"Hi, Neville!"

"Hi, Luna. How are you?"

"I'm quite good. I was just thinking about how Nargles tell each other they have found their soul mate."

"Oh, really? Sounds very...interesting, Luna."

"Oh it is. First they take their noses and press them together like this." Luna demonstration having the very tip of her nose touch his."Then they blink three times," again Luna demonstrated letting her long lashes brush against Neville. "Then they grab their hands, pull apart and spin before pulling them back into their embrace."

"Very interesting, Luna."

"Oh it really is! So much clearer then humans. If only people could do that to each other, like I just did to you, and use that to tell someone just how much they mean to them."

"I'm sure people would be very dizzy, Luna."

"But it would be a good kind of dizzy. Like after that spin, I am feeling a very good of dizzy, Neville, aren't you?"

"I suppose, Luna."

"Do plants tell each other they love each other, Neville?"

"Not exactly, Luna, they are just plants."

"So Venomous Tentactula don't tickle each other like this?"

"No, Luna, they don't, its just pollen."

"Do you want to hear about how Flibberdigibbets tell someone they love them?"

"Not right now, Luna. I am studying for my Herbology Masters. Professor Sprout wants to retire but she wants me to be ready to take her spot before she does."

"Fine then, Neville Longbottom!"

"Luna, whats wrong?"


"Luna, I'm sorry. I need a break anyways tell me about how the Flibberywhoisit tells another one that it likes it."

"I don't care anymore."

"Why not?"

"Because you are oblivious, Neville!"

"What? I'm oblivious to what?"

Luna pulled him close again, put her nose right to his, she again gently brushed her eyelashes against him, before spinning him and pulling him back into a kiss.



"And I really didn't notice."


"Must have been the Nargles."

With that Luna pulled him in close again, never wanting to let him go.