May 13, 2015

I feel pretty shitty for stealing someone's journal. Hey world, I'm Adrian! I'm 28, good looking, and ready to mingle. Alright, maybe not, but I just found this dude's journal and after reading it, I'm on the fence about going to find this kid's mom. Damn. This shit was written like three and a half years ago. She's probably dead by now. I took this kid's radio and there was a little note attached. "I'm coming for you, stay where you are, honey." It was marked with March 1, 2013. That was two years ago. I'm guessing that the person that contacted him was his mom and she either never came or died along the way.

I had to kill the kid when I broke in here. He was shuffling around with a couple other zombies when I found him. It sucks that I had to put the kid down Old Yella style. There was a Succubus in the basement as well. Oh yeah, it's been a couple years, so I'll fill you in if you have no fucking clue what I'm saying.

A succubus is a female demon that takes the form of a beautiful woman and seduces men to take their souls during sex. Kinky, right? WRONG. There's no demons here, but these kinds of zombies are somewhat close. They resemble perfectly healthy humans, and actually, they are still human. The minds of the Succubuses are taken over by another form of the virus that acts as a mind control agent. Their bite marks heal and act somewhat normal. The only thing is that they can't be in the sunlight and only go out in the dark. Unlike a regular zombie, these Succubuses will infiltrate your emotions. You'll hear them cry for help in the night, just to fool you. One of them killed my best friend. We were in a large group about six months ago. Nobody had ever seen these new zombies yet. He heard a cry for help and he took off running towards the voice. She was cut, and screamed for him to come help. As he drew closer, the screaming started to subside. He got close to her and started treating to her wounds. As soon as he touched her, she snapped. Her eyes went black and she lunged in to bite him. The bitch devoured him in seconds and came after us. Of course, we shot her repeatedly. Fuck that shit, right?

Anyway, I'm going off on a tangent. To close up this chapter, I just want to be blunt. There are new zombies; they've evolved. I'm gonna wait here for a while until I run out of supplies. This kid stocked up a lot of canned food. Thanks, Pat. I owe you one in the afterlife.
