat. I pulled out my laptop and hacked the camera in the front of Legion HQ. And low and behold... *dramatic music* the Fatal Five ladies and gentleman, my least favorite people. I laughed as The Legion stood defending their tower.

"This is it?" asked the Green Queen with a chuckle. "I would have expected a bigger turn out from the Legion of Superheroes." Lightning Lad glared at her.

"There's five of them and nine of us, noo problem, right Clark?" stated Bouncing Boy. Suddenly Clark took off. "Uh, we may have a problem."

"Seems you're a little short handed this time." way to state the obvious Green Queen

"Bring it on Green Queen." Hey! He stole that from me! Ouch, talk about irony. Cuz you know im a thief.. And... I steal stuff so... Yeah... *crickets chirp* "We put you away once we'll do it again.

She smirked "Take 'em down boys." she raised her hand and the battle began. I watched as first Triplicate girl, Phantom Girl, and Bouncing Boy fell to the... All powerful eyeball. Hahaha I crack myself up. Saturn Girl had lasted longer than I'd expected. So had Sparky. Brainiac 5 was next, and I don't know why but suddenly rage boiled in me. I'd tried all my life to isolate my self from people but maybe I had let this game of Cat and Mouse get to close to a "Frienemy" relationship.

I summoned a portal and dropped into the battle. As I fell I kicked the eye, weirdest thing I have ever said, and landed on the ground.

"What?" Green Queen was shocked. "What are you doing here?" I grinned.

"That's for me to know, and you to be upset about." and with that I charged. Just as I was about to kick her in the gut she grabbed my foot and I was dangling in the air... By my foot... Not the best moment of my life. Lucky for me, Clark came literally, crashing down. He came coughing out of the dust and glared at the Empress.

"Let them go Empress." she chuckled.

"Love the cape, very... 21st century." Clark looked to me hanging by my foot.

"What are you doing?" I tried to smile.

"Oh you know, just hanging around." He grinned and looked back to the Empress.

"Last Chance." he said.

"You're braver than you look, but im afraid you're too late." hello? Still danglin'. "teach him some manners guys." and the Fatal Five attacked. The Empress tossed me aside and I landed on my bum. OK officially the worst day of my life. By the time I got up they had already pinned Clark down. Wow they work fast! I yelped in pain as electricity shot through my system, again, and Tharok held my arms behind my back. Not that it mattered, I was half conscious and in no fighting condition.

"Now play nice, and look into the eye." She persuaded. He grunted with effort.

"If that's, what you, really want." he opened his eyes and lasers burst from them and shot the eye. (this is officially the weirdest day of my life) He closed then opened them again and an entire blast erupted. Leaving Clark and I surprisingly untouched. I looked over to the Legion when I heard Brainiac 5s voice.

"Hey their getting back up." he stated. Sparky grinned and his scar lit up.

"Then let's go put 'em down for good." most of that battle passed in a blur. But Persuader got his butt whooped with his own ax, Tharok was being chased by a battle mode Brainy, why didn't he just do that in the first place?, Saturn Girl, or Pinkey, was controlling Validus's mind, Sparky was about to take on Mano but Validus picked him up and tossed him around a bit, and last but not least, Clark was taking on the Empress. I summoned a huge wolf at one point and rode it around chasing persuader around with Ghost Girl and Trip. The battle ended more or less when Clark froze her and her Eye, and everyone's battles seemed to be over. I had helped with a bit of most of them, I had played ping pong with Brainy (the ball was Tharok), and kicked Persuader around a bit (With his ax). I was smiling when suddenly I couldn't sense the presence of the Fatal Five anymore.

"Hey, where did they go?" Clark asked.

"Teleported. They could be anywhere in the galaxy at this point, but I think they got the message." stated Brainy.

"Good riddance." I said. Everyone then turned to me.

"What?" I asked, shrugging.

"What changed your mind?" asked Brainy. I shrugged again.

"Like I was gonna let you guys have all the fun." I smiled.

Later in Legion HQ

"I knew he could do it." Boasted Lightning Lad. Everyone crowded around him and he slumped his shoulders in defeat. "Well not at first."

"Do you guys always have this much fun?" Asked Clark.

"Pretty much." Replied Phantom Girl.

"I Guess we'll take you home now." Sulked Brainy. I rolled my eyes.

"Hold on a second," Clark said. "You said you could take me back to the same moment I left right?" Brainy nodded. "You know I really didn't get a chance to see New Metropolis."

"And you didn't really get a chance to try out all your powers." Saturn Girl stated. Brainy smiled, and so did I. Wait, what?

"Maybe I should stay a little while longer." Clark said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well as long as you're here," Brainy said, walking up to Clark. He opened up a box with a belt and a rin inside. "You'll be needing these." Clark clasped the belt around his waist and slid the ring on his middle finger.

Phantom Girl: Alright Clark!

Trips 1-3: Yeah!

Bouncing Boy: Congratulations Clark!

Then Lightning Lad ruined the moment. "You Know Clark Just doesn't cut it as a superhero name." I rolled my eyes. Oh here we go. It surprised me to find a smile on my face at this. "If you're gonna be on the team, you're gonna need a new handle, just like the rest of us."

"I already have one." wonder what it could be? Stop! No more smiling! I laughed because this thought only made me smile more.

"You do?" Oh really? You're surprised?

"Superman." Oo shocker. Everyone turned to me.

"What about you Robyn?" Brainy asked, Holding out another Box. I looked at him (or in his direction, blindfold remember) and shrugged.

"What the heck. Why not." I could feel his grin. It was stinken' contagious, because I felt one plaster itself on my face. I clasped the belt around my waist and slid the ring on. My dream had come true. A little to late. I still wasn't very fond of them. And it would stay that way.

"So why are we just flying randomly over New Metropolis?" I asked as we were... Well you read it in the dialogue I don't need to say it again. Lightning Lad looked back at me annoyed and slightly ticked.

"Cuz it's dramatic, that's why." I rolled my eyes.

"Touchy much?" I mumbled under my breath. Brainys robo ears must have picked it up because he chuckled. Suddenly Superman began to drop out of the sky, but quickly regained his balance.

"Tubulins." he mumbled to Brainy.

"Try it like this." Brainy suggested, showing him a position to fly in. He tried it.

"Hey! I like it!" He said, flying to the front of the group.

"Dude! That's my spot!" whined Lightning Lad. I chuckled and flew up to Superman's old spot next to Brainy.

"Not anymore it's not." A smile spread across my face as I heard a chuckle from Brainy. Only for today, I would let myself feel like I belonged. Only today.

Sweet holy sanity that took forever. It took me 3 stinkin' days to write. Whoo. Well, next chapter comin' as soon as possible. Hopefully it wont take this long. I actuality had to watch the episode as I wrote this to get dialogue right. Well I hope you enjoyed.