Hi everyone! This is my first fanfiction so please help me improve my stories . I'll try really hard to use correct grammar and spelling and stuff, but if I make a mistake somewhere please tell me so I can fix it as soon as possible!

The story takes place AFTER the seven years thing. And there may be some fighting scenes where they're all rather powerful, so you can pretend that they've all finished their training :3 There also might be some OC's, but I don't have any in mind right now.

And with that note, enjoy the story!

Lucy shivered, wrapping her bare arms around herself. The forest night was dark, and very, very cold.

But it was beautiful. She could see just a little of the full moon, and the light that trickled though the forest's thick branches.

But beautiful or not, there aren't many things she wouldn't give to be in her cozy little apartment right now, soaking in her deep bathtub with its wonderfully hot water. She desperately wished she could summon Horologium, but she was completely depleted of magic power. Since fewer people were on the job than usual, she had to do more of the fighting. She thought back to that same morning, remembering the excuses of her other teammates.

I'm sorry Lucy, but the Master had asked me to take out a Dark guild that's been a bit too rowdy lately. I'll be sure to come next time though.

Sorry Lucy, but I already promised Juvia that I'd take her out somewhere to eat today. Really wish I could come though...

U-um, sorry Lucy-san, but Grandine-san had asked me to help her gather some herbs today. I'm sorry!

I'm not going today Lucy, I'm bringing Carla to see lots a pretty fishes! Take care of Natsu though!

The Celestial wizard sighed, but knew that they couldn't come on missions with her all the time.

But still... she thought, looking at the pink-headed juvenile, why on Earthland do I have to be alone with him.

It wasn't really that she was afraid of him or anything, it was just so damn awkward. Usually, there was Gray to start an argument with Natsu, Happy to make things more complicated, Erza to quickly silence them with her commanding tone, and little Wendy for Lucy to chat with and share her sympathy.

But today was pretty much wordless. She and Natsu had met the client, kicked a few monsters' asses, went back to the client, and started heading home. Heck, they didn't even take a train. Though Lucy felt rather bad seeing him doubled over in his seat, she found it a bit amusing to see the almighty Dragon Slayer be so easily subdued by something like motion sickness.

"Hey, Lucy." The teenager broke into her thoughts.

"Hm?" she replied half-heartedly. She just wanted to get home as soon as possible.

"We can't make it back to Magnolia Town today."

"WHAT?!" she screeched, her hands flying up to the air in protest. "But I really need to get home!"

"Quiet down Lucy, you'll wake up all the animals-"


And just then, she felt a prickly sensation on her exposed lower back. "KYAAAAAA!" she screamed, and fled without looking, running straight into Natsu.

Natsu chuckled and said "You better not, cuz I think the animals are gonna get mad." He pointed at the dangling tarantula where Lucy was half a minute ago.

Trembling, she nodded a silent agreement.

Holding onto Lucy's wrist (who was still dazed) he pulled her along until they came by a small cave.

He sniffed at the opening, using his heightened sense of smell to determine whether or not the cave was uninhabited.

It was. He grinned to himself. Perfect.

"Hey Lucy, I found our home for tonight."

Lucy quickly snapped back to life, carefully inspecting the cave. It was the perfect size for the both of them, being a couple inches higher than Natsu, and almost as wide as twice her wingspan.

"It looks pretty cold." She commented, as she stared into the cave.

Natsu shrugged. "I can make it warm soon enough." Still holding her wrist, he carefully led her into the cave, surprised at how smooth the ground has. After a minute or so, he reached the back of the cave, and traced his fingertips on the stone wall. He tilted his head. There's some sort of carving here. He thought. He let go of Lucy, and summoned a bright, warm fire to his hand.

Lucy closed her other hand around the skin of her wrist that was in Natsu's hand seconds ago. It's so warm... she thought, staring at it in the dark.

"Lucy, ya' know what this says?"

Lucy lifted her head and Natsu moved aside, allowing her to see the strange letters in the wall. The strange symbols were unfamiliar to her. "No idea. But we should bring Levy here to check it out sometime." She smiled, remembering her peppy, blue haired friend.

Lucy peered at Natsu's face, surprised to see how absorbed he was into the carvings. He was truly interested, and that was pretty rare when it came to the carefree, reckless fire mage. Suddenly worried, she asked "Hey Natsu, you okay?"

After a few moments, he said "Yeah, I'm fine." He lowered his flame-lit hand. "It's just... these letters remind me of Igneel."

He didn't sound sad at all, yet Lucy was. She knew Igneel was his foster father, an actual dragon who taught him his magic and everything else he knows. Natsu had no memories of his birth parents. Igneel was all he had, but one day, the lizard just upped and left.

And that's when he joined Fairy Tail, a boisterous guild in Magnolia Town, where hearts are vast and everyone is family, including her and Natsu. She had come to love the guild, and would protect it with her life without hesitation. She knew the pink-headed Dragon Slayer would do the same.

She sincerely hoped Igneel had a good reason for leaving his foster child. And not just him either. Wendy's and Gajeel's dragons had left the as well. And the most surprising part was, all on the same day.

Natsu noticed her mood, and said "Lucy, don't be sad, I'm fine."

"...Really?" she asked, looking up at him.

He grinned. "Really." He extinguished his fire, and walked over to a corner. He yawned, his mouth as big as a dragon's. "I'm kinda tired now. You cold? You could sleep with me." He patted the ground in front of his outstretched legs.

His unnaturally warm body heat was rather tempting, but the thought embarrassed her. She hoped the dark hid her heated cheeks. "I-in your dreams. I'll be fine." She went to the opposite corner, and settled as best she could onto the smooth ground. And, thankfully, she fell asleep almost immediately.

Natsu stared, and, after a couple moments, went to sleep as well.

Natsu groggily opened his eyes, and looked outside. The moon stared back at him,

He'd woken up in the middle of the night.

Inwardly groaning, he tried to go back to sleep, but the air smelled wrong...

Lucy, was huddled in the corner, shivering in her sleep furiously. He growled. She was on the verge of getting sick. He immediately thought of hugging her to keep her warm, but was hesitant. She would most certainly hit him for putting her in his arms without permission.

In the end, he decided a slightly mad Lucy would be better than a sick Lucy, and walked over to her. He sat next to her, and carefully lifted her in front of him, their legs stretched out. He adjusted his body temperature until he decided she wouldn't get too hot, and wrapped his arms around her. She immediately stopped shivering, and let out slow, steady breaths.

Surprised by how nice it felt, he leaned back on the wall, and let sleep overtake him once more.

Thank you for reading the first chapter of 'Crossfire'! I would greatly appreciate any comments and reviews. Please look forward to the next chapter!